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" Ruler of the universe, who dost from thy throne behold all the dwellers upon earth ; ... most heartily we beseech thee, with thy favor to behold and bless thy servant, The President of the United States, and all others in authority... "
The American Journal of Education - الصفحة 41
المحررون: - 1864
عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments, and Other ...

Episcopal Church - 1819 - عدد الصفحات: 554
...from fhy th.ont' behold all the dwellers upon earth ; most heartily we beseech thee, with thy favour to behold and bless thy servant, The President of the United States, and all others in authority ; and so replenish them with the grace of thy Holy Spirit, that they may always...

The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments, and Other ...

1822 - عدد الصفحات: 444
...United States, and all in Civil Authority. upon earth ; most heartily we beseech thee, with thy favour to behold and bless thy servant, The President of the United States, and all others in authority ; and so replenish them with the grace of thy holy Spirit, that they may always...

Family Prayers: Collected from the Sacred Scriptures, the Book of Common ...

William Meade - 1834 - عدد الصفحات: 150
...for the people of these United States, and those who are appointed to rule over them. Most heartily we beseech thee with thy favor to behold and bless thy servant, the President of these United States, and all others in authority. Direct and prosper all their consultations to the...

Lessons on Elocution: Accompanied by Instructions and Criticisms on the ...

Thomas Sheridan - 1834 - عدد الصفحات: 214
...from thy throne behold all the dwellers upon earth" most heartily we beseech thee' with thy favour to behold' and bless thy servant' the President of the United States' and all others in authority" and so replenish them with the grace of thy Holy Spirit' that they may always...

Psalms, in Metre, Selected from the Psalms of David

Episcopal Church - 1835 - عدد الصفحات: 406
...Ruler of the universe, who dost from thy throne behold all the dwellers upon earth ; most heartily we beseech thee, with thy favor to behold and bless...thy servant^ The President of the United States, and atl others in authority ; and so replenish them with the grace of thy holy Spirit, that they may always...

The Book of Common Prayer: And Administration of the Sacraments, and Other ...

Episcopal Church - 1835 - عدد الصفحات: 636
...from thy throne behold all the dwellers upon earth ; most heartily we beseech thee, with thy favour to behold and bless thy servant, The President of the United States, and all others in authority ; and so replenish them with the grace of thy holy Spirit, that they may always...

The Book of common prayer. [With] Psalms, in metre, selected from the Psalms ...

1835 - عدد الصفحات: 604
...from thy throne behold all the dwell ers upon earth; most heartily we beseech thec, with thy favour to behold and bless thy servant, The President of the United States, and all others in authority ; and so replenish them with the grace of thy holy Spirit, that they may always...

The New Monthly Belle Assemblée, المجلدات 66-67

عدد الصفحات: 738
...same book, and I read the words more familiar to me : ' Most heartily we beseech Thee with Thy favour to behold and bless Thy servant, the President of the United States, and all others in authority,' and the rest of the Episcopal collect. ' Danforth,' said he, ' I have repeated...

The Ladies' Cabinet of Fashion, Music & Romance

1867 - عدد الصفحات: 740
...same book, and I read the words more familiar to me : ' Most heartily we beseech Thee with Thy favour to behold and bless Thy servant, the President of the United States, and all others in authority,' and the rest of the Episcopal collect. ' Danforth,' said he, ' I have repeated...

The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments, and Other ...

Episcopal Church - 1841 - عدد الصفحات: 408
...Ruler of the universe, who dost from thy throne behold all the dwellers upon earth ; most heartily we beseech thee, with thy favor to behold and bless...thy servant, The President of the United States, and all others in authority ; and so replenish them with the grace of thy holy Spirit, that they may always...

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