A Collection of Theological Tracts, in Six Volumes. By Richard Watson, ...J. Archdeacon, 1785 |
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الصفحة 3
... thofe two fenfes . And there may be paffages of ancient writers , where it would be difficult to determine , which of them is in- tended . 4 " " St. Paul has twice used the word canon , or rule . Gal . vi . 16. As many as walk according ...
... thofe two fenfes . And there may be paffages of ancient writers , where it would be difficult to determine , which of them is in- tended . 4 " " St. Paul has twice used the word canon , or rule . Gal . vi . 16. As many as walk according ...
الصفحة 12
... thofe books , of which Eufebe fpeaks , as contradicted in his time , though well known : concerning which there were doubts , whether they were writ by the perfons , whose names they bear , or whether the writers were Apostles of Chrift ...
... thofe books , of which Eufebe fpeaks , as contradicted in his time , though well known : concerning which there were doubts , whether they were writ by the perfons , whose names they bear , or whether the writers were Apostles of Chrift ...
الصفحة 13
Richard Watson. For it contains only thofe books , which were acknowledged by all in the time of Eufebe , and from the beginning , and feven other , which were then well known , and were next in esteem to thofe before mentioned , as ...
Richard Watson. For it contains only thofe books , which were acknowledged by all in the time of Eufebe , and from the beginning , and feven other , which were then well known , and were next in esteem to thofe before mentioned , as ...
الصفحة 16
... thofe who were difciples of Christ , fays : " The ( p ) names of our Saviour's Apoftles are well known from " the Gofpels . But there is no where extant a catalogue of the seven- ty difciples . However , it is faid , that Barnabas was ...
... thofe who were difciples of Christ , fays : " The ( p ) names of our Saviour's Apoftles are well known from " the Gofpels . But there is no where extant a catalogue of the seven- ty difciples . However , it is faid , that Barnabas was ...
الصفحة 24
... thofe , who think Luke to be here intended . But he does not think , that St. Paul refers to his book of the Gofpel , which was not then published : but to the office of an Evangelift , which Luke had discharged in feveral places , or ...
... thofe , who think Luke to be here intended . But he does not think , that St. Paul refers to his book of the Gofpel , which was not then published : but to the office of an Evangelift , which Luke had discharged in feveral places , or ...
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Acts Afia againſt alfo alſo ancient Antioch Apoftles Apoftoli autem Bafnage Barnabas becauſe Biſhop Chriftians church Clement of Alexandria Coloffians Corinth countrey difciples Domitian ecclefia effe enim Ephefians Ephefus epiftle epiftola Epiphanius etiam Eufebe Eufebius Evangelifts faid falutations fame fays fecond feems feen fent feven fhall fhew fhould firft firſt fome foon fpeaks fuch fuiffe funt fuppofed Galatians Gentils Gofpel hæc Hebrews hiftorie himſelf impriſonment Irenæus James Jefus Chrift Jerome Jerufalem Jewiſh Jews John Judea likewife Lord Lord's Luke Macedonia Marcion Mark Matthew mentioned moſt muſt Nevertheleſs obferved occafion Oecumenius paffage Paul Paul's epiftles Paulus perfons Peter poft preached prefent Proleg publiſhed purpoſe quæ quam quod reaſon Rome ſays ſeems ſeveral ſome ſpeaks ſuppoſed Teftament teftimonie Tertullian thefe Theodoret theſe things thofe thoſe Timothie tranſcribed Tychicus unto uſe viii words writ writing wrote δὲ ἐν καὶ τὴν τῆς τὸ τῶν