صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Fate, får, fåll, fât;—mè, mêt ;—plne, pîn;—

Blaze, blaze. s. a flame; publication; a white Blindness, blind'-nês. s. want of sight; igno mark upon a horse.

Blaze, blaze. v. n. to flame, to be conspicuous. Blaze, blaze. v. a. to publish, to make known; to blazon; to inflame.

Blazer, bla-zar. s. one that spreads reports. Blazon, bla'-zn. v. a. to paint the figures on en signs armorial; to embellish; to display, to make publick.

Blazonry, bla'-zn-rè. s. the art of blazoning.
Bleach, blèètsh. v. a. to whiten.
Bleak, bleke. a. pale; cold, chill.
Bleakness, bleke'-nes. s. coldness, chilness.
Blear, bleer. a. dim with rheum or water; ob-
scure in general.

Blearedness, bleè'-rêd-nês. s. the state of being dimmed with rheum.

Bleat, blète. v. n. to cry as a sheep.
Bleat, blete. s. the cry of a sheep or lamb.
Bleed, bleed. v. n. to lose blood, to run or drop
as blood.

Bleed, bleed. v. a. to let blood.

Blemish, blêm'-ish. v. a. to deform; to defame. Blemish, blêm'-ish. s. a mark of deformity, a scar; reproach, disgrace.

Blend, blend. v. a. to mingle together.
Bless, blês. v. a. to make happy; to praise.
Blessed, bles'-sed. part. a. happy, enjoying
heavenly felicity.

Blessedness, blessed-nês. s. happiness, felicity.
Blessing, blês-sing, s. benediction;, the means
of happiness; Divine favour.
Blest, blest. part. a. happy.
Blew, blu, the pret. of blow. [blasting.
Blight, bilte. s. mildew, any thing nipping or
Blight, blite. v. a. to blast, to hinder from fer-

Blind, blind. a. without sight, dark; obscure.
Blind, blind. v a. to make blind, to darken.
Blind, blinds something to hinder the sight;
something to mislead.

Blindfold, blind'-fold. v. a. to hinder from seeing by blinding the eyes. [ered. Blindfold blind-fold. a. having the eyes covBlindly, blind'-lè. ad. without sight; without examination, judgement, or direction. Blindman's Buff, blind-mânz-båt. s. a childish play.


Blindside, blind-side'. s. weakness, foible. Blink, blink. v. n. to wink; to see obscurely. Blinkard, blink'-ård. s. one that has bad eyes. Bliss, blis. s the highest degree of happiness: felicity. [gree

Blissful, blis'-ful. a. happy in the highest de Blister, blis-tur. s. a pustule formed by raising the cuticle from the cutis.

Blister, blts'-tur. v. n. to rise in blisters. [hurt. Blister, blis'-tår. v. a. to raise blisters by some Blithe, bllтHe. a. gay, airy.


Blithsome, bliTH'-sim. a. gay, cheerful.
Bloat, blote. v. a. to swell.
Bloat, blote. v. n. to grow turgid.
Bloatedness, blo'-têd-nês. s. turgidness; swel
B.obberlip, blob'-bar-lip. s. a thick lip.
Block, blok. s. a short, heavy piece of timber
a rough piece of marble; an obstruction, a
pulley; a blockhead.

Block, blok. v. a. to shut up, to enclose. Blockade, blôk-kade'. s a siege carried on ov shutting up the place.

Blockade, blok-kade'. v. a. to shut up. Blockhead, blok'-hed. s. a stupid fellow, a doh Biockish, blok'-ish. a. stupid, dull. Blockishness, blok'-ish-nês. s. stupidity. Blood, blåd. s. the red liquor that circulates in bodies; kindred; murder; state of the pas sions; man of fire.

Blood, blud. v. a. to stain with blood; to inure to blood; to exasperate. Blood-flower, blüd-flour, s. a plant. Bloodguiltiness, blud-gilt-è-nês. s. murder: Blood-hound, blåd'-hound. s. a hound that fol lows by the scent.

Bloodily, blâd'-è-le. ad. cruelly: [bloody Bloodiness, blud'-e-nes. s the state of being Bloodless, blad-les. a. without blood, dead; without slaughter.

a. filled with blood bursting from

Bloodshed, blad'-shed: s. the crime of blood, or murder; slaughter. Bloodshot, blåd'-shot. Bloodshotten, blåd'-shot-tn. its proper vessels. Bloodsucker, blüd'-såkår. s. any thing that sucks blood,

a leech, a fly

nỏ, môve, nỗr, nôt ;—tube, tub, bill ;—bil;poānd ;—thin, THis

Blood-thirsty, blâd'-thårs-tè. a. desirous to shed Bluntly, blånt'-lè. ad. without sharpness; coarseblood. ly, plainly.

Bloody, blåd'è. a. stained with blood; cruel, Bluntness, blånt'-nês. s. want of edge; rudeness. murderous. [maturity. Blur, blår. s. a blot, a stain.

Bloom, bloom. s. a blossom; the state of im-Blur, blår. v. a. to blot, to efface; to stain. Bloom, bloom. v. n. to bring or yield blossoms ; Blush, blush. v. n. to betray shame or confusion to be in a state of youth. by a red colour in the cheeks; to carry a red colour.

Bloomy, bloom'-mè. a. full of bloom, flowery. Blossom, blos -sam. s. the flower that grows on any plant.

Blossom, blos'-süm. v. n. to put forth blossoms. Blot, blot. v. a. to obliterate, to efface, to erase; to disgrace, to disfigure; to darken. Blot, blot. s. an obliteration of scanething written; a blur, a spot.

Blotch, blotsh. s. a spot or pustule upon the skin. Blow, blo. s. a stroke; a single action, a sudden


Blow, bld. v. n. to move with a current of air; to breathe hard; to sound by being blown; to play musically by wind; to bloom; to blossom.

[blocks in formation]

Blusterer, blås'-tür-år. s. a swaggerer, a bully
Blustrous, blås'-trås. a. tumultuous, noisy..
Bo, bò. interj. a word of terror.
Boar, bore, s. the male swine.

Board, bord. s. a piece of wood of more length and breadth than thickness; a table at which a court is held.

Board, bord. v. a. to enter a ship by force; to lay or pave with boards.

Board, bord. v. n. to live in a house where certain rate is paid for eating.

Blow, blò v. a. to drive by the force of the wind; to inflate with wind; to swell into size; to sound an instrument of wind-musick; to in-Board-wages, börd-wà'-jíz. s. an allowance for fect with the eggs of flies.

Blowze, blöůze. s. a ruddy, fat-faced wench. Blowzy, blou-zè. a. sun-burnt, high-coloured. Blubber, blåb'-bår. s. the part of a whale that contains the oil.

Blubber, blåb'-bår. v. n. to weep in such a manner as to swell the cheeks. Bludgeon, blåd'-jûn. s. a short stick, with one end loaded.

Blue, blu. a. one of the seven original colours.
Bluely, blu-lè. ad. with a blue colour.
Blueness, blu-nes. s. the quality of being blue.
Bluff, blaf. a. big, surly, blustering.
Bluish, bl-ish. a. blue in a small degree.
Blunder, blůn'-dår. v. n. to mistake grossly; to
Blunder, blån'-dår. v. a. to mix foolishly, or
Blunder, blin'-dår. s. a gross or shameful mis-

Blunderbuss, blan'-dar-bas. s. a short gun.
Blunderer, blån'-dår-år. s. a blockhead.
Blunt, blunt a. dull; rough, abrupt.
Blunt, blant, v. a. to dull the edge or point.



[other. Boarder, bor-dur. s. one who diets with, anBoarish, bère'-ish. a. swinish, brutal, cruel. Boast, bost. v. n. to display one's own worth or actions.

[exalt. Boast, bost. v. a. to brag of; to magnify, to Boast, bost. s. a proud speech; cause of boast Boaster, bost'-år. s. a bragger. Ting. Boastful, bost'-ful. a. ostentatious. Boastingly, bost'-ing-lè. ad. ostentatiously. Boat, bote. s. a vessel to pass the water in Boation, bo-a'-shun. s. roar, noise. Boatman, bote'-mân. s. he that manages a boat Boatswain, bo'-sn. s. an officer on board a ship, who has charge of all her rigging, cables and anchors.

Bob, bôb. v. a. to beat, to drub; to cheat. Bob, bob. v. n. to play backward and forward. Bob, bôb. s. something that hangs loose; the words repeated at the end of a stanza; blow; a short wig.

Bobbin, bôb'-bin. s. a small pin of wood with


Fate, får, fåll, fât;-mè, mêt;-pine, pin;

Bobcherry, Doo'-tshêr-rè, s. a play among

Bobtailed, bob'-tåld. a. having a tail cut.
Bobwig, bob'-wig. s. a short wig.
Bode, bode. v. a. to portend, to be the omen of.
Bodement, bode'-mat. s. portent, omen.
Bodge, bôdje. v. n. to boggle.
Bodice, bod-dis. s. a sort of stays." [body.
Bodiless, bôd'-de-lês. a. incorporeal, without a
Bodily, bod'-de-le. a. relating to the body, real.
Bodily, bod'-de-lè. ad. corporeally.
Bodkin, bod-kin. s. an instrument to draw a
thread or ribband through a loop.
Body, bôd'-dè. s. matter, opposed to spirit; a
person; a collective mass; a corporation.
Body-clothes, bôd-de-kloze. s. clothing for
horses that are dieted.

Bog, bog, s. a marsh, a fen, a morass.
Boggle, bog-gl. v. n. to fly back; to hesitate.
Boggler, bog'-glår. s. a doubter, a timorous


Boggy, bog'-gè. a. marshy, swainpy.
Boghouse, hog'-house. s. a house of office.
Bohea, bo-ne'. s. a species of tea.

Boil, boil. v. n. to be agitated by heat; to move
like boiling water
Boil, boil. v. a. to seeth; to dress in boiling
Boiler, boil-ar. s. the vessel in which any thing
is boiled.

Poisterous, bois'-ter-us. a. loud, stormy; furious.
Boisterously, bols'-têr-ås-lè. ad. violently, tu-

Bolt, bolt. v. n. to spring out with speed and
[from bran.
Bolter, bolt'-år. s. a sieve o separate meal
Bolting-house, bolt -ing house. s. the place
where meal is sifted.

Bolus, bo'-lus. s. a medicine made into a soft
mass, larger than pills.

Bomb, bám. s. an iron hell, filled with gun
powder, and furnished with a vent for
fusee, or wooden tube, filled with combus
tible matter, to be thrown out from à mortar.
Bombard, bum'-bård. s. a great gun; a barrel
of wine.'

Bombard, bâm-bård'. v. a. to attack with bombs
Bombardier, bâm-bår-dèèr'. s. the engineer
whose office is to shoot bombs.
Bombardment, bảm-bård'-ment. s. an attack
made by throwing bombs.

Bombasin, bum-ba-zèèn'. s. a slight silken stuff
Bombast, baun bâst'. s. fustian; big words.
Bombast, hum-bast'. a. high-sounding.
Bombastick, bâm-bâs'-tik. a. high-sounding


Bombulation, bum-bu-là'-shun. s. sound, noise.
Bond, bond. s. a ligament that holds any thing
together; union; a writing of obligation.
Bondage, bon-daje. s. captivity, imprisonment
Bondmaid, bond'-måde. s. a woman slave.
Bondman, bond'-mân. s. a man slave.
Bondslave, bond'-slave. s. a man in slavery.
Bondsman, bôndz'-mân. s. one bound for an-

Boisterousness, bois'-têr-ås-nês. s. tumultuous-Bond woman, bond'-wåm-ån. s. a woman slave.

ness, turbulence.

Bold, bold. a. daring, stout; impudent.
Bolden, bold-dn. v. a. to make bold.
Boldfaced, bold'-faste. a. impudent.
Boldly, bold'-le. ad. in a bold manner.
Boldness, bold'-nês. s. courage, bravery; im-
[of six bushels.
Bole, bole. s. a kind of earth; a corn measure
Boll, bole. s. a round stalk or stem.
Bolster, bole'-stur. s. something laid in the bed,
to support the head; a pad or quilt.
Bolster, bole'-star. v. a. to support, maintain.
Bolt, bolt. s. an arrow, a dart; a thunder-bolt;
the bar of a door.

Bolt, bolt. v. a. to shut or fasten with a bolt.

Bone, bone.s. the solid parts of the body.
Bone, bone. v. a. to take out the bones from
the flesh:

Boneless, bone'-les. a. without boues.
Bonesetter, bone'-set-tår. s. one who sets bones
Bonfire, bon'-fire. s. a fire made for triumph.
Bonnet, bôn'-nit. s. a hat, a cap.

Bonnily, bôn'-nè-lè. ad. gaily, handsomely.
Bonny, bon'-nè. a. handsome, beautifu; gay.
Bonny-clabber, bon-né-kláb-bûr. s. sour but
Bony, bo'-ne. a. consisting of bones; full of
Booby, boo' bè. s. a dull, stupid fellow,

Book, book. s. a volume in which we read o


no, move, nôr, nôt ;-tube, tub, båll ;-811;-pound;-thin, THIS.
Bore, bore. pret. of bear
Boreal, bo'-ré-ål. a. northern.
Boreas, bo'-re-âs. s. the north wind.
Boree, bo-rèè'. s. a step in dancing.
Born, born. part. come into life.
Borne, borne. part. carried, supported.
Borough, bår-rò. s. a town with a corporation.
Borrow, bor-rò. v. a. to ask the use of some-
thing for a time; to use as one's own.
Borrower, bor-ro-ar. s. he that borrows.
Boscage, bos'-kaje. s. wood,,or woodlands.
Bosky, bos'-ke. a. woody.

Book, book. v. a. to register in a book.
Bookbinder, book'-bind-år. s. one who binds
Bookful, book'-ful. a. crowded with undigested
Bookish, book-ish. a. given to books.
Bookishness, book'-ish-nês. s. overstudiousness.
Book-learning, book'-lern-ing. s. acquaintance
with books.
Bookmate, book-måte. s. a school fellow.
Bookseller, hook'-sel-lår. s. a man whose pro-
fession is to sell books

Bookworm, book'-warm. s. a mite that eats
holes in books; a close student.
Boom, boom. s. a bar laid across a harbour.
Boom, bobin. v. n. to rush with violence.
Boon, boon. v. a gift, a grant.
Boon, boon. a. gay, merry.
Boor, boor. s. a lout, a clown.
Boorish, boor'-ish. a. clownish, rustick.
Boorishness, boor'-ish-nés. s. coarseness of
[on boots.
Boot, boot. v. a. to profit, to advantage; to put
Boot, boot. s. profit, gain, advantage; a cover-
ing for the leg; the place under the coach-



Boot-catcher, boot'-kêtsh-år. s. the person at
an inn who puils off boots.
Booted, boot-êd. a. in boots.
Booth, booTH. s. a house built of boards, or
Bootless, boot'-lês. a. useless, unavailing.
Booty, boo-te. s. plunder, pillage.
Bopeep, bo-peep'. s. a play among children.
Borable, bo-rå-bl. a. that may be bored,
Borage, bir-idje. s. a plant.
Borax, bo'-râks. s. an artificial salt.
Bordel, bor-del. s. a brothel, a bawdy-house.
Border, bor-dur. s. the outer part or edge of
any thing; a bank raised round a garden.
Border, bor'-dür. vn. to confine upon; to ap-
proach nearly to.

Border, bor'-dür, v. a. to adorn with a border;
to reach; to touch.
Borderer, bor-dûr-år. s. he that dwells on the
Bore, bore. v. a. to pierce in a hole.
Bore, bore. v. n. to make a hole; to push for-
wards to a certain point.
Bore, bore. s. the hole made by borirg; the
size of a hole.

Bosom, boo'-zům. s. the breast, the heart; tnc tender affections.

Bosom, boo'-zam. v. a. to enclose in the bosom;
to conceal.

Boss, bôs. s. a stud; a thick body of any kind.
Botanical, bo-tan-e-kål. a. relating to herbs.
Botanick, bo-tan-nik.

Botanist, bot'-a-nist. s. cne skilled in plants.
Botch, botsh. s. a swelling; a part in any work
ill finished.
[with botches.
Botch, botsh. v. a. to mend clumsily; to mark
Botchy, bot'-tshè. a. marked with botches.
Both, both. a. the two.
Both, both. conj. as well.

Bottle, bot'-tl. s. a small vessel of glass, or
other matter; a quantity of wine usually put
into a bottle; a quantity of hay or grass bun-
dled up.

Bottle, bot'-tl. v. a. to enclose in bottles. Bottlescrew, bôt'-tl-skrôô. s. a screw to pull out the cork.

Bottom, bot'-tum. s. the lowest part; the foun
dation; a valley.

Bottom, bot'-tôm. v. a. to fix upon as a support;
to wind upon something.
Bottom, bot'-tam. v. n. to rest upon as its sup-
Bottomless, bot'-tam-lês. a. without a bottom,



Bottomry, bot'-tom-re. s. the act of borrowing
money on a ship's bottom.
Bouge, boodje. v. n. to swell out.
Bough, bou. s. an arm or large shoot of a tres.
Bought, båwt. pret. of to buy.

Bounce, bounse. v. n. to make a sudden leap,
to boast, to bully. [noise; a boast, a threat.
Bounce, boânses à sudden blow, crack,

Fåte, får, fåll, fåt ;—mè, mêt ;—pine, pîn ;—

Bouncer, boun'-sår. s. a boaster, a bully, a liar. Bowman, bo'-mân. s. an archer. Bound, bound. s. a limit, a boundary; a leap, Bowsprit, bo-sprit. s. a mast running out aslope at the head of a ship.

a jump. [restrain. Bound, bound. v. a. to limit, to terminate; to Bound, bond. v. n. to jump, to spring; to fly Bound, bound. part. pass. of bind. [back. Bound, bound. a. destined, intending to come to any place.


Bowstring, bo'-string. s. the string by which bow is kept bent.

Bowyer, bo'yûr. s. an archer, one woose rade is to make bows.

[ocr errors]

Box, boks. s. a tree; the wood of it; seat Boundary, boun'-dâ-rè. s. limit, bound. case of wood; a blow. Bounden, bour '-dên. part. pass. of bind. Box, boks. v. a. to enclose in a box. Boundless, bound'-lês. a. unlimited, unconfined. Box, bôks. v. n. to fight with the fist. Bounteous, bôân'-tshè-ås. a. liberal, kind, gen-Boxen, bôk'-sn. a. made of box, resembling box [generously. Boxer, bóks'-år. s. a man who fights with hi Bounteously, boån'-tshe-is-lè. ad liberally, fists. [contempt Bounteousness, bỏůn'-tshè-ås-nês. s. munifi-Boy, boè. s. a male child; youth; a word of cence, liberality. [munificent. Boyhood, boe-hůd. s. the state of a boy. Bountiful, boun'-te-ful. a. liberal, generous, Boyish, boè'-ish. a. childish, trifling. Bountifully, boun'-te-ful-lè. ad. liberally. Bountifulness, boan'-tè-fül-nês. s. the quality of being bountiful, generosity. Bounty, boun-te. s. generosity, munificence. Bourn, borne. s. a bound, a límit; a brook, a


Bouse, booze. v. n. to drink lavishly.
Bousy, boo'-zè. a. drunken.

Bout, boût. s. a turn, as much of an action as is
performed at one time.

Bow, boù. v. a. to bend ; to depress, to crush. Bow, boů. v. n. to bend, to stoop, to sink under pressure.

Bow, beů. s. an act of reverence or submission.
Bow ́ bỏ. s. an instrument of war; a rainbow;
ine instrument with which stringed instruments
are played upon.

Bow, bo. v. a. to bend sideways.
Bow-bent, bo'-bênt. a. crooked.
Bowels, bou-els. s. intestines; the inner parts;
tenderness, compassion.

Bower, pou-ar. s. an arbour, an anchor.
Bowery, boa'-ar-rè. a. full of bowers.
Bowl, bole. s. the hollow part of any thing; a
basin, a fountain; a round mass rolled along
ne ground.

Bowl, bole. v. a. to play at bowls; to throw


bowls at any thing he that plays at bowls. Bowler, owling-green, bo'-ling-grèèn. s. a level piece of ground kept for bowlers.

Boyishly, boè'-ish-lè. ad. childishly, triflingly
Boyishness, boè'-ish-nês. s. childishness, tri

Brace, brase. v. a. to bind, to strain up.
Brace, bråse. s. a bandage; a pair; a crooke
line; tightness

Bracelet, brase-lêt. s. an ornament for the arms
Bracer, bra-sûr. s. a cincture, a bandage.
Brachial, bråk'-yâl. a. belonging to the arm.
Brack, bråk, s. a breach.

Bracket, brák-kit. s. a small support of wood
Brackish, bråk'-ish. a. salt, something sal.
Brackishness, bråk'-ish-nes. s. saltness.
Brad, bråd. s. a sort of nail to floor rooms with
Brag, bråg. v. n. to boast, to display ostenta

Brag, bråg. s. a boast; a proud expression.
Braggadocio, brag-gå-do'-shè-ò. s. a boasting

Braggart, brag-gart. s. a boaster.
Bragger, bråg'-går. s. a boaster.
Braid, brade. v. a. to weave together.
Braid, bråde. s. a texture, a knot.
Brain, brane. s. a collection of vessels and or
gans in the head; understanding.
Brain, brane. v. a. to kill by beating out the


Brainish, brane'-ish. a. hot-headed, furious.
Brainless, brane'-lês, a. silly.

Brainpan, brane-pan. s. the skull containing
the brains.

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