صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Fate, får, fåll, fât;-mè, mêt;-pine, pin;

Amability, âm-a-bil-e-tò. s. loveliness. [our. Ambergris, âm'-bur-grèse. s. a fragrant drug. Amain, a-måne'. ad. with vehemence, with vig- Ambidexter, âm-be-deks'-ter. s. a man who Amalgam, å mål'-gâm. has equally the use of both his hands; a man who is equally ready to act on either side in party disputes.

Amalgama, á-mál-ga-más. the mixture of metals procured by amalgamation. Amalgamation, â-mål-gå-må'-shin. s. the act or practice of amalgainating metals. Amalgamate, a-mål-gå-måte. v. a. to unite metals with quicksilver.

Amandation, âm-ân-da'-shûn. s. the act of sending or a message.

Amanuensis, â-man-u-ên' sis. s. a person who writes what another dictates. Amaranth, âm'-â-rânth. s. the name of a plant; an imaginary flower. [amaranths. Amaranthine, âm-â-rân'-thin. a. consisting of Amass, fi-más. v. a. tc collect together into one heap or mass. [mulation. Amassment, å-mâs'-ment. s. a heap, an accuAmate, â-måte'. v. a. to terrify. [art or science. Amateur,am-a-ture'. s. a lover of any particular Amatorial, âm-a-to'-re-âl. a. concerning love. Amatory. âm-a-tår-re. a. relating to love. Amaurosis, åm-åw-o'-sis. s. a dimness of sight, occasioning the representations of flies and dust floating before the eyes. Amaze, á-maze'. r. a. to confuse with terror, to put into perplexity. [fear or wonder. Amaze, â-maze. s. astonishment, confusion of Amazedly, â-ma'-zed-lè. ad. confusedly, with [fusion. Amazedness, a-ma'-zed-nês. s. wonder, conAmazement, maze'-ment. s. confused apprehension; wonder at an unexpected event. mazing, a-ma-zing. part. a. wonderful, astonishing.


mazingly, â-ma'-zing-lè. ad. to a degree that inay excite astonishment. [virago. Amazon, âm'-á-zan. s. a warlike woman; a Ambages, am-ba'-jêz. s. a multiplicity of words. Ambassador, âm-bâs'-sa-dur. s. a person sent in a publick manner from one sovereign power to another. [an ambassador. Ambassadress, âm-bâs'-så-drês. s. the lady of Ambassage, âm'-bas-saje. s. an embassy. Amber, am-bar. s. a yellow, transparent substance, of a bituminous consistence Amber, am-bar. a. consisting of am

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Ambidexterity, âm-be-deks-ter'-rẻ-tè. s. the quality of being able equally to use oth hands; double dealing. Ambidextrous, âm-be-dêks'-trås. 2. doube dealing, practising on both sides. Ambidextrousuess, ấm-be-dêks-trds-nes. s.tha quality of being ambidextrous. [passing Ambient, âm'-be-ênt. a. surrounding, encom Ambigu, âm'-be-gu. s. a medley of dishes. Ambiguity, âm-be-gu'-è-tè. s. uncertainty of signification. [two meanings. Ambiguous, âm-hig-u-us. a. doubtful, having Ambiguously, âm-Big-u-is-lè. ad. in an am biguous manner, doubtfully. Ambiguousness, âm-big-u-ás-nês. s. uncertainty of meaning.

Ambilogy, âm-bil-lò-jè. s. talk of ambiguous signification.

Ambiloquous, âm-bil'-lò-kwås. « using ambiguous expressions. [pression. Ambiloquy, am-bil-o-kwè. s. ambiguity of ex Ambit, âm'-bit. s. the compass or circuit of any thing. [ment or honour. Ambition, âm-bish'-an. s. the desire of preferAmbitious, âm-bish'-ås. a. touched with ambi tion, aspiring.

Ambitiously, âm-bish'-us-lè. ad. with eager ness of advancement or preference. Ambitiousness, âm-bish'-is-nês. s. the quality of being ambitious.

Ambitude, âm'-be-tùde. s. compass, circuit.
Amble, âm'-bl. v. n. to pace; to move easily.
Amble, âm'-bl. s. an easy pace.
Ambler, âm'-blår. s. a pacer. [movement
Amblingly, âm'-bling.lè. ad. with an ambling
Ambrosia, âm-bro'-zhe-â. s. the imaginary food
of the gods; the name of a plant.
Ambrosial, âm-brò'-zhe-âl. a. partaking of ins
nature or quality of ambrosia

Ambry, âm-bre: s. the place where alms are distributed; the place where plate and uter sils are kept.

Ambs-ace, amgåse'. s. a double ace, aces

nó, môve, nor, nôt ;—tube, tải, bảll ;–81;pound; thin, this.

Ambulation, âm-bu-la-shûn. s. the act of walk- Amicably, âm' è-ka-blè. ad. in a friendly way ing. [power or faculty of walking. Amice, am'-mis. & the undermost part of a Ambulatory, am-bu-là-thr-rẻ. a. that has the Ambury, ấm-bu-rẻ. 8. a bloody wart on a horse's body.

Ambuscade, âm-bo-xade'. s. a private station in which men lie to surprise others. Ambuscado, âm-bus-ka-dò. s. a private post, in order to surprise.

priest's habit. Amid, a-mid

prep. in the midst, or mid
Amidst, â-midst'. dle; among.
Amiss, a-mis'. ad. faultily, wrong.
Amission, â-mish'-in. s. loss.
Amit, â-mit'. v. a. to lose.
Amity, âm'-me-tè. s. friendship.

Ambush, âm'-bush. s. the post where soldiers Ammoniac, âm-mò̟'-nè-åk. s. a gum ; a salt or assassins are placed in order to fall unex- Ammoniacal, âm-mo-nl'-â-kál. a. having the pectedly upon an enemy; the state of lying nature of ammoniac salt. Zin wait. [prise. Ammunition, âm-mu-nish'-an. s. military stores. Ambushment, âm'-bůsh-ment. s ambush, sur- Amnesty, âm'-nès-tè. s. an act of oblivion. Amel, am'-mêl. s. the matter used for enamel-Among, monstro mi gid with, conling. Amongst, â-mångst'. joined with others. Amen, à'-men'. ad. so be it, so it is. Amorist, âm-o-rist. s. an inamorato, a gallant Amenable, a-me'-nå-bl. a. responsible, subjcet Amorous, âm'-d-räs. a. enamoured; naturally so as to be liable to account. inclined to love. Amenance, a-me-nånse. s. conduct, behaviour. Amorously, âm'-d-ras-lè. ad. fondly, lovingly Amend, â-mênd'. v. a. to correct, to change any Amorousness, âm'-d-rås-nês. s. fondness, lov thing that is wrong. Amend, â-mênd'. v. n. to grow better. Amort, â-mort. ad. depressed, spiritless. Amendment, &-mend-ment, & a change from Amortise, &-mor-tz. v. n. to alien lands or ten to better; reformation of life; re- ements to any corporation. covery of health; the correction of an errour. Amortization, a-mor-te-za-shun. Amender, â-men'-dar. s. the person that amends Amortizement, a mòr-dz-ments. the right any thing. [tion. or act of transferring lands to mortmain. Amends, a-mends'. s. recompense, compensa-Amount, â-mount'. v. n. to rise to in the accuAmenity, â-men'-nè-tè. s. agreeableness of sit- mulative quality.



for penalty. Amount, â-mount'. s. the sum total.

Amerce, â-mêrse'. v. a. to punish with a fine
Amercer, a-mer'-sår. s. he that sets a fine.
Amercement, â-mêrse'-mênt. s. the pecuniary!
punishment of an offender.

Aines-ace, amz-åse'. s. two aces thrown at the
same time on two dice.
Amethyst, am-e-thist. s. a precious stone of
a violet colour, bordering on purple.
Amethystine, un-e-nts-tin. a. resembling an
[thy to be loved.
Amiable, à'-me-a-bl. a. lovely, pleasing, wor-
Amiableness, à'-mè-a-bl-nês. s. loveliness, pow-
er of raising love.
[as to excite love.
Amiably, -me-a-ble. ad. in such a manner
Amicable, am-e-kå-bl. a. friendly, kind.
Amicableness, am'-mè-ka-b1-nês. s. friendliness,


[trigue. Amour, â-moor'. s. an affair of gallantry, an inAmphibious, âm-fib'-è-ds. a. that can live in two elements.

Amphibiousness, âm-fib'-è-as-nês. s. the quality
of being able to live in different elements. [ful.
Amphibological, âm-fe-bo-lôd'-je-kâl. a. doubt-
Amphibology, am-fe-bôl-lo-jè. s. discourse of
uncertain meaning
[one to another.
Amphibolous, âm-fib'-bo-lås. a. tossed from
Amphitheatre, âm-fè-thè'-â-tår. s. a building »
a circular or oval form, having its area en-
compassed with rows of seats one above


Ample, âm'-pl. a. large, wide, extended.
Ampleness, am'-pl-nes. s. largeness, liberality.
Ampliate, am'-ple-åte. v. a to enlarge, to a

Fåte, får, fåll, fât ;—mè, mêt ;—pine, pîn ;—

aggeration. Amplificate, âm-plif-è-kåte. v. a. to enlarge, to amplify. Amplification, âm-plè-fé-kå'-shân. s enlargement, extension.

Ampliation, âm-plè-à'-shân. s. enlargement, ex-Anagrammatist, ân-â-grâm'-må-tist. s. a maker of anagrams. [make anagrams. Anagrammatize, ân-a-gram'-ná-tize. v. n. to Analeptick, an 4-lep-tk. a. comforting, corroborating [analogy Analogical, an-á-lódje'-è-kál. a. used by way of Analogically, ân-á-lodje'-è̟-kål-è. ad. in au analogical manner.

Amplifier, âm'-ple-fl-år. s. one that exaggerates.
Amplify,&m'-ple-fl. v. a. to enlarge; to improve.
Amplify, âm'-plè-fi. v. n. to lay one's self out in


Amplitude, âm'-ple-tude. s. largeness, great-
ness; copiousness, abundance.
Amply, âm'-ple. ad. largely, liberally, copiously.
Amputate, am'-pu-tate. v. a. to cut off a limb.
Amputation, âm-pu-ta-shûn. s. the operation of
itting off a limb, or other part of the body.
A ulet, âm'-a-let. s. a charm; a thing hung
about the neck, for preventing or curing a


Amuse, â-muze'. v. a. to entertain with harmless trifling; to engage the attention; to deceive by artful management.

Analogicalness, ân-â-lôdje'-è-kál-nês. s. the
quality of being analogical. [of analogy.
Analogize, â-nál-lo-jize. v. a. to explain by way
Analogous, &-nal'-lo-gus. a. having analogy.
Analogy, a-nál'-ld-je. s. resemblance between

Analysis, 4-nål'-le-sis. s. a separation of any
compound into its several parts; a solution of
any thing to its first elements.
Analytical, ân-â-lit'-tè-kâl. a. that which pro-
ceeds by analysis.

Analytically, ân-â-lit'-tè-kál-lè. ad. the manner
of resolving compounds into the simple con-
stituent parts.
[into its first principles,

Amusement, â-můze-ment. s. that which amu-Analyze, an'-a-lize. v. a. to resolve a compound

ses, entertainment.

Amuser, â-mu-zur. s. he that amuses.
Amusive, â-mù'-siv. a. that has the power of
Amygdalate, a-mig'-dâ-låte. a. made of al-
Amygdaline, &-mig'-dâ-lin. a. resembling al-


any, or some.

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An, ân. article. one, but with less emphasis;
Anacamptick, ân-â-kâm'-uk. a. reflecting, or
Anacathartick, ân-â-kâ-thår'-tîk. s. any medi-
cine that works upwards.
Anachorite, ân-âk'-d-rite. s. a monk who le

the convent for a more solitary life. Anachronism, ân-ák'-kro-nizm. s. an errour in computing time.

Anaclaticks, ân-â-klât'-iks. s. the doctrine of
refracted light; dioptricks.
Anadiplosis, an-â-de-plò'-sis. s. reduplication;
a figure in rhetorick.

Anagram, an-a-gråm. s. a conceit arising from
the letters of a name transposed so as to form
some other word or sentence.

Anagrammatism, an-a-grâm'-mâ-tizm. s. the art or practice of making anagrams.

Analyzer, ân'-å-li-zår. s. that which has the power of analyzing.

Anamorphosis, ân-a-indr-fo'-sis. s. deformation,
perspective projection, so that at one point of
view it shall appear deformed, in another an
exact representation.

Ananas, a-na-nås. s. the pire-apple.
Anapest, ân'-å-pest. s. a foot consisting of three
syllables, two short and one long
Anapastic, ân-â-pês'-uk. a. be onging to an


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Anaphora, â-nâf-fò-rå, s. a figure when several
clauses of a sentence are begun with the samé

Anarch, ân'-årk. s. an author of confusion.
Anarchial, a-nar-kè-âl. a. confused, without
Anarchic, â-når'-kik. rule.
Anarchy, ân'-ar-kè. s. want of government, a
state without magistracy.

Anasarca, ân-a-sår-kâ. s. a sort of dropsy,
where the whole substance is stuffed with pitu
itous humours,

Anastrophe, â-nas'-trò-fè. s. a figure whereby words, which should have been precedent are postponed.

no, move, når, nôt ;-tube, tab, båll ;-;-pound ;-thin, THIS.

Anathema, &-nâth'-è-mâ. s. an ecclesiastical Anecdote, ân'-êk-dote. s. something yet unpub


Anathematize, an-ath'-è-ma-tize. v. a. to pronounce accursed by ecclesiastical authority. Anatiferous, ån-à-tif-fe-ris. a. producing ducks. Anatomical, an-â-tôm'-è-kål. a. relating or belonging to anatomy.

Ar atomically, ân-a-tôm'-è-kâl-lè. ad. in an anatomical manner.

Anatomist, â-nät'-d-mist. s. he that studies the structure of animal bodies by means of dissection.

Anatomize, â-nât'-to-mize. v. a. to dissect an animal, to lay any thing open distinctly. Anatomy, å-nat'-6-mè. s. the art of dissecting the body; a skeleton. [son descends. Ancestor, ân'-ses-tir. s. one from whom a perAncestrel,ân'-ses-trel. a. claimed from ancestors. Ancestry, an'-ses-tré. s. lineage, a series of ancestors; the honour of descent, birth. Anchor, ank'-år. s. a heavy iron, to hold the ship, by being fixed to the ground; any thing which confers stability.

Anchor, ânk'-år. v. to cast anchor, to lie at anchor; to stop at, to rest on. Anchorage, ank-ar-adje. s. ground to cast anchor upon; a duty paid for anchoring in a port. Anchoret, ank-d-rét. Anchorite, ank'-d-rite. Anchovy, ân-tsho-vè. s. a little sea-fish used by way of sauce.

S. a recluse, a a her


Ancient, ane'-tshent. a. old, past, former.

lished; secret history.

[ecdotes. Anecdotical, ân-ek-dot-e-kâl, a, relative to anAnemography, ân-è-mog'-grâ-fè. s. description of the winds.

Anemometer, ân-è-mom-me-têr. s. an instrument to measure the wind. Anemone, a-nem'-o-ne. s. the wind-flower. Anemoscope, a-nêm'-d-skope. s. a machine to foretell the changes of the wind. [teries. Aneurism, an'-d-rizm. s. a disease of the arAnew, â-nu'. ad. over again, another time. newly.

Anfractuousness, ân-fråk'-tshù-us-nês. s. fulness of windings and turnings.

Angel, àne'-jel. s. a messenger; a spirit employed by God in human affairs; a beautifu person; a piece of ancient money. Angelica, ân-jêl-e-ka. s. the name of a plant. Angelical, an-jêl-e-kâl. a. resembling or be longing to angels. [more than human. Angelicalness, an-jêl'-le-kål-nés. e. excellence Angelick, ân-je- lik. a. angelical, above human. Anger, âng'-gür. s. uneasiness upon the receipt of an injury; smart of a sore.

Anger, ang-gur, v. 2. to provoke, to enrage. Angiography, ân-je-og'-grå-fe. s. a description of vessels in the human body.

Angle, âng'-gl. s. the space intercepted between two lines intersecting each other; an instrument to take fish.

Angle, ång'-gl. v. a. to fish with a rod and hook; to try to gain by insinuating artifice.

Ancient, ane-tshênt. s. the flag or streamer of Angler, âng-glår. s. he that fishes with an a ship.


Anglicism, ang'-gle-sizm. s. an English idiom Angrily, ang-gré-lè. ad. in an angry manner. Angry, ang-grè. a. touched with, or naving the appearance of, anger; inflamed. Anguish, ang'-gwish. s. excessive pain of mind or body. [ners. Angular, ang-gå-lar. a. having angles or corAngularity, ang-gu-lár-é-tè. s. the quality of being angular.

Angularly, ang'-gu-lar-le. ad. with angles. Angulated,ang-g-là-têd.a. formed with angles. Angulous, ang-gu-lus. a. hooked, angular.. Angust, ân-gust'. a. narrow, strait

Fate, får, fåll, fât;-mè, met;-pine, pin;


Anhelation, an-he-la-shan. s. the act of panting. Anhelose, an-hè-lose'. a. out of breath. Anights, a-nites. ad. in the night time. Anileness, a-nlle'-nês. s. the old age of woAnility, a-nil'-le-tė. Animable, ân'é-mâ-bl. a, that may be put into ife. [severe censure ;-observation. Animadversion, ân-e-mâd-ver-shûn. s. report; Animadversive, ân-e-mâd-vêr'-siv. a. that has the power of judging.

Animadvert, ân-è-mâd-vert'. v. a. to consider, to observe, to pass censure upon. Animadverter, ân-é-mâd-vẻr -tår. s. he that -passes censure, or observes upon. Animal, ân'-é-mål. s. a living creature. Animal, ân'-e-mål. a. that which belongs or relates to animals.

Animalcule, an-e-mâl'-kúde. s. a small animal. Animality, an-e-mâl'-è-tè. s. the state of animal existence.

Annihilable, an-nl'-hè-lâ-bl. a. that may be pu out of existence.

Annihilate, an-ni'-hè-låte. v. a. to reduce to nothing; to destroy; to annul. Annihilation, ân-ni-hè-là'-shân. s. the act of reducing to nothing, the state of being reducer to nothing.

Anniversary, ân-ne-ver'-sâ-rẻ. s. a day cele brated as it returns in the course of the year Anniversary, an-nè-vêr'-sâ-rè. a. returning with the revolution of the year; annual. Anno Domini, ân'-nò-dôm'-è-nè. in the year of our Lord.

Annotation, ân-no-tà'-shůn. s. explication, note Annotator, ân-no-tà'-tur. s. a writer of notes, a


[claim Announce, an-noůnse'. v. a. to publish, to pro Annoy, ân-nde.. a. to incommode, to vex. Annoy, ân-noè'. s. injury, molestation. Annoyance, ân-noè-ânse, s. that which annoys the act of annoying.

Animate, ân'-è-måte. v. a. to quicken, make alive; to encourage, incite. [imal life. Annoyer, ân-noe-år. s. the person that annoys Animate, an-e-matc. a. alive, possessing an- Annual, ân'-nu-âl. a. that comes yearly. Animated, an-e-ma-ted. part. a. lively, vigorous. Annually, ân'-nu-âl-lè. ad. yearly, every year Animation, ân-e-ma'-shan. s. the act of animat- Annuitant, ân-nu'-è-tant. s. he that has an an ing, state of being enlivened.

Animative, ân'-e-ma-tiv. a. that has the power of giving life.

Animose, an-e-mose'. a. full of spirit, hot. Animosity, an-e-mos'-se-tè. s. vehemence of hatred; passionate malignity.

Anise, ân'-nîs. s. a species of parsley, with sweet-scented seeds.

Anker, ânk-fr. s. à liquid measure, the fourth part of the awm [to the leg. Ankle. ank'-kl. s. the joint which joins the foot Annalist, ân'-nâ-list. s. a writer of annals. Anuale, ân'-nálz. 8. histories digested in the ex

act order of time. Annats, ân'-nåts. s. first-fruits.

Anneal, an-nèle'. v. a. to soften glass or other substances by means of heat.

Annex, ân-neks'. v. a. to unite to at the end. Annexation, an-nek-sa'-shun. s. conjunction, addition; union.


Annuity, ân-nu-è-tè. s. a yearly allowance. Annul, ân-nul'. v. a. to make void, to nullify. Annular, an-nu-lår. a. having the form of a ring Annulary, ân'-nù-lâ-rẻ. a. having the form of rings.

Annulet, ân'-nà-lêt. s. a little ring. Annumerate, ån-nù'-mè-råte. v. a. to add to a

former number.

Annumeration, an-nů-mê-rà'-shûn. s. addition to a number. [ings. Annunciate, an-nun'-she-åte. v. a. to bring tid. Annunciation-day, ân-nån-she-a'-shan-da. s. the day celebrated by the church, in memory of the angel's salutation of the Blessed Virgin, solemnized on the 25th of March.

Anodyne, ân'-d-dine. u. that has the power of mitigating pain.

Anoint, â-no?nt'. v. a. to rub over with unctuous


Annexion, an-nek'-shun. s. the act of annexing. Anointer, å-noin'-tår. s. the person that anoints. Annexment, an-neks'-ment. s. the act of annex-Anomalisin, â-nôm'-â-lîzm. s. anomaly, irreg, ing; the thing annexed ularity

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