صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

jection of real Christianity, and to point out the sources of the multiplied mistakes which are made with regard to its nature. I have here made some observations on the indisposition of the human mind to attend to an argument which opposes any favourite inclination; on the opposition of Christianity to the prevailing current of the human character; and on the bad effects arising from the common practice of deriving our notions of religion rather from the compositions of men than from the Bible. Infidels are not in general acquainted, through the Bible itself, with the system of revelation; and therefore they are inaccessible to that evidence for it which arises out of the discovery that its doctrinal facts all tally exactly with the character which its precepts inculcate. I have here also illustrated this coincidence between the doctrines and the precepts of the Bible in several particulars. the Christian character is the character of true and immortal happiness, the system must be true which necessarily leads to that character.


V. I have endeavoured to show the need that men have for some system of spiritual renovation; and I have inferred from the preceding argument, that no such system could be

really efficient, unless it resembled Christianity in its structure and mode of enforcement.

VI. 1 have shown the connexion between the external and internal evidence for revelation.







said that happiness is necessarily vely connected with a resemblance ne character, it is evident that the ppiness" must be understood in a sense. It cannot be denied, that pus men enjoy much gratification e; nor can it even be denied, that cation is derived in a great measure very vices. This fact is, no doubt, Lexing, as every question must be nnected with the origin of evil: But o more perplexing than the origin - than the hypothesis that our presa state of trial and discipline. Tempvil, evidently implies a sense of gratroceeding from evil; and evil could not have existed without this sense of gratification connected with it. So, also, this life could not be a state of trial and discipline in good, unless there were some inducement or temptation to evil, that is, unless there were some sense of gratification attending evil. It probably does not lie within the compass of human faculties to give a completely satisfactory answer to these questions; whilst yet it may be rationally maintained, that if there is a propriety in this life being a state of discipline, there must also be a propriety in sin being connected with a sense of gratification. But then, may not this vicious gratification be extended through eternity, as well as through a year or an hour ? I cannot see any direct impossibility in this supposition, on natural principles; and yet I feel that the assertion of it sounds very much like the contradiction of an Intuitive truth.

There is a great difference between the happiness enjoyed with the approbation of conscience, and that which is felt without it or against it. When the conscience is very sensitive, the gratification arising from vice cannot be very great: the natural process, therefore, by which such gratification is obtained or heightened, is by lulling or deadening the con

science. This is accomplished by habitually turning the attention from the distinction of good and evil, and directing it to the circumstances which constitute vicious gratification.

The testimony of conscience is that verdict which every man returns for or against himself upon the question, whether his moral character has kept pace with his moral judgment? This verdict will therefore be, in relation to absolute moral truth, correct or incorrect, in proportion to the degree of illumination possessed by the moral judgment; and the feeling of remorse will be more or less painful, according to the inequality which subsists between the judgment and the character. When a man, therefore, by dint of perseverance, has brought his judgment down to the level of his character, and has trained his reason to call evil good and good evil, he has gained a victory over conscience, and expelled remorse. If he could maintain this advantage through his whole existence, his conduct would admit of a most rational justification. But then, his peace is built solely on the darkness of his moral judgment; and therefore, all that is necessary in order to make him miserable, and to stir up a civil war within his breast, would be to throw such a strong and undubious light on the per

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