صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

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Dear Sir,

I have read Erskine's treatise on "The Internal Evidence for the Truth of Revealed Religion." It is an admirable performance, filled with judicious observations, and interspersed with happy and interesting illustrations of the various points discussed. It is stamped with the image of a strong, accurate and powerful mind. Having himself by the grace of God, experienced the moral and regenerating influence of Divine truth, the author wishes that others may be brought under the quickening and sanctifying operation of the same transforming power. The work is well calculated to call up the attention of nominal christians, as well as of professed infidele, to the high and commanding claims of the Bible, as a revelation given by Jehovah to form the character of sinful man for eternity. J. J. JANEWAY.

July 17, 1821.

Mr. Finley,

I have read, with great pleasure, Erskine's treatise on "The Internal Evidence for the Truth of Revealed Religion."

It is, in my judgment, a work of rare merit. The style is lucid, chaste and nervous. The illustrations are happily chosen, and skilfully applied. "The internal evidence for the truth of revealed religion," is not a new subject: but this writer's method of treating it, is new and natural; and to my mind, convincing and satisfactory. I wish you success in the publicaW. NEIL,


Pastor, Sixth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphai July 17, 1821.

Dear Sir,

I have read with much pleasure, and rejoice that you propose to republish, Mr. Erskine's valuable treatise

on the internal evidence of Christianity. It deserves, and I hope will receive, a careful perusal, from those persons especially, who whilst they readily assent to the authenticity of the Bible, are too little acquainted with "the internal structure" of that religion which it teaches: It is a specimen of sound and ingenious argumentation, conducted in a perspicuous, and animating style, whose attractions will be very soon felt and confessed, by the attentive reader. It abounds with striking, yet chaste illustrations; presents elevated views of evangelical truth; and cherishes a pure and enlightened piety, offering no offence to true christians of any denomination. It is the author's design to enforce the sentiment, that as the Bible embodies in itself the principal evidence of its truth, he who desires to form a correct judgment of the character of this book, instead of reading many elaborate works on the external proofs of its inspiration, should first of all, give a candid and careful attention to the Bible itself: leading us to this most consolatory inference, that men of learning are not the only persons capable of obtaining an intelligent assurance of the truth of the gospel, but that this assurance is alike attainable, by the poorer and less instructed portion of mankind.


Believing that by reprinting this interesting book, you will be instrumental of promoting the best of causes, I have, agreeably to your request, transmitted these remarks to your disposal.

Mr. Anthony Finley. July 17, 1821.

Respectfully, &c.


: The Rev. Dr. A. Alexander says, in relation to this work, "This is the production of a superior mind, on which the truths of Revelation seem to have operated effectually."



a principle in our nature which makes isfied with unexplained and unconnect; which leads us to theorize all the ars of our knowledge, or to form in our ds some system of causes sufficient to or produce the effects which we see; ch teaches us to believe or disbelieve uth of any system which may be pre› us, just as it appears adequate or into afford that explanation of which n pursuit. We have an intuitive perthat the appearances of Nature are ed by the relation of cause and effect; have also an instinctive desire to classarrange the seemingly confused mass with which we are surrounded, accordais distinguishing relationship. rinciples have proceeded all the theoich were ever formed by man. -inciples alone can never make a true They teach us to theorize; but exe is necessary in order to theorize juste must be acquainted with the ordinary




on the internal evidence of Christianity. It deserves, and I hope will receive, a careful perusal, from those persons especially, who whilst they readily assent to the authenticity of the Bible, are too little acquainted with "the internal structure" of that religion which it Reaches: It is a specimen of sound and ingenious argumentation, conducted in a perspicuous, and animating style, whose attractions will be very soon felt and conFessed, by the attentive reader. It abounds with striking, yet chaste illustrations; presents elevated views of evangelical truth; and cherishes a pure and enlightened piety, offering no offence to true christians of any denomination. It is the author's design to enforce the sentiment, that as the Bible embodies in itself the principal evidence of its truth, he who desires to form a correct judgment of the character of this book, instead of reading many elaborate works on the external proofs of its inspiration, should first of all, give a candid and careful attention to the Bible itself: leading us to this most consolatory inference, that men of learning are not the only persons capable of obtaining an Entelligent assurance of the truth of the gospel, but that this assurance is alike attainable, by the poorer and Less instructed portion of mankind.

Believing that by reprinting this interesting book, you will be instrumental of promoting the best of causes, I have, agreeably to your request, transmitted these remarks to your disposal.

Mr. Anthony Finley. July 17, 1821.

Respectfully, &c.


- The Rev. Dr. A. Alexander says, in relation to this work, "This is the production of a superior mind, on which the truths of Revelation seem to have operated effectually."


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