How is it then, brethren ? when ye come together, every one of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath an interpretation. Let all things be done unto edifying. The Works of John Locke - الصفحة 163بواسطة John Locke - 1823عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب
| George Burder - 1835 - عدد الصفحات: 654 unlearned, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all : and thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest ; and so falling down on his face, he...worship God, and report that God is in you of a truth. TN these words we have an account of the power of the gospel in the days of the apostles. We see here... | |
| 1802 - عدد الصفحات: 374
...lis heart made manifest; and so, ailing down on bis face, he will worship God, and report that '"rod is in you of a truth. 26 How is it then, brethren...come together, every one of you hath a psalm, hath a doclrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath an interpretation. ,ct all tilings be done unto edifyng.... | |
| 1804 - عدد الصفحات: 476 unlearned, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all: 25 And thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest; and so, falling down on his face, he...revelation, hath an interpretation. Let all things be done unto edifying. 27 If any man speak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three,... | |
| 1806 - عدد الصفحات: 486
...How is it then, brethren ? -when ye come together, every one of you hath a pfalm, hath a do£trine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath an interpretation....Let all things be done to edifying. 27 If any man fpeak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the mod by three, and that by courfe ; and let... | |
| Charles Buck - 1808 - عدد الصفحات: 332
...or one unlearned, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all. And thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest, and so, falling down on his face, he...worship God, and report that God is in you of a truth." 1 Cor. xiv. 26, 24, 25. Such also are within the promise. " When two or three are gathered together... | |
| Thomas Belsham - 1808 - عدد الصفحات: 656
...of his heart are made manifest ; and then he will fall down on liis face and worship God, declaring that God is in you of a truth. 26 How is it then, brethren? when ye come together, hath each of you a psalm, hath he a doctrine, hath he an unknown language, hath he a revelation, hath... | |
| 1809 - عدد الصفحات: 658
...of his heart are made manifest ; and then he will fall down on his face and worship God, declaring that God is in you of a truth. 26 How is it then, brethren ? when ye come together, hath each of you a psalm, hath he a doctrine, hath he an unknown language, hath he a revelation, hath... | |
| James Macknight - 1810 - عدد الصفحات: 492
...who have the gift of discerning spirits ; and they making known to the church, the design on which he 26 How is it then, brethren ? when ye come together,...edifying. 27 If any man speak in an unkno-wn tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course ; and let one interpret. 28 But if there... | |
| James Macknight - 1810 - عدد الصفحات: 488
...spirits ; and they making known to the church, the design on which he i-.i™ . 36 How is it theft, brethren ? when ye come together, every one of you...things be done to edifying. 27 If any man speak in jm vnknotvn tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course ; and let one interpret.... | |
| Thomas Tregenna Biddulph - 1810 - عدد الصفحات: 556 unlearned, he is convinced of all, " he is judged of all. And thus are the secrets " of his heart made manifest, and so falling " down on his face he...God, and " report that God is in you of a truth." * Various other arguments might be produced to prove the utility of such a compendium of theology as... | |
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