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As a source of educational influence, cannot be over estimated. It is the home of our childhood. If there is any thing sacred in memory, any thing dear to the human heart, that has felt its inspiring influence, any thing that baffles eulogy, it is the genius of home. If there is any thing that stirs up the deep fountains of the soul and holds its willing victim spell-bound and silent, it is the melody of "Sweet Home."

It must follow, therefore, that a healthful home influence has an untold power for good in the formation of character. Such was the Puritan home of New England. We know of no model that compares with it. No matter how homely and uncomfortable that cabin which was the home of the Puritan family-it was their earthly paradise. Its rough walls shielded them from the northern blasts, its blazing fire upon the sacred hearth-stone shed upon them its genial light and heat. This family was a circle unbroken by discord. Harmony and confidence robed in purity, dwelt there. Parental and filial affection shed over them their genial influence from day to day and year to year. In the Puritan family each member occupied the place assigned by Heaven. The father at the head was revered and obeyed as counsellor and judge, yet loved as parent and friend. The mother "opened her mouth in wisdom and in her tongue was the law of kindness." In counsel and discipline, the father and

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