... ought by all means to subdue and stifle in him. You can never hope to teach him to master it whilst you compound for the check you give his inclination in one place, by the satisfaction you propose to it in another. To make a good, a wise, and a virtuous... The Works of John Locke - الصفحة 39بواسطة John Locke - 1823عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب
 | John Locke - 1693 - عدد الصفحات: 290
...means to fubdue and ftifle id him. You can never hope to teach him to mafter it, whillt you compound for the Check you give his Inclination in one place, by the Satisfaction you propofe to it in another. To make a good, a wife, and a vertuous Man, 'tis fit he fhould learn to crofi... | |
 | John Locke - 1802 - عدد الصفحات: 308
...means to subdue and stifle in him. You can never hope to teach him to master it, whilst you compound for the check you give his inclination in one place,...in another. To make a good, a wise, and a virtuous ri;in, if. is lit he should learn to cross his appetit«4 and deny his inclination to riches, finery,... | |
 | Authoress - 1810 - عدد الصفحات: 592
...teach him to master it, whilst you compound for the check you give his inclination in one place, hy the satisfaction you propose to it in another: to make a good, a wise, and a virtuous man, 'tis fit he should learn to cross his appetite, and deny his inclination to riches, finery, or pleasing... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1813 - عدد الصفحات: 608
...means, to subdue and stille in him. You can never hope to leach him to master it, whilst you compound for the check you give his inclination in one place,...another. To make a good, a wise, and a virtuous man, 'tig lit he should learn to cross his appetite, and deny his inclination to riche», lifnTv, or pleasing... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1816 - عدد الصفحات: 638
...to subdue and stifle in him. You can never hope to teach him to master it, whilst you compound Tor the check you give his inclination in one place, by...another. To make a good, a wise, and a virtuous man, tis n't he should learn to cross his appetite, and deny his inclination to riches, finery, or pleasing... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1824 - عدد الصفحات: 808
...means to tubdue and stifle in him. You can never hope to teach him to master it, whilst you compound for the check you give his inclination in one place,...another. To make a good, a wise, and a virtuous man, 'tis fit he should learn to cross his appetite, and deny his inclination to riches, finery, or pleasing... | |
 | 1836 - عدد الصفحات: 208
...means to subdue and stifle in him. You cap never hope to teach him to master it, whilst you compound for the check you give his inclination in one place,...reason advises the contrary, and his duty requires it. — Locke on Education. TO PARENTS AND TEACHERS. I have seen parente so heap rules on their children,... | |
 | John Locke - 1844 - عدد الصفحات: 272
...means to subdue and Stifle in him. You can never hope to teach him to master it, while you compound for the check you give his inclination in one place, by the satisfaction which you propose to it in another. To make a good, a wise, and a virtuous man, it is fit he should... | |
 | Bernhard Tauchnitz - 1860 - عدد الصفحات: 468
...Means to subdue and stifle in him. You can never hope to teach him to master it, whilst you compound for the Check you give his Inclination in one Place,...he should learn to cross his Appetite, and deny his Inclinations to Riches, Finery, or pleasing Ms Palate, &c. whenever his Reason advises the contrary,... | |
 | Henry Barnard - 1862 - عدد الصفحات: 638
...means to subdue and stifio in him. You can never hope to teach him to master it, whilst you compound for the check you give his inclination in one place,...inclination to riches, finery, or pleasing his palate, ic., whenever his reason advises the contrary, and his duty requires it. But when you draw him to do... | |
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