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" But here the main skill and groundwork will be, to temper them such lectures and explanations upon every opportunity as may lead and draw them in willing obedience, inflamed with the study of learning and the admiration of virtue, stirred up with high... "
The American Journal of Education - الصفحة 186
المحررون: - 1864
عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

Paradise regain'd, a poem. To which is added Samson agonistes

John Milton - 1713 - عدد الصفحات: 454
...them in willing Obedience, enfUm'd with the Study of Learning, and the Admirarien of Virtue jftitr'd up with high hopes of Living to be brave Men, and worthy Patriots, dc.tr to God, and famous to all Ages. That they may defpife and fcorn all their childift, and ill-raught...

Paradise Regain'd: A Poem, in Four Books. To which is Added Samson Agonistes ...

John Milton - 1753 - عدد الصفحات: 374
...them in willing obeditnce.inflam'd with the ftudy of learning, and the admiration of virtue ; ftirr'd up with high hopes of living to be brave men, and...worthy patriots, dear to God, and famous to all ages, that they may defpiie and Icorn all their childiIh and ill-taught qualities, to delight in manly and...


Francis Blackburne - 1780 - عدد الصفحات: 446
...willing obedience, enfhm'd with the ftudy of learning, and the admiration of vertue, ftirr'd N . .up up with high hopes of living to be brave men, and...worthy patriots, dear to GOD, and famous to all ages. That they may. defpife and fcorn all their childifh, and ill-taught qualities, to delight in manly,...

Remarks on Johnson's Life of Milton: To which are Added Milton's Tractate of ...

Francis Blackburne - 1780 - عدد الصفحات: 408
...willing obedience, enflam'd with the ftudy of learning, and the admiration of vertue, ftirr'd N up up with high hopes of living to be brave men, and worthy patriots, dear to GOD, pnd famous to all'ages. That they may defpife and fcorn all their childifh, and ill-taught qualities,...

Liberal Education, Or, A Practical Treatise on the Methods of ..., المجلد 1

Vicesimus Knox - 1785 - عدد الصفحات: 360
...improper afibciations of ideas,.. admiration of virtue ; flirred up with high hopes of living to be men, and worthy patriots, DEAR.. TO GOD, and famous to all ages. MILTON'S Traftate.* . . Infufing into thdr young breafts fuch an ingenuous and noble ardour, as would...

The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and ..., المجلد 12

English poets - 1790 - عدد الصفحات: 342
...them in willing obedience, inflamed with the ftudy of learning, and the admiration of virtue; ftirred up with high hopes of living to be brave men, and...worthy patriots, dear to God, and famous to all ages, that they may defpife and fcorn all their childifh and ill-taught qualities, to delight in manly and...

The prose works of John Milton; with a life of the author, by C ..., المجلد 1

John Milton, Charles Symmons - 1806 - عدد الصفحات: 436
...them in willing obedience, enflamed with the fludy .of leaming, and the admiration of virtue ; flirred up with high hopes of living to be brave men, and...worthy patriots, dear to God, and famous to all ages. That they may defpife and fcorn all their childifh and illtaught qualities, to delight in manly and...

The prose works of John Milton; with a life of the author, by C ..., المجلد 1

John Milton, Charles Symmons - 1806 - عدد الصفحات: 446
...them in willing obedience, enflamed with the ftudy of learning, and the admiration of virtue ; ftirred up with high hopes of living to be brave men, and...worthy patriots, dear to God, and famous to all ages. That they may defpife and fcorn all their childim and illtaught qualities, to delight in manly and...

Prose Works ...: Containing His Principal Political and ..., المجلد 1

John Milton - 1809 - عدد الصفحات: 536
...in willing obedience, enflamed with thel study of learmng, and Ihe admiration of virtue ; stirred np with high hopes of living to be brave men, and worthy patriots, dear to God, and famous to all ages. That they may despise and scorn all their childish and illtaught qualities, to delight in manly and...

Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory: Delivered to the Classes of ..., المجلد 1

John Quincy Adams - 1810 - عدد الصفحات: 466
...draw them in willing obedience, inflamed with the study of learning and the admiration of virtue ; stirred up with high hopes of living to be brave men,...worthy patriots, dear to God, and famous to all ages." The corporation lost no time in supplying the vacancy, occasioned by Mr. Adams' resignation. vai On...

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