صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Begotten, to a living hope, 28; to
an inheritance, 29; us, God has, of
his own will, 292.

Beguiled, unstable souls are, 404.
Believe, to, difficult, 157.

Believers, are the born of God, 251.
Bishop, the, of souls, Christ is, 94;
and Presbyter, the same, 145.
Blameless, to be found, in Christ, we
must be diligent, 422.

Cerinthus, a heresiarch, 191, 195.
Certainty, the, of faith, generates no
indifference, 267.

Charity or love, the kiss of, 155; the
feasts of, 441.

Chastity, spiritual, how violated, 331.
Children, little, the faithful so called
by John, 181; the, of God and of
the devil, how distinguished, 215.
Chorus, the Lacedemonian, 183.

Bless, to, its meaning, 102; to, God, Christ, not seen, yet loved, 34; the

with the tongue, 322.

Blind, who is, 374.

Blood, the, of Jesus Christ, cleanses
from all sin, 165.

Boldness in the day of judgment, how
attained, 245.

Born, the, of God, sins not, 212, 270;

the, of God, loves his brother, 238.
Born again, the, exhorted to love, 56;
the faithful are, not of a corruptible
seed, 57.

Brother, he who hates his, is in dark-
ness, 180, 181; he who loves not
his, is not of God, 216; Cain slew
his, 217; he who loves not his,
abides in death, 217, 218; he who
hates his, is a murderer, 218; a
needy, he who sympathizes not with,
has no love to God, 220; he who
hates his, and says he loves God,
is a liar, 248; to love our, is God's
command, 249; the, of low degree
is to rejoice for his exaltation,

Brotherhood, ought to be loved, 85.
Buffeted, to be, for faults, not praise-
worthy, 88.

Builders, the, rejected the chief corner-
stone, 70.

[blocks in formation]

sufferings of, foretold by the prophets,
40; compared to a lamb, 51; called
a stone, a corner-stone, 64, 67 ; re-
jected by professing builders in all
ages, 67; an example, to bear wrongs
patiently, 89; without sin and guile,
90; committed his cause to God,
91; bare our sins on the tree, 92 ;
the shepherd and bishop of souls, 94 ;
suffered for sins, the just for the un-
just, 111; was put to death in the
flesh, but quickened by the Spirit,
112; praise given to, 133; our ad-
vocate, 170; our propitiation, 171;
was manifested to take away sins,
209; an example of love in laying
down his life, 219; the true God
and eternal life, 274; glory ascribed
to, 426.

Christian, to suffer as a, none ought
to be ashamed, 137.
Christians, ought not to be evil-doers,

Church, the, ever had hypocrites, 191;
the defection from, 192; the name
of, many are dazzled by, 230; the,
cannot err, the false opinion of the
Papists, 388; the, under the Gospel,
similar as to trials, to what it was
under the Law, 391, 392.
Cicero, a saying of, 124.
Cleanse (see Blood) to, from all un-
righteousness, God is faithful, 168;
to, the hands, sinners exhorted, 335.
Clouds, false teachers likened to, 407,

Coming, the, of the Lord, to be waited
for, 347.

Commandment, new and old, 177, 178;
the, of God, to believe and to love,
225, 226; the holy, the sin of turn-
ing away from, 411.
Commandments, the, kept by those
who know God, 173; the, of God,
not grievous, 252.
Comparison, a, corresponds not in all
parts, 122.
Compassion, sympathy, 102; ought to
be felt for others, 448.

Complainers, the false teachers were,

Condemnation, the false teachers or-

dained to, 432.

Confess, to, our faults, we ought, to one
another, 357.
Confession, necessary to forgiveness,
167; must be sincere, 168; the, of
Jesus as the Son of God, 244.
Confidence, connected with good con-
science, 222-224; combined with
prayer, 224; to be exercised in
prayer, 265.

Contend, to, for the faith, 431.
Conversation, the, of Christians, ought
to be holy, 47; vain, redeemed
from, 50; among the Gentiles, ought
to be honest, 78; good, in Christ,


Convert, to, the erring, hides many
sins, 361.

Core, the gainsaying of, 441.

Cornelius, his case referred to, 263,

Corner-stone, Christ so called, 67.
Count, to, all joy, to fall into divers
temptations, 279.

Courteous, Christians ought to be, 101.
Craftiness, the, of Satan, 393, 409.
Creator, or Possessor, a faithful, God
is, 141.

Creatures, the, of God, the first-fruits,

Cross, the, the way to victory, 40;
the, means mortification, 120; the,
useful in two ways, 134.
Crown, an unfading, of glory, to faith.

ful pastors, 146; an unfading, of
glory, promised to all who love God,


Curiosity, the, of man, ought to be
kept within the limits of revelation, 39.
Cursed children, the false teachers
were, 405.


DARKNESS, Christians called out of,
76; none who know God walk in,
163; dissipated by the gospel, 179;
in chains of, the fallen angels are
kept, 397.

David, a type of Christ, 70; the fall
of, referred to, 214.

Day, the dawning of, 386; one, as a
thousand years, 418; the, of the
Lord, is to come, 420; the, of God,
to be looked for, 421.
Day-star, the, what it means, 388.

Days, in the last, scoffers will come,


Death, the, of Christ, a twofold like-
ness to, 120; apprehended near,
ought to make ministers more dili-
gent, 379.

Destruction, swift, awaiting false
teachers, 393.

Detraction, condemned, 337.
Devil, the, compared to a roaring lion,
150; the, sins from the beginning,
211; the, the works of, Christ came
to destroy, 212; the, believes in
one God, and trembles, 311; the,
ought to be resisted, 334.

Dignities, evil spoken of, 401, 438.
Disallowed, the living stone, by men,


Disobedient, the, Christ a stone of

stumbling to, 71, 72; the, the un-
believers in Noah's time, 115.
Doer, a, of the work, blessed, 298;
not a, of the law, is the evil-speak-
er, 338.

Doers, the, of the word, we ought to

be, not hearers only, 296.
Dog, the, a proverb concerning, 411.
Dogma, a Platonic, referred to, 46.
Dominion, despised by false teachers,

Double-minded, the, is unstable, 284;
the, exhorted to purify their hearts,

Draw nigh, to, we ought, to God, 334.
Dreamers, the false teachers were, 437.


EARS, the, of the Lord, open to prayers,
105; the, of the Lord of Sabaoth,

Earthly, the wisdom that is, 325.
Elder, an, Peter was, 142; the, the
younger ought to submit to, 147.
Elders, the, exhorted to feed God's
flock, 143, 144; the, of the Church,
to be sent for by the sick, 355.
Elect, the saints are, according to
God's foreknowledge, 24; the chief
corner-stone is, 66.

Election, not to be separated from
calling, 27; to be made sure, 376,

Elias, his case referred to, 360.
Emperor, the Roman, Peter is sup-
posed to refer to, 81.

End, the, of all things, at hand, 127;

the, of the Lord, what it means, 352.
Engrafted word, the, is able to save
souls, 296.

Enmity, the friendship of the world,

is to God, 331.

Entrance, an abundant, into our Lord's
everlasting kingdom, 378.
Envying, bitter, proceeds from malig-
nity, 325.

Envyings, or envies, to be laid aside, 60.
Episcopate, how its duties are to be
discharged, 145.

Epistle, the First of Peter, the main
object of, 27; the Second, why writ-
ten, 412.

Epistles, the, of Paul, referred to,
423, 424.

Erasmus, his version disapproved, 54,

121; his version referred to, 145.
Err, not to, we are warned, 291.
Eusebius, what he says of Peter being
at Rome, 155; his opinion of Peter's
Second Epistle, 363.

Evil for evil, not to render, 102.
Evil-doers, Christians falsely charged
as being, 79; are to be put to shame
by well-doing, 110.
Evil-speaking, the, of the unbelieving,
to be stopped by doing good, 83.
Excess, the, of riot, 140.

Eyes, the, of the Lord, on the righteous,

Eye-witnesses, the apostles were, of
Christ's majesty, 382.


FABLES, cunningly-devised, the apos-
tles did not follow, 381.
Face, the, of the Lord, against evil-
doers, 105.

Faith, tried, more precious than gold,
35; penetrates into heaven, 34, 54;
brings joy, 35; the end of, salvation,
36; reaches God through Christ, 53;
unites to God, 53; unformed, a fool-
ish gloss, 239, 309; gains the victory,
254; a daily progress to be made in,
264; we ought to ask in, 283; rich
in, the poor chosen to be, 303; a
dead, cannot save, 310; is to be
shewn by works, 311, 312; made
perfect by works, 315; the prayer
of, saving the sick, 356; is precious,
366; obtained through the righteous-
ness of God, 366; the, is to be ear-
nestly contended for, 431; on the,
to build, 446.

Faithful, the, mingle joy with sorrow,
32; a, Creator or Possessor, God is,
141; God is, to forgive sins, 168.
Fanatics, the, take away the sacra-

ment, 118; the, extend salvation to
all the reprobate, 173; exclude the
ministry, 200; hold licentious doc-
trines, 215.

Father, with the, and the Son, our fel-
lowship is, 161; with the, we have
an advocate, 169; the, the love of,
is not in those who love the world,
185; the, and the Son, are denied
by Antichrist, 195; the, and the
Son, cannot be separated, 196; the,
the wonderful love of, 202; the, of
lights, from whom comes every good
gift, 291.

Fatherless, the, to visit, a part of pure
religion, 299.

Fathers, the ancient, in what they dif-
fered from us, 38, 39, 41; were par-
takers of the same life with us, 160;
the, in the Church, addressed by
John, 183.

Faults, to be confessed to one another,

Fear, opposed to security, 49; with all,
servants ought to be subject to their
masters, 86; coupled with, ought the
chaste conduct of wives to be, 96;
with, and meekness, ought a reason
to be given of our hope, 108; none in
love, 247; without, the false teachers
feasted and fed themselves, 441;
with, to save others, 448.

Feast, the false teachers did, with the
Church, 404, 441.

Fellowship, one with another, 161,
164; with the Father and the Son,

Fervent, the prayer that is, avails
much, 359.

Fervently, we ought so to love one
another, 56.

Filthiness, all, or uncleanness, ought
to be laid aside, 295.
First-fruits, to be, of God's creatures,

Flesh, all, fading, 57; the, the filth of,
to be put away, 117; the, means the
body, corruption, and the present
life, 122; the, to walk after, what it
means, 400; strange, to go after,

Flock, the, of God, pastors ought to
feed, 144.

Flower, the, of the grass, the rich com-
pared to, 286.

Foreknowledge, the, of God, 24.
Forgiveness, the main thing in reli-
gion, 182.
Fornication, the cities around Sodom,
given to, 436.

Fountain, a, sends not forth bitter and Governors, we ought to be subject to,

[blocks in formation]

GARMENT, the, spotted by the flesh, is
to be hated, 449.
Generation, or race, a chosen, believ-
ers are, 75.

Gift, the, received, ought to be minis-
tered, 130; every good and perfect,
is from above, 291.

Glass, in a, man beholds his natural
face, 297.

Glory, an unfading crown of, promised
to faithful ministers, 146; eternal,
we are called to, 152; ascribed to
God, 153; Christ has called us to,
369; ascribed to Christ, 426; ascribed
to God, 449.

God, the Father, 24, 383, 429; ought
to be worshipped according to his
word, 50; the knowledge of, without
Christ, not attainable, 53; ought to
be feared, 85; is a righteous judge,
90; claims vengeance as his own,
91; to bring us to, Christ suffered,
110; ought to be glorified in all
things, 132; cares for his people,
149; the, of all grace, 151; has called
us to eternal glory, 152; is light,
having no darkness, 163; is faithful
and just to forgive sins, 168; is love,
238, 244; gives to all liberally and
upbraids not, 282, 283; is not will-
ing that any should perish, 419.
Godliness, what pertains to, given by
divine power, 368; to be added to
patience, 372; in all, it behoves all
to be, who look for the dissolution of
heaven and earth, 421.
Godly, the, the Lord knows how to
deliver out of temptations, 399.
Gomorrha, see Sodom.

Gospel, the, preached with the Holy
Ghost sent down from heaven, 42;
the, is the word preached, 59; the,
preached to the dead, 125.
Government, despised by false teach-
ers, 401, 439.


Grace, and peace, their increase prayed
for, 23, 366; the, of the gospel, fore-
told by the prophets, 37, 38; the,
that is to be brought at the resur-
rection, 43, 44; the, of life, 100; the
manifold, of God, 130; God gives, to
the humble, 148; the God of all,
151; the true, of God, 154; more,
God gives to the humble, 332; to
grow in, we are exhorted, 426; the,
of God, turned into laciviousness,433.
Grass, the, men compared to, 58.
Grievous, God's commandments are
not, 252.

Grudge, or groan, to, we ought not,
against one another, 349.
Grudging, hospitality to be exercised
without, 130.


HABITATION, their own, the fallen angels
left, 435.
Happiness, the, of heaven exceeds all
our thoughts, 204.
Happy, they are, who suffer for righte-

ousness' sake, 106; are those who are
reproached for Christ's name, 135.
Hard to be understood, are some
things said by Paul, 422.
Hatred, the, of the brethren, a proof
of being in darkness, 180.
Heart, with a pure, to love one an-
other, 55, 56; the, the hidden man
of, 97; the condemning and not
condemning, 222, 223; his own, he
who seems only religious, deceives,
299; an, exercised with covetous
practices, 405.

Hearts, in our, to sanctify the Lord,

107; our, assured before God, 222;
in our, when the day-star arise, 388.
Heat, with a burning, the sun rises,

285; with fervent, the elements
shall melt, 420.

Heavens, the, and the earth, reserved
for fire, 417.

Heresies, damnable, stealthily brought
in, 328.

Hire, the, of labourers, kept back by
the rich, 345.

Holiness, fictitious works of, devised
by monks, 216.

Holy, the Holy Ghost, 41; "be ye
holy," 47; an holy priesthood, 65;
holy women, 98; the holy One, 193;
the Holy Ghost, 257; the holy mount,

384; holy men-the Holy Ghost,
390; the holy commandment, 411;
the holy prophets, 413; holy con-
versation, 420; most holy faith,
446; the Holy Ghost, 447.
Honour, due to all, 85.

Hope, to, we ought, to the end, 44.
Hope, to a lively, God has begotten
us, 28; that our, may be in God,
53: a reason to be given for, 109;
the, of the Christian, purifies, 207.
Horace, on the liberal and the miser,

137; on old age, 183; on the word
fervid, 321; on envy, 329.
Horses, the, are ruled by bits in their
mouths, 319.

Hospitality, enjoined, 130.

House, a spiritual, 65; the, of God,
judgment begins at, 138.

Humble, to, ourselves, we ought, under
the mighty hand of God, 148; to,
ourselves, we ought, in the sight of
the Lord, 336.

Humble, the, God gives grace to, 148;
the, shall be exalted, 336.
Humility, we are to be clothed with,

Husbands, the, may be won by the
conversation of their wives, 95; they
ought to give honour to their wives, 99.
Husbandman, his example of patience
referred to, 348.

Hypocrisy, is always presumptuous,

Hypocrites, attempt to deceive God,

48; criminate others to exalt them-
selves, 324, 337; are keen-eyed as
to the faults of others, 327.

[blocks in formation]

Jerome, referred to, as to Peter, 155;
his opinion of the Second Epistle of
Peter, 363.

Jews, the, worship an idol, not the true
God, 28, 53, 197.

Joy, the, of believers, unspeakable,
35; a twofold, given to Christians,
134; the fulness of, designed by
John in writing his Epistle, 162;
all, occasioned by various tempta-
tions, 278, 279; exceeding, to be
presented faultless with, before God,

Jude, a servant of Christ and James'
brother, 428; an experimental
teacher, 431; modestly excused him-
self for writing, 434; exhorted
Christians to remember the words
before spoken by the apostles, 444.
Judge, the Father does, without re-
spect of persons, 49; God does,
righteously, 90; to, a brother is to
judge the law, 337-339.
Judged, we shall be, by the law of
liberty, 307.

Judges, the, of evil thoughts, 302.
Judgment, begins at God's house, 138;
shall be without mercy to those who
shew no mercy, 308; the, of the
false teachers, lingers not, 395; re-
served to the fallen angels, 396,
435; to execute, the Lord comes,

Just, the, suffered, for the unjust,
111; God is, to forgive sins, 168;
the, condemned and killed by the
rich, 346; Lot being, God delivered,

Justified, Abraham was by works,
314; a man is, by works, not by
faith only, 316; Rahab was, by
works, 316, 317.


KEEP, to, God's commandments, a proof
that we know him, 173; to, God's
commandments, makes prayer suc-
cessful, 224; to, God's command-
ments, a proof that we love his
children, 251, 252; to, God's com-
mandments, a proof that we love
Him, 252; to, from idols, all are ex-
horted, 275; to, one's-self unspotted
from the world, a part of pure
religion, 300; to, the whole law,
and to fail in one thing, makes us
guilty, 306; to, in God's love, Jude
exhorts us, 447; to, us from falling,
God is able, 449.

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