صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[graphic][merged small]

last Mr. H. Williams sent them
to his brother, under the guid-
ance of a native lad, a distance
of fifteen miles. The journey
was nothing in itself, but this
very district had been ravaged
by Raparahau, and his son's life
might have been sacrificed had
he been recognised. They
arrived in safety, only to meet
with a renewed disappointment.
The second Mr. Williams could
do no more for them than the
first. "Oh, dark, very dark, our
hearts were," said Katu;
have left our homes, our wives,
and our people; we have come
this long way, but we do not
hear good talk." The pocr
fellows returned to wait for their
ship, which was being painted,
more sorrowful than before.
But a fortnight later they heard



an exclamation, "The missionary's boat has come," and running out to see, with reviving hope, were told "They are calling for you." Katu continues : "Mr. Williams said, Friends,

do not be angry with me any more; here is your missionary.' His name was the Rev. O. Hadfield. He had heard us speak to Mr. Williams at Waimate, but he did not understand what we said. When we were gone he said to Mr. Williams,

What did those Maoris say?' Mr. Williams told him we wanted a missionary, and God put it into his heart to come with us. We said, 'We are very much obliged to you,' and we were very happy." It was true: the young_missionary just arrived from England, and present at the interview, had been SO touched by the pleadings of these poor thirsty souls that some one might be sent to show them the way to the Water of Life, that in spite of his ignorance of their language, and being entirely strange to the country, he had urged to be allowed to return with them to the South, and Mr. Williams of the Four Eyes, seeing in these coincidences the leadings of God's hand, decided to go also, and remain there with him until he was established. Thus the happy Katu returned with two missionaries instead of one, and right joyous was the reception they met with on arriving. The cry arose from many voices, "Wel

come, welcome, come hither-the Light is come, that all men may believe."

At Waikanae, opposite Kapiti, about 1,200 were assembled to greet them. There was just time to hold service before the sunset, in the course of which two hymns were sung to original native tunes. Mata-hau had been labouring here, since his own heart had been changed, to bring others to the knowledge of the Truth, and many were in an inquiring state; they had even erected a neat church, lined with tall reeds, for their expected missionary.


Within six months after his arrival, Mr. Hadfield had the joy of baptizing Katu, Why-why, Mata-hau, and some seventeen others. These three took the names respectively of Tamahana (or Thompson), Henera Matene (or Henry Martyn), and Joseph. "We were all very happy that day," wrote Katu; our hearts cried; we were very happy." Tamahana, as we must now call him, proved, as we might have expected, a most earnest worker amongst his countrymen. He and his friends went with a number of New Testaments, lately come from England, to itinerate in Middle Island. It had been formerly desolated by Raparahau, and the old warrior's son ran no little danger in this enterprise, but this did not hold him back. When they pointed to the land his father had laid waste, he replied, "I have come to teach you the Word of God, that is my sword." He seemed never weary of labouring at his blessed work, and has been known to sit up teaching all night, after preaching seven times in the preceding day.

On his return he made new efforts to benefit his own people; and finding he needed more knowledge himself, went for a while to the college at Auckland. As he had difficulty in inducing his subjects to substitute decent houses for

the savage "pah" in which they still lived, he set fire to it, and then, building himself

We have endeavoured thus, in the course of the year, to present to our readers a series of dissolving views from the Story of the first Missions to New Zealand, carried on under the auspices of the Church Missionary Society. After the opening years, in which faith and hope were so sorely exercised, it is an unprecedented history of progress and triumph; some of its passages seem almost like a fulfilment of the promise, "A nation shall be born in a day." If spared to another year, we may be permitted to sketch some of the later trials and difficulties which more than once threatened to extinguish the sacred flames thus kindled by the work of the Spirit of God through the length and breadth of the land. For the present we will close with a parting glimpse of the honoured veteran who had been permitted to be the first to open the campaign, not far from the commencement of the century.

It was in 1837 that Mr. Marsden paid his seventh and last visit to New Zealand, accompanied by his daughter. In former years he had travelled hundreds of miles on foot, over mountains, and through bogs and forests. Now greatly enfeebled by age, he had to be carried in a litter, but everywhere his progress was like a triumphal procession. Some seventy of the natives marched beside him, a self-elected body-guard, and the many who came out at the various stations to do him honour formed quite an imposing spectacle.



a palace, which contained four rooms!* he directed them in erecting their cottages, which each contained two rooms and a chimney. He also introduced cows amongst them, and though the natives were terribly alarmed at first at the sight of this formidable creature, they soon learned its value, and followed their chieftain's example by keeping some of their own. It is interesting to know that old Raparahau entered heartily into his son's improvements, and even attending school, learned his letters with the meekness of a child. He was never sufficiently advanced in knowledge of the truth to justify his baptism, but in his dying moments he could answer Tamahana's anxious question, My father, who died to bear your sins?" with the blessed assurance, "Oh, my son, Christ died for me."


*The accompanying engraving is from a sketch of the very house, taken on the spot more than thirty years ago. The pictures on the two pages form an instructive contrast.

His natural strength indeed had abated, and his bodily eyes were dim, but his mind was still full of energy, and bis heart overflowing with love. His first act was one of mediation between two contending parties near Kaitaia, and afterwards he spent six months going from one settlement to another, "blessing and blessed" wherever he went. The nativesheathen and Christians alike -welcomed him with open arms; they would sit with their eyes riveted upon him; and when requested to withdraw, would reply, "We wish to have a very long and steadfast look at our old friend, for we shall never see him again." Before he left, Mr. Marsden went a cruise as far as Cook's Straits, returning to Sydney in August, and in May, 1838, he received the long expected call to "enter into the joy of his Lord." He had been speaking of the "precious hope he had in Christ," and the last words that fell from his dying lips were, "Precious, precious, precious!" It was at the age of seventythree he thus fell asleep in Jesus, having been forty-five years chaplain in New South Wales. In that colony also his work and influence for good had been most remarkable, but it was to the Great Britain of the Southern Seas that he had proved himself an apostle indeed. We may truly say of him there, that "his works do follow him." To him was given the rare privilege of benefiting, not individuals only, but whole races of his fellow-men. E. D.


Native pastor of Regent, was examining chaplain. The Bishop himself WE E cannot let the Luther Commemoration go by without one word of preached, on St. John xv. 16.

thankfulness for the heartiness with which it has been observed in England. If it were not for the grand truths which Luther did so much to set forth and establish in the mind of Christendom-the truth of salvation by grace through faith, and of the sinner's liberty of direct access to God through the One Mediator-what kind of message could the Church Missionary Society carry to the heathen world? Nor let us forget that when the Church of England failed to give a single man to the mission field, Lutheran Germany provided a noble succession of missionaries, not only for the C.M.S., but for the S.P.C.K. and S.P.G. also. We are glad to hear that one fruit of the Commemoration in Germany itself is the formation of a German Evangelisation Society, of which Dr. Theodore Christlieb of Bonn is President.

BISHOP POOLE sailed with Mrs. Poole from Liverpool for Japan on October 24th. It should be recorded here, as it could not be last month, that at the consecration on St. Luke's Day the Archbishop of Canterbury was assisted by the Bishops of Bath and Wells, Dover, and Lahore, and Bishop Caldwell. The two latter, as old missionaries of the C.M.S. and S.P.G. respectively, appropriately presented the Bishop-elect. The Dean of Windsor acted as Chaplain to the Primate. The handsome chapel of Lambeth Palace was crowded with Mr. Poole's friends and members of the two societies, and the service was a quiet and solemn one. The University of Oxford has conferred the D.D. degree on the new Bishop.

By the death of Canon Clayton (which was announced after the GLEANER went to press last month) the Church Missionary Society is again bereaved of one of its oldest and most faithful friends. No face was more familiar than his, and none more welcome, at our May anniversary; and there was no stauncher advocate of the spiritual principles which are the basis of the Society. The loss of such men is indeed felt. May God raise up many like Charles Clayton !

THE C.M.S. Committee, at their meeting on October 16th, had the pleasure of accepting the offers for missionary service of two clergymen, one an Oxford man in an Oxford curacy, and the other a Cambridge man in a Cambridge curacy-an unusual and interesting coincidence. They are the Rev. A. G. Norman, B.A., Scholar of Brasenose and Curate of St. Ebbe's, and the Rev. J. B. Brandram, B.A., of Queen's College, Cambridge, and Curate of Christ Church, Barnwell. The latter is a grandson of the well-known Andrew Brandram, formerly Secretary of the Bible Society, and was for some time Tutor at the C.M. Children's Home at Highbury. Mr. Norman is appointed to Amritsar, and Mr. Brandram to Nagasaki, Japan.

Ir being important that the Rev. J. W. Handford, who laboured so successfully as schoolmaster at Frere Town for some years, and who was ordained last Trinity Sunday, should be in full orders before returning to East Africa, arrangements were made by the Bishop of London for Bishop Cheetham (late of Sierra Leone) to confer priest's orders upon him; and, by permission of the Bishop of Winchester, the service was held at St. Mary's, West Cowes, of which Dr. Cheetham is now Vicar. It took place on October 18th, St. Luke's Day, the same day that Bishop Poole was conscerated. The sermon was preached by the Rev. W. T. Storrs, Vicar of Sandown, formerly of the C.M.S. Santâl Mission.

OUR readers will be glad to hear that the Henry Wright steamer, which (as before mentioned) had been detained at Aden by the monsoon, arrived at Frere Town on September 25th.

THE Bishop of Sierra Leone held an ordination in St. George's Cathedral, Freetown, on September 23rd. The Society's zealous lay missionary at Port Lokkoh, Mr. J. A. Alley (see GLEANER, February, 1882), was admitted to deacon's orders; and also three Africans, Mr. Samuel Taylor (B A. and L.Th. of Durham); Mr. G. Gurney M. Nicol (B.A. of Cambridge, son of the Rev. G. Nicol of the Gambia); and Mr. Samuel Spain. At the same time, a fourth African, the Rev. H. P. Thompson, received priest's orders. The three last named are in the service of the Sierra Leone Native Church. Mr. Taylor is a C.M.S. agent, and works with Mr. Alley at Port Lokkob. The Rev. J. Robbin,

LETTERS are to hand from Uganda up to July 1st. The Rev. R. P. Ashe, the leader of the last expedition after Mr. Hannington's return, reached Rubaga on May 2nd. He was then very ill, but had since much improved in health. He writes warmly of what he has seen of the work done by Mr. O'Flaherty and Mr. Mackay. We shall give fuller details shortly.

BISHOP ROYSTON, of Mauritius, has been visiting the C.M.S. Mombasa Missions. He confirmed 104 persons at Frere Town, 145 at Rabai, and

7 at Kamlikeni.

ON July 8th, Bishop Burdon ordained an excellent Chinese catechist, whose Chinese name is Fong Yat-Sau, but whose baptismal name is Matthew, and who is known in Australia, where he formerly laboured among the Chinese immigrants, as Matthew A-Jet. This name used to be a familiar one in the Rev. H. B. Macartney's magazine. After his return to Hong Kong he was for a time in the employ of the London Missionary Society. The ordination was held in the C.M.S. church, St. Stephen's.

WE are sorry to say that in the recent riots at Canton, the Rev. J. Grundy's house was wrecked, and he lost all his furniture, books, clothes, &c. Mrs. Grundy, providentially, was at Hong Kong at the time; and thither her husband has been obliged to come for a time. There is no doubt that the Chinese Government will award full pecuniary compensation. Bishop Burdon writes that the riots were neither political nor religious, but simply an outburst of revenge for murders committed by foreigners.

THE Rev. T. F. Wolters, of Jerusalem, had the privilege, on June 10th, of baptizing two Mohammedans, a widow and her daughter, the first adult converts from Islam to be received into the visible fold of Christ in St. Paul's (C.M.S.) Mission Church. The mother first heard the Gospel in the Prussian Deaconesses' Hospital, from Mr. J. Jamal, a cousin of the Native pastor at Salt. Both she and her daughter had been under systematic instruction for months, and "as far as man can judge, have grasped Christ as their Saviour." Our readers will join with us in thanking God for what we trust will prove to be a pledge of future blessing in our Missions to the Moslems of the East.

FROM the Daily Telegraph of October 2nd, we take the following notice of Bishop G. E. Moule and Archdeacon A. E. Moule, which occurs in a correspondent's letter, entitled "Life in China" :-

Having spent a day or two in Hangchow, I passed up the Tien-tang River in the direction of the Hwuychow mountains. Here I found a warlike population, notoriously troublesome in past years to the authorities, and even now often putting the mandarin who governs them to his wits' end to know how to keep them in order. There were, however, plenty of troops about, and the roads and tracks over the hills appeared to be tolerably safe. Europeans do not often traverse the country, though, to the praise of Bishop Moule, and his brother, Archdeacon Moule, as well as of the American missionaries of Hangchow, it should be said that the Chinamen of the district are personally visited, and that from what they have seen of the devoted men I have mentioned, they have formed a very friendly opinion of foreigners. I did not have a single unpleasant word said to me once I had passed Hangchow, although I might have been insulted with perfect impunity.

WE ask the attention of our readers to the prospectus of the GLEANER for the coming year enclosed in this number. Will they make a real effort now to increase the circulation by inducing their friends to take it in? We want the GLEANER to leave a large profit to the Society, and never to draw from its funds; and to this end we want the sale raised from 30,000 copies a-month to 60,000.

AND why is not the GLEANER more widely used for localising as a Parochial Magazine? It is localised with conspicuous success, and with considerable profits, in some poor parishes, like St. James's, Bermondsey, and some well-to-do middle-class parishes, like Holy Trinity, Penge; but why are these so relatively few?

**We would remind our friends that the GLEANER Examination will be held on Tuesday, January 8. Full particulars can be obtained from the Editorial Secretary, C.M. House, 16, Salisbury Square, E.C.

"A SUBSCRIBING CRIPPLE."-S. Margetts, Mickleton Wood, Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire, desires to thank an unknown friend at Wakefield for his kind letter and enclosed gift.

RECEIVED.-H. K. S., for Persia Mission, 5s.; M. P., Proceeds of Plants, 10s.

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