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النشر الإلكتروني


Pictures from Egypt.-A House in Cairo.


AST month we gave a picture of a mosque at Cairo. From sacred we now turn to domestic architecture. "Into whatsoever house ye enter," said the Lord to His seventy disciples whom He sent forth before His face, "first say, Peace be to this house." That is exactly what the Church Missionary Society now desires to say to Egypt.

By the Author of " England's Daybreak," "The Good News in
Africa," &c.

HE readers of last month's MISSIONARY GLEANER will not now feel as strangers to the handsome and intelligent young chieftain, Ruatara, but will have sympathised with his many disappointments in the endeavour to bring the blessings of Christianity to his countrymen. They will be prepared to rejoice with him, that after seven years, more or less, of delays and hindrances, he was at last, in 1813, permitted to return to his own people, in favourable circumstances, well furnished by Mr. Marsden with the tools and seeds and plants so necessary for introducing the blessings of civilisation. At first, he was listened to with the greatest wonder and delight, but when he unfolded to them such incredible facts as that the bread and biscuit they keenly

appreciated were made from grains of wheat, and that white men had "corraddees" (dogs) large enough to carry a man-the only satisfactory definition of a horse which he could invent!-they thought he was going beyond all bounds, and stopping their ears, asked if it was likely they would allow themselves to be so imposed upon. Some few, candid enough to be willing to put his declarations to the test, tried to ride their pigs, by way of practical proof, and when they found this was impossible, decided that the whole thing was a fiction, and rejected all his information as pure invention. Had Tippahee been alive, he would have fully supported his nephew's assertions, but Ruatara was now alone.


However, the earnest hearted young chieftain was not to be easily daunted. He induced six of the doubters to accept some corn, and sow it according to his directions and example. sprang up well, grew luxuriantly, and he was eagerly reckoning upon the overthrow of at least one of their prejudices, when just as it was coming into ear, they rooted it up, to search for the grain which they expected to find, like the tubers of potatoes, forming underground, and finding, of course, nothing of the sort, pulled up all the plants and burnt them in angry disappointment! Only his uncle, Hongi, had the patience to wait for the ripening of the crop, and he was rewarded by a plentiful crop. In spite, however, of these discouragements there was every *This dance, with guns, was of course sketched many years after the dance with spears mentioned on the next page.

prospect of a cordial welcome being offered to his missionary friends, if they could now carry out their original intention of coming to settle there, and he sent to them accordingly. This appeal found Mr. Marsden in some difficulty. Prejudice against the Maoris had been strengthened by the untoward circumstances which had taken place, and the wisdom of returning amongst them was so strongly questioned, that though unaltered in his own views, he found it would be best to send two forward as pioneers, before advancing with the whole party. Mr. Hall and Mr. Kendall arrived in 1814, to Ruatara's great joy. One can imagine the rapture with which he would exhibit his most flourishing farm to his European allies, potatoes, carrots, and onions, all growing in profusion, and a good supply of wheat ready for the steel-mill, besides a most prosperous family of pigs! No time was lost in converting some of the grain into flour, to the unspeakable amazement of the onlookers, and when Ruatara proceeded to make cakes out of it, and bake them in a fryingpan, and then gave each a piece to eat, they danced and shouted with extravagant joy, and rewarded him by hinting that they did not now altogether discredit his extraordinary statements about the "pigs large enough to ride on," alias horses!

Six weeks' residence wholly satisfied these Christian spies sent forward to view the land, as to the safety and desirableness of regularly commencing the Mission settlement; and spite of some disadvantages from the feud consequent on the massacre of the crew of the Boyd, and the death of Tippahee, not yet healed over, and the hindrances arising from the low character of Europeans connected with the trading vessels that touched there, it was felt there need be no hesitation in fixing upon the Bay of Islands as a starting point.

It was in the end of November, 1814, that Mr. Marsden embarked with his little party, in the small brig Active (which at his own risk he had purchased for Mission purposes) from Port Jack son; and on December 15th, when the summer sun was bathing the scene in evening splendour, they first came in sight of the land they were about to take possession of in their Redeemer's name. It was upon the 18th they actually disembarked, with Koro-koro, a chief who had accompanied them. His presence alone would have ensured them a favourable reception, but the welcome he received from his aunt was perplexing enough to have excited grave anxiety. Mr. Marsden thus describes it :"She had," he says, "a green bough twisted round her head, and another in her hand. As she advanced she prayed very loud, and wept exceedingly. Koro-koro remained motionless till she came up to him, when they laid their heads together, the woman leaning on a staff, and he on his gun. Thus they stood, repeating short sentences aloud, which we understood were prayers, and here they wept aloud for a long time, the tears rolling down their cheeks in torrents. It was impossible to see them without being deeply moved. A daughter of the aunt also sat at her feet weeping; and the women who accompanied her joined in the lamentation, cutting themselves in their faces, arms, and breasts with sharp shells or flints till the blood streamed down." It is difficult to believe it, but this was all intended as a manifestation of the most intense joy! The missionaries afterwards found it was the universal way of expressing unspeakable rapture.

The brig lay becalmed a few days off the Cavalle Islands, and while there Mr. Marsden found that a large party of the very tribe who had killed the crew of the Boyd, the Whangaroan, were encamped on the opposite coast. As it was of the utmost importance now to establish friendly relations with them, the fearless missionary at once determined to visit them in person. Ruatara, knowing their unscrupulous ferocity, tried to dissuade him from going, but finding he could not do so, generously resolved to go with him, and make the first advances. They saw a body of armed men stationed on an opposite hill when

they landed; Ruatara went forward to explain, and was answered by a woman flourishing a red mat round her head, and bidding them come. Obeying the summons, they soon found themselves in the midst of these formidable cannibals. The chiefs sat upon the ground surrounded by their warriors, each having a spear, fifteen or twenty feet in length, stuck in the ground at their side. All were dressed in their native mats, some of them very handsome, and had their hair neatly tied in a knot at the top of the head, ornamented with long white feathers. Some wore the teeth of their slaughtered enemies round their necks as decorations, while some were adorned with dollars taken from the ill-fated British ship. All at once the warriors seized their spears and brandished them, as if in fury, one against the other; yells, shrieks and roars arose on every side, while the frightful gesticulations, and the variety of hor rible contortions both of faces and limbs, were enough to strike terror into the most courageous beholder. It was sufficiently astonishing to be told this was the war dance of welcome.

A friendly conversation ensued, but as the day-light hours. had slipped past without discussion of the subject nearest Mr. Marsden's heart, he took the bold resolution of passing the night among these savages. "The night," he wrote, "was clear, the stars shone bright, the sea before us was smooth; around were the warriors' spears stuck upright in the ground, and groups of natives lying in all directions like a flock of sheep upon the grass, for there were neither tents nor huts to cover them. I viewed our situation with feelings I cannot describe; surrounded by cannibals who had massacred and devoured our countrymen, I wondered much at the mysteries of Providence. I did not sleep much, my mind was occupied by the new and strange ideas the scene naturally awakened."

That evening and night were fraught with results of the deepest consequence to New Zealand's future. The fearless intrepidity of Mr. Marsden's conduct, and the cogency of his arguments, so wrought upon the chiefs, that they not only agreed to leave the new settlement unmolested, but to come to terms of peace with the Chief of the Bay of Islands. E. D.


T. ANDREW'S HALL is, owing to its architecture and history, one of the sights of the ancient and interesting city of Norwich. Once, before the Reformation, the noble church of a monastic order, it is now the property of the city Corporation and serves the various purposes of a public hall. But perhaps never has it been better utilised than it was in January last, when it was for five days transformed into what might be called a Missionary Museum. The Norwich Church of England Young Men's Society, encouraged by a similar attempt at Cambridge last year, resolved to aid the funds of the Church Missionary Society by holding in St. Andrew's Hall a Loan Exhibition of objects of interest connected with missionary work, and also an Oriental Bazaar for the sale of articles specially imported from foreign lands. The design was a good one, and by God's blessing it prospered as it deserved. More than three thousand curious and interesting objects were lent, by friends residing in different parts of England, as well as by the C.M.S. itself, the Church of England Zenana Society, and the Missionary Leaves Association.

The exhibits were displayed in seven courts, named after the several parts of the world represented; and whichever way the eye turned it saw objects which were really an eloquent missionary appeal, telling of the degradation and misery of the heathen, and of the toils, privations, sufferings and successes of modern apostles of the true faith of the Gospel.

Here in the African Court is a slave-pole, of great weight and forked at one end; the neck of the unhappy slave was placed within the prongs and secured by means of an iron bolt passing through them. In this way he was led across the country by his brutal captors, and escape rendered impossible. Look, too, at that huge iron collar with four lengthy

projections having the appearance of feet. That was taken from the neck of a slave by the Governor of Jamaica, and sent to the first Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton about the year 1830. Lady Buxton lends it to the Exhibition. That tall ugly figure is an idol given up in 1877 to the Bishop of the Niger, Samuel Crowther (once a slave), by King Ockiya, of Brass, and is a striking illustration of Isaiah xliv. 13, 16, 17, as it shows, at the bottom, the tree from which it was carved. This, which looks like a small walking-stick, is in fact a slave whip, cut out of the hide of a hippopotamus, and a stinging weapon indeed it is.

A few steps, and we are in the court devoted to Palestine, Egypt, Syria, &c. Here is a crown of thorns from Jerusalem, and if the crown placed mockingly on the head of our dear Redeemer were like this one it must have cruelly wounded Him. Here is a shepherd's dress from Nazareth, comprising belt, great-coat, robe, cap, kafia and cord, sandals, scrip, dirk, flute, pipe and pouch, and sling. This rough piece of workmanship is a yoke made by a Nazareth carpenter, and although visitors should not touch, one's hand almost affectionately touches it, and one's mind reverently recalls what is written by the Evangelists concerning Joseph and Jesus. This is the head-dress of a woman of Bethlehem, lavishly trimmed with current coins, according to the local custom of wearing money (sometimes as much as £30) on the head. It is suggested, as we stand inspecting this curious specimen of Judean millinery, that the woman mentioned in the parable in the 15th chapter of St. Luke would probably lose her drachma from her bonnet.

We are now in the Indian Court. Here are torture clogs or shoes, such as are worn by devctees on their pilgrimages, with the spikes upward against the naked foot. They remind us of an affecting anecdote. On one occasion a missionary was preaching in India under a banyan tree. While he was preaching, a pilgrim shod with torturing sandals came up, and sat down to rest, within hearing. The missionary at that moment was repeating the text: "The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all sin." In an instant "marvellous light" shone into the deluded pilgrim's mind; he received the truth, and throwing away his clogs, cried with joy, "This is what I want." He ceased from doing penance, and returned home a new creature. Here is a cylindrical praying machine-so small and light a child can work it. The prayers are inside, and the ignorant worshipper believes they are offered acceptably as many times as he causes the cylinder to revolve. Are there no nominal Christians in danger of being guilty of a like absurdity and superstition? Are there none in our own land who have a notion that they have prayed, and prayed acceptably, when they have mechanically repeated a certain number of prayers, in which, alas! the heart has not joined? This old sword of the reign of Shah Allum was used in 1857-1858, in the beheading of seventeen of the Indian mutineers. That coat, decorated with bright golden lace, was worn by Ayoob Khan in the fight near Kandahar, when he was defeated by Sir Frederick Roberts.

We will now cross the hall, and enter the Chinese Court. Here the great objects of attraction are undoubtedly the memorials of the imprisonment in Canton, in the year 1840, of the Rev. V. J. Stanton, formerly Colonial Chaplain at Hong Kong, and now Rector of Halesworth. There are his prison coat and pillow, and what is more impressive, the chains for the ankles and neck, and the manacles for the wrists. Here are two idols which were never the occasion of idolatry, inasmuch as the manufacture was not duly completed. The spirit of the god requires to be poured in through the hole in the back; when this ceremony has been performed, nothing will be wanting-meanwhile the images are powerless for good or evil.

Our visit must soon come to an end, but we must peep into two more courts for a moment or two. In the Australasian Court is a small pocket Communion Service, which belonged to the Rev. Samuel Marsden, the Apostle of New Zealand. "It is not too much to say that to Samuel Marsden Great Britain owes, under God, both the colony and the Church of New Zealand." In this court a place is found for a spear, a mat, and a few other things from the island of Madagascar, now so happily Christianised, and for whose people it behoves us at this time to pray that their rights and privileges may be continued to them, despite the designs of our French neighbours.

In the next court (American and Pacific), among other curious things is the equipment of the North-West American medicine-man, including

his soul-holder, a piece of hollow bone, engraved on the outside, in which he professes to place the soul of his patient while he conjures over him. These five articles from the South Sea Islands-a stone adze, brush, whip, war-club, and bowl-are notable for their having been at one time the property of the famous martyr of Erromanga, John Williams.

We have not time to see the Zenana Court, or to inspect the stalls of the Bazaar, and accordingly take our leave of the Exhibition with praise for the past successes and prayer for the future prosperity of the Church Missionary Society. F. S. SWINDELL,

Curate of Holy Trinity Church, Norwich.

[We may add that during the week about twenty lectures were given, on the orchestra, by missionaries and other friends, upon the various C.M.S. Missions; which were largely attended, and much added to the interest and practical usefulness of the Exhibition. Also, that the Exhibition and Sale produced £800, which, after paying all expenses, will leave about £300 clear profit for the Society's funds.

We should like now to repeat Mr. Arden's question, put in the GLEANER after the Cambridge Exhibition of last year," What town will take the Exhibition next year?" and to hope that it will again meet with a speedy and hearty response. Perhaps we ought to add, Don't all speak at once!—ED.]


E regret to have to report that the number of competitors in the Gleaner Examination has again been less this year; and it is now clear that our friends are not prepared to take up the plan in such a way as to warrant its continuance. We propose, therefore, to seek the same objects by a scheme of a somewhat different kind, which we hope to announce shortly. There were twenty-five candidates in all, besides four others who paid the entrance fee but did not sit. Twenty competed in Standard A, and five only in Standard B.

Questions for Standards A and B.

1. Give a sketch of the origin and early history of the Church Missionary Society. Mention some of its founders and first friends.

2. Give a brief account (a) of the founding of the East Africa Mission by Dr. Krapf, (b) of its present position as described by Mr. Price.

3. Describe the work of the Society at any one of the following stations:Calcutta, Lucknow, Amritsar, Jerusalem, Gaza, Ispahan.

4. Where are Agarpara, Baddegama, Fulladoyo, Julfa, Otaki, Pannivilei, Port Lokkoh, Salt, Sharanpur, Skeena River, Tank, Tong A?

5. Mention examples of spiritual life and consistent conduct among the Native Christians in West Africa, South India, South China, North-West America; and relate more fully one example of the converting grace of God. 6. Mention any special reasons at the present time for the Society's appeal for "Half as Much Again."

Additional Questions for Standard A only.

7. Persia, Palestine, Egypt: Give a brief account of the Society's work in these countries, noting especially its peculiar difficulties.

8. What do you know of the Society's Medical Missions? Where are they carried on? and how?

9. Who are the Bheels, Copts, Dinkas, Gallas, Pulayans, Shintoists, Sikhs, Tamil Coolies, Telugus, Timnehs, Wakamba, Waziris?

10. What striking facts, and independent testimonies, have been recorded lately in the GLEANER, which may be well used in conversations with persons who doubt the success of Missions?

List of Successful Candidates.
First Class.

1. Lillie Lucas, Ripley, Leeds.
2. Charlotte E. Lloyd. Shrewsbury.
3. Mary J. Bartley, Birmingham,

4. Julia E. Brackenbury, Brenchley,

5. E. A. Davies, Shrewsbury.

6. Edith A. Disbrowe, Benington, Linc. 7. Emily S. Blenkin, Boston.

8. Frances E. M'Arthur, Burlingham, Norfolk.

9. Charlotte M. Davidson, Bath. 10. E. M. Leslie, Brenchley, Kent. Second Class.

1. Harriet O. Botterill, Boston. 2. Alice Oldroyd, Shrewsbury.

8. Nellie Miller, Hastings.

4. "Louisa," Turvey, Beds.

5. M. Trobitius, Tanburst, Dorking.

6. "E. J. B.," Iver, Bucks.

7. Mary E. Storr, Boston.

8. Maud Bosanquet, Tanhurst, Dorking. Honourable mention :-" M.," Turvey, Beds; Oliver P. Heywood, Southwick, Brighton.


Class 1.-Mêmê Fleming, Leeds.
Class II.-C. M. Cuming, Bath.

Carrie Stubbs, Pentonville, N. Honourable mention:-Wilfrid Thos. French, Brighton.

It will be seen that we have entered all the candidates in Standard A as having passed, which is certainly their due. In Standard B, four out of five passed. The fifth, having only answered three questions out of the six, could not be fairly mentioned.

The winner of the 1st prize competes for the first time. All the others

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