صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


They go not forth with trump and shout,

They wear no badge to win the eye, No crowds applaud as they pass out

With calm resolve to serve and die.

Crucified to each earthly aim,

Their Saviour's sign they bear within, Their joy, their glory to proclaim The one true Sacrifice for sin.

England! wilt thou stand careless by,
Nor help them in their sacred task?
How canst thou, with averted eye,
Withhold the aid they humbly ask?
All that thou hast of good and great,
Of wise and pure, of fine and free,
Thy wealth, thy power, thy high estate,
Came from the Holy Land to thee.

Thy fathers worshipped sticks and stones; They gave their children to the flame; Thy land was full of tears and groans

Before Christ's faithful preachers came. The light of truth has made thee shine, Has spread thy name from sea to sea, Oh! give again to Palestine

The wondrous gift she gave to thee. Q.

SKETCHES OF MISSIONARY WORK IN PALESTINE. Education in the East, relieves us of the care of most of the



E had had a week of very unsettled-looking weather since we left Jerusalem, the only fine days being those spent at Nablous, and on the Friday morning we rose from our beds at the foot of Mount Carmel to find it pouring as if it had never rained there before. As it had been raining all through the night, our rather low camping ground on the banks of the Kishon speedily became a swamp, and it was with feelings of great relief that we set off for Nazareth on Saturday, under a clear sky.

We forded the Kishon with more ease than had been anticipated; and soon found ourselves in a lovely park-like country, till we again emerged on the swampy plain of Esdraelon, where we could well imagine the heavy work that Sisera's chariot wheels must have had. Then after ascending a rocky valley, and rounding the brow of a bare hill, we found ourselves close to the town of Nazareth. Through its narrow streets we rode, attracted almost immediately by the sight of an open carpenter's shop, whence came the busy sound of the hammer, a sight the deep interest of which you can easily understand.

We chose our camping ground, high and dry, on a charming sward overlooking the whole town, and close to the fountain, which has every right to the name it bears of the Virgin's Well. It is the one well of the place, and here, without the least doubt, must Mary have come day after day, as we now saw the Nazareth maidens coming with their pitchers for water.

Nazareth is built in an amphitheatre of hills, nestling against the southern slopes, but the old village was much lower down in the hollow. It has been so much the custom in the east to build on the rubbish heaps and debris of former dwellings, that it is impossible to say how many Nazareths have been piled one upon another, gradually creeping up hill on the slopes of the true Mount of Precipitation.

As one of the oldest and most important of our Mission Stations in the Holy Land, Nazareth now presents the feature of the second generation of Protestant Christians, and this, as is always the case, is a time of special difficulty and danger, from the admixture that there must be of mere nominal professors without the zeal of first love. "Grace does not run in the blood," as a wise man once said. However, there is true love and zeal to be found in the greater number of the Mission congregation, and some of the very difficulties felt are just the outcome of a grasping after more subtle teaching and the danger of losing hold of first principles, a peril to which the Oriental mind is peculiarly


So many English travellers were spending Sunday at Nazareth that Mr. Bellamy and Mr. Huber kindly arranged for an English service at eleven, therefore we did not go to the Arabic service, which is early and very well attended. The church is a very fine building, accomplished a good many years ago at very moderate cost, under the superintendence of Mr. Zeller, who lived here for many years, and was the father of the Nazareth Mission. We could feel that our church there was thoroughly worthy of its central position in the now thriving and prosperous town. There is a second Arabic service in the afternoon, and Sunday-schools besides, all admirably managed, as was seen by those of our party who went out in the heat of that Sunday


The boys' school numbers 180 scholars, in a capital schoolroom, the enlargement of which was not quite completed when we were there. There is also a good school for girls and infants, who are day scholars, but the beautiful orphanage on the side of the hill above the town, maintained by the Society for Female

Nazareth girls. Under Miss Dickson's admirable and loving care fifty girls are boarded, clothed, and taught here; and there is now accommodation for fifty more, who I have no doubt will be forthcoming as soon as funds for their support are supplied. Every kind of Mission agency is at work here. The evangelistic work of our missionaries, church services, schools, meetings, and a mothers' meeting and sewing class, conducted by Mrs. Huber and her daughter,-the Scotch Medical Mission has a small hospital (though the absence for health's sake of the doctor prevented our seeing this at work), and Miss Dickson's orphanage ;-everything, in fact, but the one thing that might naturally occur to us as being the most essentially in sympathy with the place and its holy associations. This is a higher grade boarding school for boys of the same class as the Diocesan School at Jerusalem. In the girls' orphanage they have not only the advantages of a Christian education, but they are trained in habits of cleanliness and order, and taught to make their homes of the future what a Christian home ought to be. Now when these girls marry, if their husbands have not had a similar training, what chance is there for them? They will in most cases gradually sink back disheartened to the old filthy ways that the influence of generations will easily bring back to them. I must here say that in matters of food, style of dress, and expenditure, no change is made in the custom of the country, which is usually that best adapted for it. The C.M.S. hope much to be able to plant such an institution here, in the heart of Galilee, and I would earnestly hope that a special effort may be begun for this work so urgently needed. There are orphan boys drifting into misery and vice because there is no such home open for them; and this is on the spot hallowed to us as the scene of our Lord's boyhood and early manhood. On those flower-clad hills He wandered as a little lad, and no more certain track have we anywhere of those holy footsteps than on the slopes of the hills

of Nazareth.

I think if the boys of England, those at our public schools, as well as those toiling in the humbler walks of life, would make the effort, a sufficient sum would then be raised, and our dear Society be spared the pang of looking at an open door they cannot enter. What more blessed or interesting work can be imagined than a Boys' Industrial School and Orphanage at Nazareth? Geographically a better spot could not be chosen. Nazareth is the centre of northern Palestine, and easily reached from all parts. thriving town, and the easy access to the sea coast gives it special advantages and openings for labour and trade.

It is a

Nazareth is lengthening her cords in the surrounding country as a centre of C.M.S. work. At Shefamar we have a church and

school, with a catechist and schoolmaster, and the services and week-day meetings are well attended. At this village there are twenty-six communicants. Reineh also is a very hopeful and vigorous out-station, ministered to by an able and devoted schoolmaster, and there are schools open and a good beginning made in many a Galilean village. Kefr Kenna, or Cana of Galilee, is about an hour's ride from Nazareth; and here we have a good school as far as master and boys are concerned, and it is hoped that a good schoolroom will soon be built. The master here is catechist also, and conducts services on Sunday. All these outstations are visited from Nazareth by the Native Pastor there, who works under the supervision of Mr. Huber.

The Mission at Nazareth is a most flourishing and important one, and much good has come out of some of the difficulties of former years. The congregations have increased, and the church is full every Sunday, while the meetings on week-days are very largely attended. Now, when once the Boys' Industrial School is begun, we shall have a model Mission, thanks to the help from those who work so heartily by our side on this holy ground.


Na letter received from Mrs. Peel a few days ago we were delighted to hear that a former pupil of the Caste Girls' Schools in Masulipatam, which my wife had charge of when she was in India, had come out from heathenism and professed Christianity. Her name is Sheshamma. She went to one of the schools when she was quite young, perhaps nine or ten years of age, and remained two or three years, when she joined her husband, and went to live at a place some distance from Masulipatam. After a year or two her husband died, and she came back to Masulipatam to be with her friends. My wife heard that she would be willing to become a pupil-teacher, or monitor to the younger children of the schools, and employed her as such part of the day, while she continued her studies the other part. Before we left India in 1880 there appeared to be signs of a good work going on in Sheshamma's heart. She used to go on Sunday afternoons to the house of one of the Christians, and occasionally to my wife, for reading the Word of God and prayer. And since we have been in England we have heard that she was still seeking after God.

Mrs. Peel now writes: "Last June she professed her desire to become a Christian, and in her own house has tried to live in accordance to God's law. About four months ago her father died, and she did not like to leave her home then for fear of being thought heartless, but last week she told Mr. and Mrs. Anantam (the Christians whom she used to visit on Sunday afternoons) she had quite made up her mind and would come out' the following Sunday. When she came to our house she wrote to her mother saying: I have chosen Christ to be my Saviour, and wish to be baptized in obedience to His command."" Late at night the mother, brother, and a girl went to Mr. Peel's house and tried to induce Sheshamma to give up the idea of being a Christian, but without success. Then the brother dashed his head violently against the pavement and the women began shrieking to show their sorrow. As she was still unmoved they reasoned with her again; and then the brother gave himself a terrible blow on the head, which made him quite unconscious for a time. As soon as he recovered they went away. The next day the mother and sisters went and tried to persuade her to give up her new religion; they too did not succeed. She was to be baptized on the following Sunday. I trust she has remained steadfast and has been received into the ark of Christ's Church by baptism. Sheshamma herself wrote a nice letter to my wife, telling her that she had professed to be a Christian though her friends had begged her not, and asked for prayer that she might continue in the faith of the Lord. She had not received baptism when she wrote, and may after all have been prevailed on by her friends to go back; but I trust she has been enabled to lean on that Strength which is sufficient for every time of need. She belongs to the Sudra caste, and is the first one who has publicly come forward from those schools and professed Christ. May she ever remain His! WALTER CLAYTON.

Sheshamma to Mrs. Clayton. (Translation.)

To Mrs. Clayton.-Dear Mother-From the day you went to England to this day I, by God's help, have been well. Up to this time I am doing work in the schools which you placed (or begun). When you were here you had much desire for me to join the religion of Christ, and now by God's grace He

has given me strength to confess Him before all. Therefore I, last Sunday,

to become a Christian woman, came to Mrs. Peel's house. I am there still. My relatives came and begged me very much to return to their house; at that time, the Lord being my helper, I heard their words but did not go with them. He delivered me out of that temptation. If the Lord will, to-morrow even I having obtained baptism, shall be received into His Church. I am writing this small letter to tell you that you may be very glad. Dear mother, you will please pray that I, according as I have begun, may continue to the end faithful to the Lord, and towards Him may increase in faith and love. Please both you and Mr. Clayton accept my loving salaams. I have written in this way. SHESHAMMA.

[Since the above was in type, we have received from Mr. Clayton, with great thankfulness, the news that Sheshamma had been baptized and was remaining steadfast, though much opposed by her friends. Her brother had even threatened to stab her.]

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GARPARA is a native village about ten miles north of Calcutta. The church and mission premises seen in the illustration are situated on the eastern bank of the river, where the buildings form a very pretty picture to passers-by in sailing up the The Mission is one among the many Hooghly from Calcutta. instances in which we see an All-wise Ruler bringing good out of evil; famines in different parts of the country having been the immediate cause of its establishment. Various circumstances have led to the desolating famines which from time to time have visited different parts of India. Frequently they have been caused by drought; but probably as frequently by inundations. In 1832, three inundations of an unusually severe character swept away thousands of the inhabitants of large districts in Lower Bengal. Mrs. Wilson, widow of a C.M.S. missionary, who was one of the pioneers of mission work among the women of India, seized the opportunity which this calamity afforded for interesting friends in the destitute natives; and having obtained funds,

[A picture of one of these caste girls appeared in the GLEANER of despatched a Christian catechist, with several helpers, to assist Sept., 1881.]

A Hindu's Opinion of Hinduism. A Bombay Presidency," a very energetic and enlightened man," lately NATIVE Government official, the Deputy-Collector of a large town in the travelled across India to visit Benares and the other sacred places in the North, "He came back disgusted with what he saw, and at a public lecture given in the High School he exposed the hypocrisy, deceit, and wickedness which he had witnessed while on pilgrimage." He then printed his lecture, and sent copies to the C.M.S. Mission in his district, with permission to distribute them. Thus, writes the Missionary who sends this information, "educated nonChristians are doing what they can to pull down the crumbling edifice of Hinduism. May the time," he adds, "soon come when they will be willing to build as well as destroy by substituting a living faith for a dead one."

the sufferers. By this means many children were rescued; though several whom they had hoped to save were so exhausted that they died on the way to the home prepared for their reception. The buildings at first occupied by Mrs. Wilson were regarded only as temporary, and after much search for a suitable spot on which to establish an orphanage, the present premises were bought by her, an unused Government silk factory, which occupied the site, being altered and enlarged to enable it to accommodate its new inhabitants. The new buildings were completed in 1836. The following year saw the erection of a commodious school-house, capable of holding 500 pupils, for

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youths of the better class of Bengalis, and the year 1838 saw the erection of a mission-house for the residence of a missionary.

The church seen in the picture was erected afterwards, and in the autumn of 1841, though not quite completed, was opened for Divine service. (There was originally a tower to the church, but it was destroyed in the terrible cyclone of 1864, and has not been rebuilt.)

In 1842, Mrs. Wilson left India, and during the forty years that have since elapsed the Mission has necessarily passed through many hands. But each successive missionary in charge has brought to bear upon the work the full power of an earnest and loving purpose, notably the revered Revs. T. Sandys and S. Hasell, and their wives. For ten years the Orphanage has enjoyed the able superintendence of Miss H. J. Neele, under whose administration much good work has been done amongst the children.

The Boys' School to which we referred above was opened two years before Mrs. Wilson left India. That it was fully appreciated by those for whom it was established is proved by the fact, that within a very few months 300 boys were in attendance. The work went on prosperously until a temporary check was given to it, in consequence of its bearing real fruit in the conversion and baptism of one of the pupils of the English school. He was a Brahmin, and his baptism naturally roused the anger of the influential Hindus of the neighbourhood, who set up opposition schools, which of course drew away many pupils from the mission schools.

In 1842, Babu Guru Churun Bose, a convert to Christianity, was appointed head master. His history is an interesting one :Guru Churun Bose belonged to a family of good position in Calcutta ; he was born in 1823. When a youth at school his attention was first drawn to Christianity by reading a book, which had been lent to his elder brother by a Christian schoolfellow, now the Rev. G. C. Mitter. This book, Bishop Wilson's "Evidences of Christianity," convinced him of the Divine origin of Christianity, and with God's blessing led him beyond the simple head belief, touched his heart, and he could no longer remain among his heathen relatives. Anxious to embrace Christianity, he took refuge at Bishop's College, where he received further instruction previous to baptism. While there, many were the attempts of his family to lure him away; threats and entreaties were, however, alike unavailing; the oft-repeated plot of the feigned entreaties of a dying mother, that her son would visit her ere it was too late, was in his case attempted in vain. At last one day his brother visited him, and taunting him with his unkindness to his mother, said that, in her anxiety to see him, she, "a purdah-lady," who never went outside her own apartments, had actually accompanied him to the boat to beg an interview. The poor youth, though fearing much to put himself in the power of his family, longed to see his mother; and judging that his heathen relatives would have but a poor idea of his newly-adopted religion, should it appear to harden his heart against her who loved him so much, decided to enter the boat, which was drawn close up to the shore, and in the cabin of which he expected to have the sad pleasure of once more embracing his beloved mother. He entered the cabin to find, alas! no mother there, but to know that he had fallen a victim to the plots of his angry relatives, several of whom were there to receive him, with anything but loving words. The boat was soon loosed, and rapidly rowed from the shore; his cry for help reached his Christian companions, who had watched the scene from the river's bank; their angry shouts soon brought down one of the professors to still the commotion. The question, "Did he go of his own

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THE ISLET OF DESHIMA, NAGASAKI, JAPAN. (See also Pictures in Gleaner of March, 1877, and December, 1878.) accord?" elicited many earnest replies of "No!" "no!" "Man the boat!" was the order given, and in little more time than it takes to write the account, the college boat was ready, and rapidly pursuing the fugitives, upon whom it was evidently gaining head, when an uncle of Guru Churun's, the leader of the capturing party, sternly demanded, "Will you promise not to be baptized ?" "I cannot," said the youth; "I will not deny my Saviour." Upon this the uncle, in furious anger, seized the slight youth, and throwing him overboard, left him struggling in the rapid, dangerous current. Those in the college boat redoubled their efforts, and were providentially able to rescue the poor fellow from the watery grave.

Shortly after this he was received into the Christian Church, being baptized in October, 1842, by Bishop Dealtry. He was only between 19 and 20 years of age when two or three months later he was appointed as Head Master of the Agarpara English School, where, notwithstanding his youth, his efficient aid enabled Mr. De Rosario to record such satisfactory results in the progress of the Mission school. His daughters were pupils in our Agarpara Upper School; their well-written examination papers and intelligent replies elicited the approval of the school inspectors, while a letter from one of them shows what is the spirit of many of our Bengali Christians. After telling of her marriage with a man in a good position under Government, she says, "He employs his leisure hours in writing for a Christian vernacular paper, and in preaching the blessed Gospel. I am thankful to say he is doing both these works gratis."

The foregoing account of Agarpara is condensed from an article by Miss Neele in the C.M. Intelligencer for December last. The Rev. F. Gmelin is now in charge. Miss Neele herself is returning to India this autumn, but she is now to establish a Boarding School at Calcutta for Christian girls of the better classes, a work of very great importance. She will be accompanied by Miss Alice Sampson, daughter of the Rev. J. E. Sampson, Vicar of Barrow-on-Humber. In last month's C.M. Intelligencer Miss Neele describes her plans, which call for our warmest sympathy and most earnest prayers.

A PLEASANT REUNION AT NAGASAKI. T Nagasaki, Japan, the Rev. Herbert Maundrell has a little theological institution for training Native evangelists and teachers. (See GLEANER, December, 1878.) Some of the men are already stationed out at important cities, and doing excellent work. Mr. Maundrell sends a pleasant account of a ten days' gathering of the whole number at head-quarters last November:

On St. Andrew's Day, the anniversary of the opening of the College, we had full morning service with Holy Communion at Deshima Church, when I preached from Matt. iv. 19, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." In the afternoon there was a football game between the catechists and the students, in which Mr. Andrews, as always, was a champion; and in the evening there was a tea for the catechists, students, and a few other Native friends, at my house. And this evening Mr. Andrews entertained them in Deshima School, with a Natural History lecture on Bees, with the help of magic-lantern slides, which afforded much profitable amusement, and he kindly invited the catechists and our foreign staff (Mrs. Goodall, Miss Shaw, and ourselves) for another evening's social entertainment at his house. There was no examination this time (that is to be at future gatherings), but there were many profitable meetings for the discussion of matters concerning the work of our Church in Kiu-Shiu, and there were some devotional meetings, at which St. Paul's Epistles to Timothy and the work of the ministry generally, and in Japan particularly, formed subjects for prayer and meditation. There were frequent opportunities for preaching at Deshima, and each catechist gave one or two good sermons while here.

We had also a missionary meeting in Deshima School, at which there were six speeches, each not more than twenty minutes long. The first and introductory one referred to the Society's work throughout the world in general, and then to the particular work of the Society in Japan. Then followed an account from each of the catechists of his own special field of labour, and Mr. Andrews read a paper (Japanese) on the introduction of Christianity into Britain. After the catechists of the out-stations had spent ten days or more here, including two Sundays, they returned to their work.

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