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النشر الإلكتروني


N sending some notes from my journal, I am fulfilling a kindly duty, in first of all stating how deeply I feel the sympathy and love shown me by our Native Christians from all parts of the Tinnevelly District. It seemed to me that if I had lived for nothing else than merely to gain the goodwill and affections of so many fellow-men, I have humanly speaking not lived in vain. But when I look deeper, and see how many of these love me for the Gospel's sake, and how many have pleaded with God to restore my health, I feel on returning to my work

as if entering on most pleasurable duties with new and enlarged responsibilities and encouragements. From the railway I was escorted almost direct to the church, where the loud response of so many hundreds of Christian worshippers showed their hearty belief that God had answered their prayers, and impressed me with the serious self-inquiry,--why have I been brought back? Surely the earnest desire ought to be mine of coming among them in "the fulness of the blessing of the Gospel of Christ."

sorts and sizes. Some look very nice and some very nasty. GLEANINGS FROM BISHOP SARGENT'S JOURNAL These are placed on plates upon a ledge, just in front of the tombstone, some three feet from the ground, and again in front of these a row of wine cups is placed. From another basket one of the number now produces an official hat with a red tassel and a long blue robe, such as the literary class usually wear. These he puts on, as he has been appointed to read the liturgy appointed at these sacrifices. All being ready, the boy beats the cymbal very vigorously to wake up the poor old grandfather and let him know that his grandchildren have not forgotten him, and certainly, if it were possible, the noise is sufficiently great to arouse him. The grandly dressed gentleman now begins to read. He asks the Spirit of the Mountains to protect his grandfather and let him rest in peace, to keep evil influences from his grave, &c. He then addresses the deceased, asking him to protect these his descendants, to preserve them from evil spirits, to give them a good harvest, and to grant them a long life and many children, &c. The worshippers then kneel in front of the grave three times, wine being poured into the cups at each prostration. The paper money and incense is now burnt in front of the grave, the idea being that in some inexplicable manner the money is available for the use of the grandfather in the nether world. All being now finished, the food is collected together and taken home, where a feast is made, and on such occasions unfortunately some of them frequently take too much wine and become very boisterous and rude.


The next day (Sunday), at Ku-Cheng, the Native clergyman, the Rev. Ngoi Kaik-Ki, preached a very appropriate sermon on this subject, selecting as his text the first six verses of the tenth chapter of Hebrews. He pointed out the folly of this grave worshipping, showing how, apart from any scriptural teaching on the subject, their own books testified that it was of comparatively

I am perhaps somewhat more outspoken on this subject than some people may think correct, but I do so because it is a generally sweeping charge against our Native people, that they have no gratitude. I cannot join in this sweeping charge, and as my experience does not accord with it, I must give my testimony as I find.

14th July, 1881, Thursday.-A few hours before I got back to my post a Native pastor had passed to bis account, with whom for many years I had held the most pleasing intercourse. The Rev. W. Perianayagam had been educated in our English school under Mr. Cruickshanks; and Mr. Newman at first employed him in Mission school work. After a few years of preparation in our Theological class, be was admitted to Holy Orders in 1859, being then 34 years of age, and was appointed to the Palam cottah or Tinnevelly District. For a few months in 1863 he was on an emergency removed to Strivilliputtur, and next year to Alvaneri, where he laboured to the end of life. There are few men with whom I felt more at home in conversing on social and religious subjects. He had a very tender spirit, sympathising deeply with his people when in trouble, and dealing kindly and lovingly with those who opposed him. He was a thoroughly reliable man-truthful and painstaking in discharging his duties, but naturally somewhat timid and diffident. When he took charge of Alvaneri there were 1,323 Christians in that district, and at the close of his service there were 2,146. How many were aided in their religious life by his example the great day will declare. During my absence on


late origin; that even Confucius, their great sage, never commanded it; that he was unable to find the grave of his own father. He then went on to show how directly contrary to the teaching of Scripture such worship was; how all sacrifices, even those ordained temporarily by God Himself, had now ceased since the one great Sacrifice of Calvary had been offered; but that there were certain spiritual sacrifices demanded of us, viz., praise and thanksgiving, a contrite and broken spirit, and the offering up of our own selves to God as living sacrifices.

Will not the readers of the GLEANER pray that the Chinese may be led to see the uselessness and folly of ancestral worship, so that this great impediment to the spread of Christ's kingdom in this land of Sinim may be speedily removed?

*In the spring of last year, Bishop Sargent was very ill, and was absent from Tinnevelly four months. The journal from which we have taken some extracts for this and succeeding numbers of the GLEANER begins at his return to work in July, 1881. During his four months' absence, no less than 1,046 persons joined the Christian community, to be instructed for baptism, while 146 of those who joined during the famine three or four years ago went back. Within the six months after his return, Bishop Sargent confirmed 2,565 Native Christians.

the Hills he got very sick, and went to Nazareth for medical advice under the Rev. A. Margoschis of the S.P.G. There was a complication of ailments, the chief source of suffering being a large carbuncle on the back, near the spine. Mr. Margoschis formed a bad opinion of the case from the first, but did all that medical art and Christian brotherly kindness could suggest. In informing me of the event, Mr. Margoschis says in his letter, "I regarded him quite as an old friend. A great change took place yesterday, and he died this morning at 10 o'clock. He was full of faith and love towards his Saviour, and Death was robbed of all his terrors. God grant that my last end may be like his. I cannot grieve for him, but I feel that the Church in Tinnevelly has lost one of its brightest ornaments."

28th July, Thursday.-At 10 A.M. sat down to breakfast with 20 Native pastors; after which the whole day was occupied almost exclusively in transacting business with the Church Council. There were 20 Native clergymen and 25 laymen present. One subject in which many seemed to take a deep interest was the proposition that the Tinnevelly Church should send agents to the north of the Godavery among the Kois, and should supply funds for their support. It has struck our people as an argument highly encouraging to them that a person in Major-General Haig's position should come out from the comforts of an English home, and give himself to do what he can, personally, for awhile, to help forward this good work. I trust that the ardour now manifest will daily increase, and that the plan may have a fair trial.

In conversation with some of the pastors, the Rev. Perianayagam told me that we had only last week lost a very good Christian man in Paneikulam. Several present exclaimed, "Yes, he was a remarkably good man, so exemplary in Christian duties and so liberal to the poor, especially beggars who might pass through the village; he would take them to his house, feed them for the night, and send them away in the morning with a few pice in their hand." The pastor added, not long ago he sold a bullock to a heathen man from another village, settled the price and got the money, 21 rupees; but being Wednesday the purchaser did not like taking the bullock home, as that day is considered unlucky. So after paying for it and settling the matter finally, he said he would come next day and take the bullock away. Next day when he came the bullock was found dead in the stall. The man began to express sorrow at his loss, knowing according to general usage that he had no claim for compensation, but old Savarimutti Nadan at once said, "Don't grieve-your money shall be restored," and so saying, he gave back the 21 rupees, to the great astonishment of the heathen man.

30th July, Saturday.-Arrived at Panneivilei at 3 in the morning. At 9 o'clock met the Native clergymen at breakfast, and had the opportunity of learning from each the condition of his pastorate. After this, received deputations from several congregations sent to congratulate me on my return among them. At 12 o'clock the Church Council met, and business occupied us for several hours. In one village it was found that several had relapsed into heathenism, owing to their falling sick, and as the doctors who treat them are heathen, so soon as they find that the remedies they prescribe fail, they assert that the evil arises from the malignant spirits and that they must be propitiated by offerings or sacrifices. In the evening several parties came to congratulate me on my return to work; among others was a man whom I took for a Christian, but he came nearer and almost whispered in my ear, "Not altogether a Christian according to your opinion, but in reality more than three-quarters so. But what can I do, having so many relations around me? I am a Brahmin." This arithmetical proportion is a favourite way with natives in describing many things a disease is said to be cured or 14

31st July, Sunday.-Attended the early morning service, when only prayers are read without a sermon. After prayers many left, but a goodly number remained for Bible classes. With pencil in hand I noted down the attendance. On the side for males there were 10 classes, containing 130 men and boys. On the other side for females were 6 classes, containing 105 women and girls. I was unable to take a class myself, but the Rev. Mr. Isaac had a very interesting one of 27 women, young and old. The mid-day service was well attended- the church full to overflowing. I preached from Mark x. 51, and could not have desired to address a more attentive audience.

In the evening started for Streeviguntam, the most important town in this neighbourhood. The chief man of the place hearing that I was to visit the village, came out about half a mile on the way to meet me and have a little quiet talk before I should get surrounded by my own people. He professed the sincerest pleasure at seeing me after my trying illness, and observed how he had heard from all quarters that the Christians were praying for me, and he added, "I may say not they only but many Hindus have thought of you in the same way, and now we see that Providence has kindly brought you back to Tinnevelly." Service is here held in the English schoolroom. As I entered it, I found it filled from end to end. Some 70 and more people had come from Pudukudy, half a mile off on the other side of the river. The Christians of the place are chiefly our school-teachers and a few Government officials. Here also is a most worthy East Indian family (connected with the Department of

Public Works), a pattern of Christian propriety to all around. I wish I could speak more favourably of the results of our Anglo-Vernacular school in this place. I think that only some two cases of conversion have occurred among the higher classes during the 30 years that the school has been in existence. This town is the head-quarters of Hinduism in these parts, and the large body of Brahmins, the temple, the processions, the festivals, have all their influence against convictions which would lead a respectable young man to desert the customs and practices of his family. 7th August, Sunday, Parappadi.-Arrived here very early, but not feeling strong enough, was unable to attend the early morning service. At the mid-day service, which was well attended, I preached to an orderly and attentive congregation. When the plate was being carried round for the offertory, I observed a poor old woman near the door put in something which had a strange appearance. On nearer view I found it was a ball of clean white cotton pressed by the hand into shape. This was all she could afford, while others put in their 3 or 6 pie. I did not observe a single piece of silver. Still I must give the headmen the credit of being liberal. I have been paid 400 rupees to hold in trust till they can collect enough to build a substantial church. Feeling better toward evening, I proceeded to Zion Hill, a place about two miles to the south. Many people here are, apparently, earnest, good people. A pastor has lately been located in the village, which is almost entirely Christian, and the people are collecting money with the view of erecting a substantial church in lieu of the one now in use, which is built of sun-burnt brick, and the roof thatched with palmyra leaves. I tried to find some likeness to the celebrated place of Scripture times, but could find none. Not even a mound of any dimensions to catch the eye. The only thing suggesting a resemblance was the fact, that close by, on the south, lies a potter's field." Originally the place was called Pannimooli" or Pig's corner." Then the people changed the name into Panimali, as more euphonius. But dear old Mr. Schaffter thought, while the place would surely be improved by the introduction of the Gospel, the name might also be improved, and so called it Zion Hill, and thus in all our Mission reports it has gone by this new name. We had a full assembly for service, but I thought the young people were not so ready in answering questions as they are in many other places.

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8th, Monday, Suviseshapuram. Had a very busy day here. Deputations from all parts of the district came in to congratulate me on my recovery to health and return to work. The people of this district seem to think that they may claim a larger share of sympathy in me than others, because here it was I began my Missionary work. They seem to say that if others are my children, they are my grandchildren, and tender indulgences must be allowed them! I was sorry to see the amount of sugar each party presented-sugar of the finest description. The bazaar men must have had a profitable time of it. I now arrange, when expersive presents are thus made to me, to have the articles sold and carried to the Church Fund. The fruit is always given to the school-children, who, no doubt, wish that I could come there more frequently than I do. From all that transpired in the reports of the agents and the remarks of the lay members of the Council, I was pleased to think that in my absence from Tinnevelly matters had gone on so quietly and orderly in these parts. The schools have done well in their examination by Government inspectors, and the congregations have not fallen off in numbers or in their contributions to the Church Fund.

9th, Tuesday, Kodengulam.-I left Suviseshapuram at 10 o'clock last night, and about 2 this morning on the main road was aroused by the torchlights and cheers of our Christians from the neighbourhood. On arrival at the village in half an hour I found the church lighted up in an extravagant manner, the Native pastor expecting that I would wish at once to have service with the people on this my first visit to the place. But such a duty was quite out of my mind, for I had left Suviseshapuram more or less because I could not stand another hard day's work there. I wanted rest and quiet. This place, containing 192 Christians, has been occupied by a pastor only within the last six months, and is attached to the Alvaneri Circle of Palamcottah District. It lies almost on the direct road across country to Suviseshapuram, and fills up a space which had hitherto been a blank in our Missionary map. One of our very nice congregations, in a village close by, has been sadly persecuted by the landowners from the time they became Christians, three years ago. But now matters have quieted down, and as the people will not go back, and since they prove by their respectful and orderly conduct that they are worth some consideration, the landowner has kindly come to terms.

I had the school-children for an hour; heard the upper classes of boys and girls read, and catechised them. They are all Christians, and were fairly up in Scripture subjects, which had lately formed part of their lessons; but, with only one or two exceptions, they did not seem familiar with other subjects of Bible History. The church here, though built of sun-burnt brick and roofed with palmyra leaves, is a very neat building. The schoolroom stands at the opposite end of the village. There are two families of Naicks living in a hamlet about half a mile off, who have greatly befriended our Christians in temporal matters. They have not as yet professed themselves Christians, but they have given up more or less Hindu

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observances, and express a great admiration of Christianity. I speak of the men, for the women are, I fear, unchanged. Before the time fixed for service the pastor came to me when alone and said, "I have long purposed to make an offering to God's cause in Mission work for the mercies I have experienced; may I give you the money here or may I send it after you to Palamcottah ?" I replied, that a good work had as well be done at once if possible, and asked, "What is the amount?" "Fifty rupees." "Oh,' I said, "that is a large sum; now think well before you act. If by this means you incur debt, you will be doing wrong in giving such a sum, and instead of your gift being an acceptable one before God, it will be otherwise." He re lied, "I incur no debt; six years ago I made up my mind to do something, and year by year have saved a little, till now it has amounted to this sum." The Bible was on the table before me, so I opened it at the 20th Psalm, and gave it to him to read out. Then I added, "The offering most acceptable to God is first of all the offering of self, of the heart; if you can say you have already made that offering, and that you have not got into debt by what you now purpose doing, bring the offering here, and the third verse of what you have just read is my wish for you." "I can do so," he said, went out, and in a few minutes came in and laid the 50 rupees on the table.

(To be continued.)


T Nyarakkal, in Travancore, there lives in his own small compound a Christian named Moses, who has been afflicted with leprosy, which has deprived him of the top-joints of eight toes, and I forget how many finger joints. He lives about a mile from the high-road on the borders of some paddy fields, where his heathen Pulayan neighbours and a few converts from among them work during the sowing and harvest times. (The Pulayans are an out-caste people, formerly slaves.) The nearest place of worship for them is an out-station at Muttapallam, half way to Cottayam, but as their road thither is a public thoroughfare frequented by the high castes, it is difficult for them to attend. Moses was anxious to have a congregation near his own hut, and also to be the means of bringing the light to the heathen Pulayans about him. To gratify his earnest desire I sent a "slave" teacher to the place, as an experiment for a year only, not knowing how long we should be able to continue the man's salary, owing to the constant reduction in the C.M.S. grant. However, a rich Syrian from near Tiruwella made an offering in Cottayam Church of an English sovereign and 55 rupees for the purpose of preaching the Gospel to the heathen. This sum I devoted to Nyarakkal.

In December I accompanied the Rev. Koshi Koshi to Nyarakkal, where there were now forty candidates for baptism. They willingly gave up a day's work that they might be examined and baptized. Mr. Koshi carried them in a rigid examination over the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and the Ten Commandments. Some answered very well, some had to be rejected. There was one man suffering from acute dysentery. Once before he had put himself under instruction, but having been attacked by the disease, he had backslidden into worship of devils, thinking that they had afflicted him with the disease. When he got better he again came forward, and now the second time his old complaint has laid him low, but the Holy Spirit has blessed the teaching given him, and he believes it is only a Father's chastisement, and is no longer afraid of the demons. He was accepted.

They had been assembling every evening for some months, and the men were in the habit of sleeping in the prayer-house in Moses' compound, as their daily instruction did not finish till midnight. Mr. Koshi was quite struck with their evident earnestness. Those whose baptism was deferred were quite downcast, but they had to be miserable.

Their sorcerer and devil dancer some time ago gave me his chank, or large shell, which he used to spin when patients wished him to visit them, to ascertain from what direction the evil spirit in any particular instance had come to afflict his clients or patients. There is a large hole worn on one side of the shell owing to its frequent use. I have also the bell used for the same purpose.

When the service was over and the address, &c., finished, old Moses said, "Now I can die in peace, since God has sent the light to these people." In a sense they are his spiritual children.


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I could not cast the heavy fisher net,

I had not strength or wisdom for the task,
So on the sun-lit sands, with spray-drops wet
I sat, while earnest prayers rose thick and fast;
I pleaded for the Master's blessing, where
My brethren toiled upon the wide world sea;
Or ever that I knew, His smile so fair

Shone, beaming sweet encouragement on me.

I could not join the glorious soldier band,
I never heard their thrilling battle-cry,

The work allotted by the Master's hand

Kept me at home, while others went to die. And yet, when victory crowned the struggle long, And spoils were homeward brought, both rich and rare, He let me help to chant the triumph song,

And bade me in the gold and jewels share. Oh, Master dear! the tiniest work for Thee Finds recompense beyond our highest thought, And feeble hands that worked but tremblingly, The richest colours in Thy Fabric wrought. We are content to take what Thou shalt give To do, or suffer, as Thy choice shall be; Forsaking all Thy wisdom bids us leave, Glad in the thought that we are pleasing Thee! EVA TRAVERS POOLE.


HE Rev. J. C. Hoare describes the Mission day-schools in the country districts round Ningpo, in which both heathen and Christian Chinese boys are taught :

It is interesting to notice how well the Christian boys did in the examination; none failed to reach the third class, the majority of the first class were Christians, whilst in the first and second classes combined nearly half were Christians, though the proportion of Christians to heathens is less than one to four. I attribute this in part to the fact that the Christian parents are getting more alive to the importance of early education, but I also most truly believe that the Holy Spirit of God quickens the understandings of these little boys. When I tell you that to obtain a first class place, a boy has to repeat twenty-four pages of Scripture-say the whole of St. Mark's Gospel-thrice that amount of Native classics, in addition to reading and writing in both the Chinese character and the Roman character, the repetition of the Catechism, and a vivâ voce examination in the life of our Lord and one or two books of the Old Testament, you will appreciate the fact that Chinese boys of the age of twelve have considerable powers of work, and that the young schoolmasters who teach them have to work hard to attain to such good results.

The viva voce examination in Scripture is always extremely interesting. Ask them what I will in the set subjects, they seldom fail to give a correct answer; usually in words very nearly approximating to the words of Scripture. We surely cannot but believe that the seed thus sown in the hearts of these boys will bring forth fruit hereafter unto eternal life. For the teaching done in these schools is not mere training of the intellect; some of the masters, at any rate, realise fully that their work is to lead these boys to the Saviour. Not long ago I was catechising the Tôngts'eng school during a Sunday afternoon service, and was speaking of the fatherly care which God takes of all His children. After speaking at some length about the temporal blessings of food and raiment, I asked, scarcely expecting an answer, "But what clothing does God provide for the soul? Without any hesitation, a small boy of eleven years oldthe only Christian in the school-cried out, "The righteousness of Christ."


The Way of Salvation in One Sentence.

PARTY of Missionaries and Native Christian Evangelists were preaching lately at a Hindu festival at Ochira, in Travancore. A young Hindu thought to puzzle the Christian band by asking them to explain the way of salvation in one sentence, "as he wished them to be very brief." One of the evangelists instantly replied, "I can do so," and then exclaimed at the top of his voice," The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin."





October 29th, 1881.

HE community here is mixed. The Indians have worked for the gold-miners during the summer, and both live here during the winter. This steady employment has told advantageously on the Indian's character. He is above all things naturally fickle and indisposed to steady work. As a rule the miners have paid them well, and taught them the value of labour. Hence these people, formerly the lowest of the low, and called the dogs of the Skeena, have, through the material advantages they have enjoyed, risen in the scale, and now have better houses than their neighbours, better food, and better clothing. They are therefore healthier, stronger, less dirty than the rest, and the proportion of children greater. Contact with the whites therefore has not produced the deplorable results that one too often hears of. Now that a Mission has been established here, and stress laid upon education, this community of Indians is likely to advance rapidly. Their progress is stirring up envious feelings among the other tribes of this nation. Deputations have come to me begging me to send them teachers, but we cannot support them if we had them.

Our services have been crowded by attentive congregations, especially the regular daily evening service. The miners, too, come, and I rejoice to see them, not only for their own but for the sake of the Indians, on whom they exercise much influence. When in the spring they left for the mines, it was a pleasant sight. In returning, they looked worn and weatherbeaten. When they started, all looked smart. The white men with braided leggings and ornamented snow-shoes, and the Indians with streamers fluttering from their caps of ermine, marten, and other furs, looked quite picturesque; even the dogs harnessed to the birch-wood sleighs seemed proud of their tinkling bells and gay adornments.

summer he paid a visit to Hazelton, and the days spent here could not be quiet. His attentions to Mrs. Ridley, then here alone, were almost comical. He hung about her all day long. The clock would not go fast enough to hasten school or service-time, that he might ring the bell and gather in the people. He was the terror of gamblers, and hated of medicine men.

Last Saturday morning J-his mind, I could see at a glance. Sunday," he said; "at the lower village they do not serve God. May I go down and hold services ?"

came to me with something weighty on He was full of plans. "To-morrow is

"Yes, go, and be gentle, as Jesus was," I said.


Never before was Sunday kept on the long marches. I had given prayer and hymn-books to some of the whites, and suggested that one of them should minister to the rest, but none ventured. The Indians had prayers every day, and spent the Sunday in a most profitable manner. The whites attended the services, and though they could not understand the prayers, they joined in the hymns and encouraged the Indians. I had not appointed any leader; but J-, a catechumen, last winter a dog-eater, came forward as a natural leader, and said the prayers, and exhorted the listeners. He is a splendid fellow; square built, of great muscular strength, having a large head, and intelligent, though unhandsome, face, this man cannot but attract attention. During the

See the Bishop's previous letter in the GLEANER of July, 1881, and the Map of British Columbia in the number for September, 1879.

"May I take a bell ?"

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"Yes, take a small one, because you have only a little knowledge."

"True, but I will tell them all I know."

So he packed his Bible, hymn-book, salmon, and rice, in his blanket with the small bell, and trudged away. Before he returns he means to go to the second lower village to see the five Christians who live there whom I baptized last spring. He will have had a journey of seventy miles at his own charges for Christ's sake.

It was he who conducted service on the miners' march.

At the mines the best building was cleared on Saturday and placed at the Indians' disposal for Sunday services, much to the credit of the miners, who always attended and enjoyed the singing, if nothing else. One Sunday morning an Indian family reached the miners' camp, and would have passed forward with their packs. "What," asked the miner, "travelling on Sunday! Is this what the Bishop teaches you?" "We are short of food and must press on." "No, you need not; we will give you food." So they travelled on together from Monday morning to the end.

I had intended to follow them and go to the Fraser River. I was providentially hindered. The interval between that appointed start and my real start for the coast was full of blessing. Then came the resolve to build small houses. Privacy is impossible. Those of strong character, who, when converted, become mighty men of God, are able to resist the flood of persecution rolled on them by the evil-disposed; but not so the weaker folk. One evening a quiet fellow, since baptized, was reading his Bible by the fire-light. One of the evil ones interrupted him again and again. He stood in his light, rudely questioned, abused, and finally assaulted him. "Why read that book? Your fathers did not, nor do we. Would you be

wiser than all ?" When the book was struck from the reader's hand he nimbly recovered it and meekly walked away from the jeering circle


round the cheerful fire.

The whole clan live in the same large and undivided house. In old times such herding together was a defence, but now that imperial law is gaining respect, order is being establ shed, so that it will be safe to break up the old-time clan into families, and each family live apart from the rest in small cottages. This will be a great upward step, and the beginning of a higher morality. Now we are in a transition state. Not ten

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