صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


with hope that the time to favour Africa, yea the set time, had come. It was just at this period, too, that the Yoruba Mission was expanding, and presenting so hopeful a field that it stood almost if not quite first in the sympathy and interest of the Society's friends. Krapf's magnificent conception of an equatorial line of missions stretching right across the continent did not seem as far from realisation as hard experience has since shown it to be. His linguistic labours and his great missionary scheme attracted attention in the highest quarters. Prince Albert sent for him, and entered with great interest into his plans; and with a view to supporting the influence of the Mission at Zanzibar, his Royal Highness entrusted the doctor with some royal presents for the Imâm, "as an acknowledgment of the kindness shown by him to the missionaries."

Here, too, we may introduce a graphic account of Krapf's interview with the King of Prussia and Baron Humboldt at Berlin, which we find in the journals of Henry Venn printed in the recently published memoir. The account was given to Mr. Venn by Chevalier Bunsen :

the address to the missionaries, and the Rev. Lord Wriothesley Russell said a few words with reference to Prince Albert's interest in the undertaking; after which the Rev. John Hambleton, of Islington, offered the intercessory prayer. Lord Wriothesley Russell alone is still spared to us of those who took part in that day's proceedings.]

Improved in health and with fresh courage and faith, and renewed strength for missionary work, I started on my return journey at the beginning of 1851, by way of Trieste, Smyrna, and Alexandria, and reached Mombaz in April. Scarcely had our new fellow-labourers (with the exception of Dihlmann, who left us at Aden, and returned to Europe) been fourteen days at Rabbai Mpia, when they were one after another attacked by fever. Missionary Pfefferle, who during the tedious voyage had endeared himself to all of us by his devotion and humility, and by his hearty faith and prayerful spirit, no less than by his determined zeal and purpose, was promising much for the East-African mission, we had to bear to the grave before long, whilst the speediest possible return to Europe seemed the most desirable course for our two brothers, Kaiser and Metzler, unless they, too, were destined to a like fate.


"Immediately upon Dr. Krapf's arrival at Berlin, Ritter met him, and took him to Baron Humboldt. After the first words of salutation, Humboldt asked him about the snow mountains, and five miuutes' animated conversation took place; when Humboldt expressed himself quite satisfied that it was snow, and as pleased at the establishment of the fact as a little child with a new toy. The Baron is eighty-four. The King was apprized of Dr. Krapf's arrival, and invited him to dinner next day. The place of honour is that opposite the King and Queen, who sit together; Dr. Krapf was placed there; Ritter being on one side and Humboldt on the other. The conversation was almost entirely between Krapf and the King, upon geographical and linguistic subjects. After dinner the King took Dr. Krapf aside, and then, Ritter said, the conversation was upon more religious subjects; he was not a party to it himself, but it was evident that both the King and Dr. Krapf were delighted with each other. The King, at parting, said that he must give Dr. Krapf a souvenir, and asked him what would be useful to him. Dr. Krapf said that every want had been abundantly supplied by the Society, and the King therefore presented him with a gold medal of the highest order of merit."

The Valedictory Dismissal of Krapf and his brethren, held in the old Parochial Schools at Islington on January 2nd, 1851, was an occasion of remarkable interest. The Instructions of the Committee were one of Henry Venn's most powerful productions. Krapf's reply was remarkable for the combination in it of humility and faith. He said that he had "always been disappointed when he trusted in himself," but had "never been ashamed, nor confounded, nor dismayed, when trusting in the might and help and pover of God." Bishop Harding of Bombay gave

I found the Mission much as I had left it, with the exception that the poor cripple Mringe had departed in peace, in faith in Christ, and had been baptized by Rebmann before his death. His place, however, was filled by another Mnika of the name of Abbe Gunja,* with whom I had become slightly acquainted before my departure in the April of 1850. After my departure, he was instructed by Rebmann, and has since given gratifying proofs of a renewed heart.

Another change, too, had been effected by the purchase made by my two fellow-labourers, Rebmann and Erhardt, of a considerable piece of land in Kisuludini, on which they had begun to build a new house for two missionary families. It was purchased from the chiefs of Rabbai Mpia for thirty dollars, and was to serve partly as a place of settlement for the converted Wanika, and partly by cultivation to render invitingly apparent to the Wanika, Wakamba, and Suahili, the blessings of agriculture and home life, or, in other words, the benefits of civilisation. My instructions from the Committee were to proceed with Pfefferle to Ukambani, and to found a new station there; but as Pfefferle was dead I undertook the journey to Ukambani by myself on the 11th of July, 1851. [Krapf's graphic account of the perils and privations of this journey will follow next month.]

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INCIDENTS IN A LADY MISSIONARY'S LIFE. [Mrs. Cain, the Australian lady (Miss Sarah Davies) whose interesting letter appeared in the GLEANER of March, 1881, has sent us some more of her pleasant reminiscences.]

NE afternoon in March, 1880, just as I was preparing to start to visit some of my Hindu pupils at Ellore (Telugu Mission, South India), a little child came up the verandah steps, and asked me to go and see a friend of her mother's who was ill, so I told my hearers to take me to the house on

my way to the town. On arriving there, and being shown into the house, I noticed a very pretty young woman of the Rajput caste lying on a low cot in one corner of the inner court; as I went near she rose up to greet me. She was suffering from a slight attack of fever, and her left arm was covered up with a white muslin cloth; she removed the cloth and showed me her arm, which was very much swollen, as it had just been most elaborately tattooed. She told me that it had been done with the points of very fine needles made red hot, and after the pattern had been thus drawn on her arm, green powder was sprinkled in. The arm had not healed well, and much fever had accompanied the swelling. At once I said to her

"Well, I do think you a foolish woman to cause yourself so much pain only to make yourself look beautiful."

She turned her large dark eyes on me, and said, "I did not do this to make myself look beautiful; if I

To this she replied, "Well, if we will put off our meal, will you not put off yours?

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So I promised to go the next day, and when I reached the house I found fifteen women gathered together, some of whom had come over the wall, and some had come through a hole in the wall that they might see and hear. They listened very attentively, and begged me to go again. I said I would tell their Christian sisters in England and Australia of their sad state, and do all I could to persuade some to go out to India and tell them more of Him who came to bring holiness to women. SARAH CAIN.

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have not these marks I can never get to heaven, for when I arrive at the gate God will say to me, 'What have you brought to show Me?' And if I cannot show Him these marks, He will say to me, 'Go away, I do not know you.

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I said to her at once, "What will your people do with your body after you die ? "

She replied, "Of course they will burn it."

"Well, then," I asked, "if you are burned your body will only become a very small heap of ashes, and how can God see your marks?"

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Ah," she replied, "that is quite true; I never thought of that, as our gurus [teachers] tell us to do this."

I then told her that there was one thing which they ought to tell her about, something without which neither she nor I could enter heaven. What is that?" she asked.

"Holiness," I replied, "for His book tells us that without holiness no one shall see Him."

"Holiness, holiness," she said, with a look of astonishment; holiness can women have?"


"Ah," I said, " that is the very thing the great God knew that we poor women have not, so He sent His only Son that we might obtain it." "Oh, tell me," she said, "tell me about Him."

So I sat down upon a mat, and she called her mother-in-law and sister-in-law, and we had a long talk about Him who came to bring holiness to women. They asked me to stay longer with them, and tell them more, but I knew that my pupils were waiting for me, so I had to decline. Well, come again," they asked.

But I had to tell them that I could not, as all my time was fully occupied. The young woman then said with a tone of reproach

"What! you tell us that God sent His Son to bring holiness to women, and yet you will not come and teach us about Him."

So I had to explain how that all my mornings were taken up with school work, and Zenana visiting occupied all my afternoons. She then asked me to come after school, but I told her that that was impossible, as it would interfere with their midday meal.

A Brahmin's Cry for Light.

THE Rev, James Stone, of

the Telugu Mission, tells of a Brahmin who is preparing for the terrible ordeal of Christian Baptism :

"When he first showed an interest in our religion, I sent him a copy of the New Testament in Telugu. Some time after, when the catechist was passing through his village about 10 o'clock at night, as he drew near this man's house, he was surprised by hearing some one, in rather a subdued tone, reading, 'Let your light so shine.' He paused, and he heard the same person say,' Your light! I have none. How can I get it? Oh, for this light!' The catechist asked who was there. In reply, the yard gate was opened, and then, during the dead hours of the night, when all the others of the family were sleeping, all caste feeling being forgotten, these two conversed concerning the 'True Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.""

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O worship God is always good.

If God be angry, what will your merit serve?
There is no higher virtue than domestic virtue.

What misers defend robbers spend.

Who quarrels with his neighbour will ruin his own house.
Learning is as eyes.

Good children are like health-giving medicine.
Although you have to beg, do what is right.
Quickly forget what you cannot get.

Speak lowly even to the low.

If you see faults you will have no neighbours.
Even with a sharp sword in hand do not boast.
Who 'll lead astray keep far away.

Courage in misfortune will bring back a fortune.

The wealth of the mind is better than the wealth of the hand.
Tattling to a tale-bearer is like wind to the fire.
Health is made by use of spade.

The guileless will find the way to heaven.
A father's word is stronger than witchcraft.
A mother's word failing, what will prevail ?
Anger not assuaged will end in blows.

The bread of work is sweeter than the bread of prayer.

Tell not your poverty even to a friend.

Know the way of the Book, then walk in it.

Even if you have milk, wait for the time to drink it.
White has no black spots.

These wise sayings are written in the original in a sort of rhyme, or alliteration, which is difficult to give in a translation. Some of the above retain it, but not all. In the GLEANER of February last I explained who Avviar was. R. R. MEADOWS.

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M. 2 K. 5. J Co. 12. 8. & 13. E. 2 K. 6. 1-24, or 7. Mk. S. 14-30.

3 S 4 M 1st freed slaves rec. Frere Town, 1875. Establish Thou the work, [Ps. 90. 17. 5 T Bp. Horden's 1st Confirm., 1873. Are not ye my work in the Lord? 6 WI know thy works, Rev. 2. 2. [1 Co. 9. 1. 7 T Employed in that work day and night, 1 Ch. 9. 33. 8 F Did the work faithfully, 2 Ch. 34. 12. [labours, Jo. 4. 38. 9 S Renner, 1st C.M.S. Miss., d., 1821. Ye are entered into their thy exceeding great reward, Ge. 15. 1. 14th aft. Trin. Frere Town in peril, 1880. I am thy shield, and

[of faith and labour of love, 1 Th. 1. 3. 13th aft. Trin. Bp. Bowen consec., 1857. Remembering your work

10 S M. 2 K. 9. 2 Co. 1. 23 to 2.14. E 2 K. 10. 1-32, or 13. Mk. 10. 1-32. 11 M French and Stuart sailed for India, 1850. For My name's sake 12 T And hast not fainted. Rev 2. 3. [hast laboured, Rev. 2. 3. 13 W Always abounding in the work of the Lord, 1 Co. 15. 58. 14 T 1st bapt. in N. Z., 1825, and on Niger, 1862. Your labour is not [in vain in the Lord, 1 Co. 15. 58. 15 F A full reward be given thee of the Lord, Ruth 2. 12. 16 S The work is great...not for man, but for the Lord God, 1 Ch. 29. 1. [receive a reward, 1 Co. 3. 14. 17 S 15th aft. Trin. Ember Wk. If any man's work abide, he shall

M. 2 K. 18. 2 Co. 9. E. K. 19, or 23. 1-81. Mk. 14. 1-27.

18 M That which he did, the Lord made it to prosper, Ge. 39. 23. 19 T Bp. Crowther capt. at Iada, 1867. For the work of Christ nigh 20 W Why should the work cease? Neh. 6.3. [unto death, Phil. 2. 30. 21 T St. Matthew. Occupy till I come, Lu. 19. 13.

22 F Bps. Stuart and Sargent's 1st ord., 1878. The Lord working with 23 S Work, for I am with you, Hag. 2. 4. [them, Mk. 16. 20. [my God, Is. 49. 4. 24 S 16th aft. Trin. J. T. Tucker d., 1866. Surely my work is with M. 2 Chr. 36. Ga. 3. E. Ne. 1, & 2 to 9, or 8. Lu. 1. 7. 25 M He did it with all his heart, and prospered, 2 Ch. 31. 21. 26 T Bp. Wm. Williams ord., 1824. They rest from their labours, 27 W And their works do follow them, Rev. 14. 13. [Rev. 14. 13. 28 T1st C.M S. bapt. in China, 1851. Thou shalt see greater things [than these. Jo. 1. 50. 29 F St. Mich. and all Angels. That do His pleasure, P. 103. 21. 30 S Behold, I come quickly, and My reward is with me, Rev. 22. 12.

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The Valedictory Dismissal of missionaries going out in the autumn took place (as briefly mentioned in our last) at St. George's Hall, Langham Place, on July 18th. Sir W. Muir presided, and there was a large gathering of friends. The missionaries "dismissed" were-Miss Alice II. Ansell, going to the Annie Walsh Institution, Sierra Leone; the Rev. J. A. Maser, returning to Lagos; the Rev. Chas. Shaw, appointed to the same station; Mr. J. Alfred Wray, to East Africa, as a lay agent; Dr. George Chalmers, to the new Medical Mission at Gaza; the Revs. William Latham, Randolph R. Bell, and Arthur J. Santer, to Calcutta; Miss Henrietta J. Neele, returning to Calcutta for the proposed Girls' Boarding School, and Miss Alice Sampson, who accompanies her; Mr. Arthur J. Shields, B.A., who will (after his ordination) go out to join the Santal Mission; the Rev. Charles Harrison, appointed to the Gônd Mission, Central India; the Rev. John Field, late of Lagos, now appointed to Trinity College, Kandy; the Rev. George L. P. Liesching, also appointed to Ceylon; the Rev. Albert R. Fuller, to Shaon-hing, Mid China; and the Rev. David J. S. Hunt, to the Blackfoot Mission, Saskatchewan. The special address was given by the Rev. H. E. Fox, Vicar of Christ Church, Westminster. Two alterations of location must be noticed. The Rev. C. Shaw, who received his instructions for Lagos (as mentioned above), is appointed to Fuhchow instead, on grounds of health. The Rev. G. H. Weber will not retura to India, but go to Mauritius, to take charge of the Mission to the North India coolies there.

A very old friend and supporter of the Society has been taken to his rest. The Hon. Sidney Campbell Henry Roper-Curzon was a member of the Committee from 1840 to 1856, and in 1857 was appointed a Vice-President. He died on June 13th, at the age of seventy-one.

We announce with deep regret the death of one of the young missionaries sent out only last autumn. The Rev. J. S. Bradshaw was one of the Islington men ordained at St. Paul's Cathedral on St. Peter's Day last year. He was appointed to the Yoruba Mission, and went out in October. He broke down in June, and had to be sent home; and he died at Liverpool within an hour or two of his being carried on shore, on July 14th. Much sympathy will be felt for his young widow, who also came home very ill, and has now this sore trial laid upon her.

We hear with much sorrow of the death of Mrs. Painter, of Travancore. She was a sister of the Rev. C. A. Neve, of that Mission, and of Dr. A. Neve, of Kashmir. She sailed for India in October last year, soon after her marriage to the Rev. A. F. Painter, and died on June 28.h, a few days after the birth of a daughter.

In response to the earnest request of Bishop Burdon, of Victoria, Hong Kong, and in view of the considerable sums he has raised for the purpose, which he will pay over to the Society's Extension Fund, the Committee have agreed to open a new Mission in Western Quan-tung, the extreme south-west corner of China. The Quan-tung Province is in area twice as large as England, and has a population of nineteen millions; and in the western districts no Society is yet at work. The station will be at Hoi-how, on the north coast of the large island of Hainan, whither there is frequent steam communication from Hong Kong, and it is hoped to open an out--tation at Pak-hoi, on the opposite mainland. Both these places are ports recently opened to foreign trade, and have resident British Consuls.

The Bill creating the new Punjab University appoints the following clergymen Fellows:-the Bishop of Lahore, Archdeacon Matthew, the Rev. E. Bickersteth (Cambridge Delhi Mis-ion), and the Revs. R. Clark, W. Hooper, and T. P. Hughes (C.M.S. missionaries).

On Trinity Sunday the Bishop of Lahore admitted to deacon's orders the Rev. E. Guildfo d, C.M.S. missionary, Amritsar, and the Rev. Yakub Ali, Pastor of the C.M S. Native Church, Lahore.

The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge has granted £250 to Bishop Crowther towards building churches and schools on the Niger.

Bishop Sargent, of Tinnevelly, has been on a visit to Australia and New Zealand. He arrived at Melbourne on May 17th, and afterwards proceeded to Sydney, and thence to Auckland. He proposed to be back in India about the time these lines appear.

The Rev. W. S. Price arrived in England on July 21st. Before leaving Frere Town he made two excursions into the Shimba country, south of Mombasa, on one of which he was nearly captured by the robber chief, Mbaruk. Serious charges were afterwards made against him to the Sultan of Zanzibar by the Wali of Mombasa; but the Sultan, on hearing his reply in person, was completely satisfied, and bid him farewell in terms of the utmost confidence.

The new missionary party for East and Central Africa reached Zanzibar on June 19th, all well. On the 21st Miss Havergal was married to the Rev. A. D. Shaw, of Frere Town. Mr. Stokes had been making active preparations for the journey of the Nyanza contingent, and all being ready before they arrived, they started for the interior on the 28th.

Archdeacon Henry Johnson has sent a full and interesting report of the Mission on the Upper Niger. At Onitsha there has been a remarkable revival of the work since the town was destroyed by a British gunboat (see GLEANER, February, 1880). The scattered Native Christians have been rallied by Archdeacon Johnson and his helpers, and set systematically to work to preach the Gospel from house to house among their neighbours. A great increase in the number of attendants at church was the immediate result, and on Christmas Day Mr. Johnson preached to a congregation of 1,100 people. At Gbebe, the Native lay agent was lately successful in preventing a human sacritice being offered on the death of the king. The report appears in the C.M. Intelligencer this month.

RECEIVED. Bank Notes for £15 from "A Reader of the GLEANER "; Pearl, 10. (The remittance from "A Christian," acknowledged last month, was not 5s., but 1s.)


OCTOBER, 1882.



BY THE REV. J. B. WHITING, M.A., Vicar of St. Luke's, Ramsgate. VII.

HE Missionary represents the Church which sends him forth; he is also the instrument through whom the Holy Spirit exerts His mighty and divine influence on those who listen to the preacher, or watch his Christian life.

What manner of man then ought this missionary to be? Such a view of the position to be occupied lifts our ideas to a great height. Failure in the Mission field, an imperfect Christianity among our converts, must result from inefficient agents. Better send no man at all, than send a man who is not in all points such an one as the Holy Spirit has indicated in the Acts of the Apostles. The apostles of the Churches must be men who have an experimental knowledge of the Lord Jesus from His incarnation to His being "taken up." Acts i.

They must know Him, and the power of His Resurrection, or they will never" with power give witness of the Resurrection" of Jesus Christ.

They must be men who can "speak the things they have seen and heard." Acts iv. 20; 1 John i. 1.

They must be men "full of faith and of the Holy Ghost." How can they preach that in which they have no faith? Men "mighty in the Scriptures " like Apollos, who can "show by the Scriptures, that Jesus is Christ." Men who will preach the truth. Acts iv. 12; xxvi. 18.

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The herald cannot glorify Christ, unless "being full of the Holy Ghost he can look steadfastly into heaven and " the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." Acts vii. They must be men of discernment, able to detect impostors like Simon Magus. Acts viii.

They must be so "filled with the Holy Ghost" that they shall be able to reprove men like "Elymas the Sorcerer." Acts xiii. They must be men of prayer like Paul, or Peter, Acts ix., x. They must be men who only ask, "Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?" Acts xvi. 7. Men that are ready to hazard their lives for the name of the Lord Jesus.

They must be men well reported of by the Church where they live, as Timothy. Men of prudence. Men who know when to stand on their rights, and when to yield. Acts xvi. Men of holy character, who answer to the high standard Paul set before the Ephesian Elders. Acts xx. God honours character with extensive influence. "Barnabas was a good man." The converts will never be multiplied except by men "who walk in the fear of the Lord, and the comfort of the Holy Ghost."

Thus an impression is left on the mind while reading the Acts of the Apostles that the Holy Spirit attaches as much importance to the fitness of the agents by whom He works, as to the indispensable exercise of a human agency. Unhallowed talents injure the work. Not every pious young man who wishes to be a missionary is fit to be a herald of the Churches, or an instrument by whom the Holy Spirit affects the world.




SEE in the GLEANER for August, 1881, a picture of a Chinese tomb, and a letter from Mr. Davys giving a description of it, and it may perhaps interest your readers to know what takes place when sacrifices are offered at these tombs. The ceremonies vary somewhat in different parts of the Empire. Let me then ask you to accompany me, in thought, to one of our Fuh-Kien villages, situated high up in the mountains, amidst beautiful waterfalls and magnificent trees, with terraced rice fields rising one above another as far almost as the eye can reach, and still higher yet other fields of sweet potatoes. It is the 15th day of the eighth moon, and we notice that comparatively few people turn out to see the "Foreign Child," instead of the crowd which usually surrounds him. Why is this? Have they no curiosity, or what is the reason? We find on inquiry that almost all the villagers are away in the hills, offering sacrifices at the tombs, and only those who are considered unfilial and altogether bad will stay away on such an occasion. Fortunately for us one family is a little late in starting, so we can walk along with them and have a chat. But let us first have a look at them as they pass by. In front we notice a man carrying two bamboo baskets, one on either end of another bamboo carried across the shoulder. We shall see what these baskets contain presently. Next comes a man also carrying baskets and two joints of bamboo closed at one end and with a small hole at the other. These are wine bottles, and contain native wine or samshoo. The next comer has a hoe over his shoulder and several strings of paper money, i.e., paper punched in the shape of cash, and also five strings of paper boats, covered with tinfoil, each string containing 300. These represent ounces of silver. Now comes a boy carrying a brass cymbal and a stick with which to beat it. Two or three other men with baskets follow, and although women are often present we see that there are none amongst these.

As we walk along the mountain path let us enter into conversation with these villagers. They seem nice civil men. They are much surprised to see a foreigner, and their first question, the usual one in China, is, "Teacher, where do you come from?" "Where are you going?" It would be almost rude to ask such questions of strangers in England, would it not, and I am afraid if we did so we should very often be told to mind our own business; but we must remember that we are in China, and that it is the proper thing to do here. So having told them that I lifted up my body at Kwang Tong, and am going to Ku-Cheng City, let us ask them where they are going. "To worship at the grave," they reply; and on further inquiry we find that the grave is that of their grandfather, and is about three li (a mile)


And now we must reply to a whole string of questions which are put to us. Why, for instance, I have no pigtail; whether my hair grows long or not; why I wear such a large and, to all appearance, heavy sun hat; what country I come from; how old I am, and so on, until presently the question I have been waiting for comes, viz., "Teacher, do you on the other side of the sea sacrifice to your ancestors?" Of course I say "No," but it would not be right merely to say "No" or they would think that we were therefore unfilial, and so I go on to explain why we do not do so, and how we do love and honour our parents and grandparents, namely, by doing all we can for them


PHILOSOPHER'S MOUNTAIN, AT THE HEAD OF LO-NGUONG VALLEY. while they are alive, and looking after them when they are old and feeble, reminding them of the fact, which they acknowledge, that many children in China who, while their parents were alive treated them badly, after they are dead sacrifice at their graves, hoping thus to atone for their conduct in bygone days. And now an opportunity is afforded of telling them what we believe with regard to death and the future life.

Meantime we have reached the grave, prettily situated in a spot carefully selected by a "Chooser of Lucky Sites," and we will sit down with them while they have a rest and a smoke, and try to find out what they really believe with regard to the spirits of the dead. We will ask them where they suppose their grandfather is. 66 Why," they say, we don't know; some say he is in the coffin, others that he is in the ancestral hall in the village." "But," I say, "if he is in the coffin, what power can he have to protect you as you are about to ask him to do? and if he is in the



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ancestral hall why come here to worship him?" "Sing Sang," they reply, with a laugh; "we cannot tell. We just do it because our forefathers did." "But," I say, "that argument is not a good one; doubtless some of your ancestors smoked opium, gambled, and did other bad things; ought you, therefore, to imitate them?" "No," they say, "certainly not.' "Well, so it is with this worship; it is useless. Your ancestors have no power to help you. I hope you will one day believe in the one True God and Jesus Christ our Saviour, and then you will cease all this sort of thing." They listen quietly and respectfully, and we will now sit quietly by while they commence their worship.

The hoe is first brought into requisition, and the weeds, &c., which have sprung up in and around the tomb since their last visit are carefully removed. While this is being done the baskets have been opened and their contents taken out. We notice there are two roast ducks, some pork, and cakes of all

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