| Clement Ellis - 1705 - عدد الصفحات: 494
...Galtilee, why ft and ye gazing up unto Heaven? This fame Jefus which it taken up from you into Heaven, fall fo come in like manner, as ye have feen him go into Heavtn. ; A6t. i. 10, n. He faall come in the Clouds of Heaven with Power and great Glory. Mat. 14..... | |
| William Beveridge (bp. of st. Asaph.) - 1710 - عدد الصفحات: 408
...Galilee, why fland ye gazing up into heaven, this jame Jefus which is taken up from you into heaven, /ball fo come, in like manner as ye have feen him go into heaven. Phil. iii. zo. For our conversation is in heaven, from whence alfo we looK for tht Saviour, the Lord... | |
| John Pearson (bp. of Chester.) - 1715 - عدد الصفحات: 426
...eazinv up into neaven ? This fame Befits which is taken up from you- into *'"$»' ?« * heaven jhall fo come in like manner as ye have feen him go into heaven. $„$ » ? «« ? We rnuft therefore acknowledge and confefs againft the wild f Herefies of old, *9"»'»... | |
| John Sharp (abp. of York.) - 1715 - عدد الصفحات: 454
...(fay they ) gazing up into Heaven ? This fame Jejits which u taken up from you into Heaven ', Jballfo come in like manner as ye have feen him go into Heaven. O what Confufion will this be to all Unbelievers and impenitent Sinners, when they fhall fee that very... | |
| Samuel Adams - 1718 - عدد الصفحات: 132
...Nature in which he afcended into Heaven. This Same Jefm ffhicbvHu taken up from you into fjeaven, (hall fo come in like manner AS ye have feen him go into Heaven, A&$ i. ii. And our Saviour, before his Death, faid, Mat. xxvi. 6*4. Hereafter fballyefee the Son of... | |
| Philo-Delphus (pseud.) - 1719 - عدد الصفحات: 332
..."•••* " /Vow »*«,«. A. Yes. j4Fl.l it. The fame Jefus which is taken up from you into Heaven, (hall fo come in like manner, as ye have feen him go into Heaven. Q; Is it certain he will come Again ? '. A Yes. For he hath faid, furelyj I comg quickly. Q_. Hath... | |
| Basil Kennett - 1726 - عدد الصفحات: 218
...Jtand ya 'gazing up into Heaven ? This fame Jefus, which is taken up from you into Heaven, fhallfo come in like manner as ye have feen Him go into Heaven ~\. And as the Afcent was t A£bi. 10, u. a true Tranflation, fo the Heaven was the higheft Heasren, the Heaven... | |
| John Sharp (abp. of York.) - 1729 - عدد الصفحات: 462
...ye (fay they) gazing up into Heaven ? This fame Je/us which is taken up from you into Heaven, /hall fo come in like manner as ye* have feen Him go into Heaven. O what Confufion will this be to all Unbelievers and impenitent Sinners, when they fhall fee that every... | |
| Edward Harley - 1735 - عدد الصفحات: 798
...why ftand ye gazing up into Heaven ? This fame Jefm which is taken up from you into Heaven, fliall fo come, in like manner as ye have feen him go into Heaven. ********** '*****•************ HI. Our SAVIOUR himfdf, upon many Occafions and Difputes with the... | |
| Karl Ludwig Freiherr von Pöllnitz - 1738 - عدد الصفحات: 384
...prove it to us, Chap. i. Ver. 1 1 . This fame Jefus which is taken up from you into Heaven, jhallfo come in like manner as ye have feen him go into Heaven. XXIV. I believe in the Holy Ghojl. My Lord, As I have already declar'd what I believe with regard to... | |
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