SERMON XIII HE B. ix. 24. For Chrift is not entered into the Holy Places made with Hands, which are the Figures of the true; but into Heaven itself, now to appear in the Prefence of God for us. T is the main Business of this Epiftle, to set forth I the fuperlative Excellency of the Chriftian, above the Mofaical Difpenfation; and this is done by an Induction of many Particulars. The Apostle runs through and compares the Ceremonial Services and Typical Priviledges, delivered under the former Covenant, with the fpiritual Devotions and fubftantial Bleffings youchfafed under the latter; and endeavours by great Force of Reason and Rhetorick, to raise our Views from the weak and beggarly Elements of the Law, which makes nothing perfect, unto the Power and Riches of the Gofpel, which fanctifieth, which juftifieth through Faith. THE Jewish Ritual was made up of Precepts entirely of a pofitive Sort, which had no neceffary Connection with, no vifible Tendency to promote, but were only figurative Expreffions of true Holinefs, Shadows only of thofe good Precepts to come, which fhine forth among us in the Beauty and Perfection of Divine Virtue. The legal Sacrifices were the infufficient Sacrifices of Bulls and of Goats; and impoffible it is, that their Blood fhould be able to take away Sin: But the Blood of the New Covenant, is the Blood of the Holy Jefus; that immaculate Lamb of God, who by his Death and Sufferings, hath made a full and perfect Atonement for the Sins of the whole World; and by his precious Blood-fhedding, hath obtained unto us the Bleffings of eternal Life. And as we are thus enriched with the Priviledge of a new and better Covenant, fo likewife do we enjoy the Advantage of a new and better Priesthood. The High Priest under the Law, who was appointed to mediate between God and the People, was indeed appointed, according to God's own Inftitution; but was a Man in all Refpects (bating the Dignity of his Function) upon the Level with those, in whofe Behalf he was to mediate. But under the Gofpel Difpenfation, Jefus Chrift is our High Prieft, the Son of God, God as well as Man: God, and therefore capable to treat as fuch with Man; Man, and therefore capable to treat as fuch with God. As He was tempted in all Points like, as we are ; fo He cannot but be fenfibly touched with a Feeling of our Infirmities, however He is now exalted above them: But as He was without Sin, fo He made Himfelf a spotlefs and meritorious Sacrifice for us; and was fuch an High Priest as became T 4 . became us, i. e. as was neceffary for us under the Circumftances of Sinners; He being holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from Sinners, and made higher than the Heavens; who needeth not daily, as those High Priefts, to offer up Sacrifice, first for his own Sins, and then for the Peoples; for this He did once, when He offered up Himfelf: For the Law maketh Men High Priefts, which have Infirmity; but the Word of the Oath, which was fince the Law, maketh the Son, who is confecrated for evermore. Thus then the Jewish Law was an imperfect Rule, adapted to an imperfect State; Types and Figures only of this better Covenant, neceffary to be swallowed in the bright Perfection of the Gofpel; to be antiquated and vanish away, when the subftantial Glory of the great Anti-types appeared. And as the whole Office, fo every particular Branch of Duty, with Refpect to the Legal Priefthood, bore a Typical Relation to the Prieftly Office, and Character of our Bleffed Saviour: They only prefigured to us the Advantages of a divine and heavenly Mediator, and |