lation as the Holy Scripture is declared to be, in Order to Mankind's worshipping God in an acceptable Manner; and from God's Goodness to furnish out to all his Creatures whatever is really conducive to their Happiness: But it appears more directly true, from those Marks of Divine Mission which accompanied the Authors of those Writings, viz. Prophecies and Miracles; and likewife from the concurrent Testimony of undoubted History thro' the intermediate Ages of the World with respect to all those Circumstances, which it is the proper Business of History to clear up and establish. But the most affecting Argument to evince the Divine Inspiration of Sacred Writings seems to be the intrinsick Worth and Excellency of them; and the blessed Tendency they have to exalt Human Nature in its Religious Capacity, and to promote the Glory of that God, for whole Service the Precepts of them are calculated. ALL the former Articles were distinctly treated of in our foregoing Discourse: The last was mentioned only in general Terms, and resery'd for a more particular Con Confideration under the two other Heads which the Words of the Text furnish out to us, viz. The Usefulness and the Sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures. THE Usefulness of the Holy Scriptures is pointed out to us in these Words, is profitable for Doctrine, for Reproof, for Correction, for Instruction in Righteousness, for Doctrine, i. e. for those Things which are known and believed by us; for Reproof, i. e. for reforming of Errors in Point of Doctrine; for Correction, i. e. for Amendment of Life; for Instruction in Righteousness, i. e. for the Precepts of Holy Living. The two former of these Articles relate to Religious Faith and Knowledge, the two latter to Religious Practice. THE Holy Scripture then is profitable for Doctrine, by declaring to us most exalted and momentous Truths, with respect to the Divine Nature and our Being. They inform us that God is a Spirit infinite in every Kind and Degree, both of Natural and Moral Perfection; that He is our Almighty Creator, our continual Preserver, our gracious Rewarder; and these H these Articles, however they are esteem'd Branches of Natural Religion only, are nevertheless in the Holy Scriptures set forth under such bright and affecting Characters, as do at least wonderfully enlarge and refine our Notions of the Deity, and enflame our Devotion towards Him. But what Human Reason could never in the least have apprehended, they inform us likewise, that in the Unity of the Godhead do subsist three distinct Persons, who are one in all Attributes essential to the Deity, three in their personal Relations, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. They inform us yet farther, that these Divine Persons are pleased likewise to bear distinct Relations to Mankind; the Father is called our Creator, the Son our Redeemer, the Holy Ghost our Sanctifier ; and that they satisfy all these Relations towards us under Terms of infinite Love and Kindness. With respect to our own Being they declare we are God's Creatures placed here in a State of Probation, in order to qualify ourselves for a State of Bliss and Perfection hereafter; that we came out of the Almighty's Hands upright, but but that, through our first Parents, we are fallen from our original Righteousness, and confequently from God's Favour : They declare that thro' the Merits of the Blessed Jesus, we are admitted into a second Covenant with God, whereby we may be restored to a State, tho' not of perfect, yet of acceptable, Righteousness; that by complying with the Terms of Worship and Obedience prescribed in this Covenant, we shall be made Partakers of exquisite Bliss to all Eternity, and that God's Holy Spirit does enable us to come up to these Terms, by enlightening our Understanding with all saving Knowledge, and sanctifying our Wills and Affections with such Heavenly Dispositions of Mind as can alone qualify us for those seraphick Enjoyments, which God hath prepared for them that love Him. These are some of the main Doctrines contain'd in the Holy Scripture; and to prevent any thing of Mistake in such important Truths, those Sacred Writings we are told are profitable for Reproof likewise, i. e. for the reforming Errors in Point of Doctrine. SUCH SUCH is the Perverseness of corrupted Men, that notwithstanding the absolute Brightness of the Holy Scriptures, they are continually striking out fome deceitful Lights of their own, and wilfully mistake in the Knowledge of Divine Truths, by dazling their Reason with Vapours of their own raising; or, to speak without a Metaphor, Mankind are fond of their own Devices, and are continually setting forth new, and therefore erroneous Doctrines. Now the Holy Scriptures, by declaring to us what are true Doctrines, do plainly declare that all Doctrines contrary to them must be false, so that by bringing any Doctrine to the Test of Scripture, which is the Standard of Divine Truth, we may there discover what Kind and Degree of Error is contain'd in it, and reform it accordingly. Many Errors in Religious Faith and Knowledge, are there particularly cenfured and confuted; and Error in general is so carefully guarded againft, that whatever monftrous Births of Herefie, the Ignorance or Prophaneness of Man can possibly produce, may be entirely cut off by the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word |