to disbelieve so obvious a Truth, purely because we have not sensible Demonstration of it, is an Argument, in Point of Reasoning, too weak to deserve an Anfwer; but considering the Subject, which is thus triflingly handled, it is too impious to pass uncensured: This, as I just mentioned, was putting the Holy Scriptures upon the same Foot with common Writings; and this Argument mayserve to confute the Weakness of those Men who make Reason the top, the fole Rule of judging even in Spiritual Matters: But let a Person who is well disposed to Religious Knowledge attentively consider those Sacred Writings, and he will perceive that unaffected Simplicity of Narration, that majestick Plainness of Stile, that, powerful Force of Instruction, that heavenly Purity of Doctrine, those blessed Tendencies of promoting God's Glory and Man's Happiness, that admirable Connection of every Part, and such-like Circumstances, to be such bright Indications of Truth, such glorious Strokes of Divinity itself, as set them above the Possibility not only of Imposture and Falfhood, Falshood, but even of human Invention and Composure. These Sentiments will inspire a Faith modest and humble, but strong and lively, far fuperior to the stubborn Stupidity of Sense, the disputative Weakness of Reason; Faith founded upon Infallibility itself, not to be shaken by any Difficulties, or undermin'd by Science, falsely so called. These are the Blessed here spoken of in the Text; but upon what Grounds they are pronounced thus blessed, comes now in the 2d Place to be confidered ; wherein I proposed to show the superior Blessedness of those who have not feen, and yet kave believed, above those who require sensible Evidence to engage their Affent to the Articles of Faith. Articles of such Importance as those contained in the Gospel, ought regularly to engage our Closet-Application to discover the Truth of them; but Truths of such Comfort ought to engage our heartiest and most joyful Affent, when once discovered. The Nature of the Christian Dispensation absolutely required such Facts to be transacted as are there recorded : The Incarnation : Incarnation of the Son of God was a Means absolutely necessary to bring about Man's Redemption; by our Blessed Saviour's Death and Passion an Attonement was made for our Sins, and the Punishment due to their Demerits was removed; by our Saviour's Resurrection a compleat Victory was gained over the great Enemies of Mankind, Sin and Death; and a firm Belief of these and other Articles are made in their Nature, a Condition of our obtaining the blessed Effects of them. Now there is nothing in any of these Facts themselves which may not be thoroughly embraced, but the Duties consequent on our Belief are the mighty stumbling Blocks in our Way; the crucifying the old Man, the mortifying our Members, the dying unto Sin, and the fitting loose to this World, are the Doubts and Scruples which clog and damp the Evidences afforded us : Passions and Prejudices clap a Biass upon the Mind and incline it to believe contrary to the Dictates of right Reason and the common Rules of Judging. It is plain therefore that in Matters of Faith the Will must be pre pared as well as the Judgment inform'd; and the Blessedness here spoken of is confequent upon that Preparation of the Will, upon a pious Disposition of Mind to receive the sacred Truths of Divine Revelation, like little Children: He that requires sensible Evidence for his Conviction, and allows only so much Affent for so much Demonstration, believes not out of Virtue, but Force; and such a necessary Faith can no more avail him than necessary Actions: Our Obedience to God is as much shewn by believing what he declares, as by doing what he commands; and it is an Argument of no great difference to the Almighty to require, that whatever He proposes to our Assent should be fully proved. Our Religion would be unworthy its Author, if Sense and Reason were compleat Judges of the Truth of it: Such contracted Principles would be productive of no other than a narrow Degree of Happiness; but Christianity, which is intended in an eminent Degree to enlarge and exalt our Soul, makes Faith the Principle of our Actions, and God's Word the Foundation of our Faith. A true Be liever therefore thankfully accepts the Doctrines of Christianity upon such Evidence as the Almighty hath vouchsafed, Reason directs him to the Discovery of what God hath revealed, and then his Faith takes place, and gives its entire Assent; an humble Modesty, a tractable Meekness, are the Tempers of Mind which recommend God's Word to his Belief, and likewise his Belief to God's Acceptance; and thus it is that his Faith, by being attended with the entire Choice and Approbation of the Mind, is counted unto him for Righteousness. THAT sullen Obstinacy, which stands out against every thing less than Demonstration, it is to be feared, will act even against Demonstration; that Hardness of Heart which prevents the renewing of our Minds by the Purity of Faith, will prevent likewise the renewing of our Lives by the Purity of Holiness. The Jews many of them were sufficiently perfwaded of the Truth of our Lord's Refurrection, but wanted Integrity to confess him the Son of God, because they wanted |