... would in due time produce all the rest and which, if it be not got and settled so as to keep out ill and vicious habits, languages and sciences and all the other accomplishments of education will be to no purpose but to make the worse or more dangerous... Pamela; or, Virtue rewarded - الصفحة 563بواسطة Samuel Richardson - 1816عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب
 | John Locke - 1693 - عدد الصفحات: 290
...all the reft ; though all. the reftfbould be neglected, and which if it be not got, and (etled, (b as to keep out ill and vicious Habits, Languages and Sciences, and all the other AecompliQiments of Education will be to no purpofe, but to make the worfe, or fflooe dangerous Man.... | |
 | 1803 - عدد الصفحات: 456
...though all the rest should be neglected, would in due time produce all the rest, and which if it be not got and settled, so as to keep out ill and vicious...purpose, but to make the worse or more dangerous man. And indeed whatever stir there is made about getting Latin as the great and difficult business, his... | |
 | Ely Bates - 1804 - عدد الصفحات: 422
...business to form the mind of his «* scholars, and give that a right disposition, which, if " it be not got and settled, so as to keep out ill and " vicious...purpose " but to make the worse or more dangerous man." § 177^ K 4 advances have been made from words to science, from science to morals, and from morals... | |
 | Ely Bates - 1807 - عدد الصفحات: 426
...his " scholars, and give that a right disposition, which, if " it be not got and settled, so as lo keep out ill and " vicious habits, languages and sciences,...purpose but to make the worse or more dangerous "man." 177. t 136 The positive Means of Virtue considered. [PART (iits improvements ; and that no greater... | |
 | Authoress - 1810 - عدد الصفحات: 592
...time, [without wicked dice I hope] JN° 26. VOL. tl. ^ 3 S ' produce all the rest; and which, if it be not got and settled, so as to keep out ill and vicious...purpose, but to make the worse or more dangerous man.' . [Now comes the place I am so much delighted with /] ' And indeed, whatever stir there is made about... | |
 | John Locke - 1812 - عدد الصفحات: 492
...though all the rest should be neglected, would, in due time, produce all the rest ; and which if it be not got, and settled so as to keep out ill and vicious...purpose, but to make the worse or more dangerous man. And indeed, whatever stir there is made about getting of Latin, as the great and difficult business... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1813 - عدد الصفحات: 608
...hie», if it be not got and willed, so as to Keep out ill and vicious habits, languages and Kciences, and all the other accomplishments of education, will...purpose, but to make the worse or more dangerous man.' Лгою eûmes the plate A am so much delighted tr//A /] * And indeed, whatever stir there is made... | |
 | John Locke - 1823 - عدد الصفحات: 504
...though all the rest should be neglected, would, in due time, produce all the rest ; and which if it be not got, and settled, so as to keep out ill and vicious...purpose, but to make the worse or more dangerous man. And indeed, whatever stir there is made about getting of Latin, as the great and difficult business... | |
 | James Simpson - 1834 - عدد الصفحات: 350
...would, in due time, produce all the rest ; and which, if it be not got and settled so as to keep outfit and vicious habits, languages and sciences, and all...purpose but to make the worse or more dangerous man." — $ I77. Lord Kames anticipated his age more than half a century. In his Hints on Education, with... | |
 | 1835 - عدد الصفحات: 496
...though all the rest should be neglected, would, in due time, produce all the rest : and which, if it be not got, and settled, so as to keep out ill and vicious...purpose, but to make the worse or more dangerous man. And, indeed, whatever stir there is made about getting Latin, as the great and difficult business,... | |
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