COULD you ever have thought, my dear, that husbands have a dispensing power over their wives, which kings are not allowed over the laws ? I have this day had a smart debate with Mr: B , and I fear it will not be the only one upon this subject. Pamela; or, Virtue rewarded - الصفحة 414بواسطة Samuel Richardson - 1816عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب
 | Samuel Richardson - 1742 - عدد الصفحات: 438
...of thole Ladies to me. WEDNESDAY COULD you ever have thought, Mifs, that Hiifbands have a Difpenfing Power over their Wives, which Kings are not allowed over the Laws ? I have this Day had a fmarc Debate with Mr. B. and I fear it will not be the only one upon this Subject. Can... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1785 - عدد الصفحات: 428 me. , ii WEDNESDAT, THURSDAY. ULD you ever have thought, my Dear, that Hufbands have a Difpenfing Power over their Wives, which Kings are not allowed over the Laws ? I have this Day had a fmart Debate with Mr. B. and I fear it will not be the only one upon this Sul>j. it.... | |
 | 1786 - عدد الصفحات: 684 WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY. * COULD you ever have thought, m* dear, that h'iíbands have a difpenfing power over their wives, which kings are not allowed over the laws \ I have this day had a fmait debate with Mr. B. and I fear it will not be the only one upon this fubjeft. Can... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1786 - عدد الصفحات: 676
...ladies to WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY. COULD you ever have thought, my dear, that h'ifbands have a difpenfing power over their wives, which kings are not allowed over the laws ? I have this day had a fmart debate with Mr. B. and I fear it will not be the only one upon this fubjefl. Can... | |
 | Authoress - 1810 - عدد الصفحات: 592
...benefit of my instructions; for that was the kind compliment of those ladies to me. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY. COULD you ever have thought, my dear, that husbands...which kings are not allowed over the laws ? I have this day had a smart debate with Mr. B. and I fear it will not be the only one upon this subject. Can... | |
 | The Rev. Edward Mangin - 1811 - عدد الصفحات: 470
...benefit of my instructions ; for that was the kind compliment of those ladies to me. Wednesday, Thursday. COULD you ever have thought, my dear, that husbands...which kings are not allowed over the laws ? I have this day had a smart debate with Mr: B , and I fear it will not be the only one upon this subject.... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1813 - عدد الصفحات: 608
...instructions : for that was the kind compliment of those ladies to me. ^ WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY. COU LD you ever have thought, my dear, that husbands have...B. and I fear it Will not be the only one upon this •object. Can you believe, that if a wife thinks a thing her duty to do, which her husband does not... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1824 - عدد الصفحات: 808
...those ladies to me. WEDNESDAY, THUBSDAT. COUI.D you ever have thought, my dear, that husbands nave a dispensing power over their wives, which kings are not allowed over the laws ? 1 have this day had a smart debate with Mr B , and I fear it will not be the only one upon this subject.... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1856 - عدد الصفحات: 646
...enlarge upon these articles, after the tedious specimens I have already given. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY. COULD you ever have thought, my dear, that husbands...B and I fear it will not be the only one upon this stiblp^t. Can you believe that if a w.fc thinks a thinir her duty to do, which her husband does not... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1883 - عدد الصفحات: 458
...benefit of my instructions; for that was the kind compliment of those ladies to me. Wednesday, Thursday. COULD you ever have thought, my dear, that husbands...which kings are not allowed over the laws? I have this day had a smart debate with Mr. B , and I fear it will not be the only one upon this subject.... | |
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