if the blood, ! In sluggish streams about my heart, forbid : That best ambition, under closing shades Inglorious lay me by the lowly brook, And whisper to my dreams. From Thee begin, Dwell all on Thee, with Thee conclude my song ; And let me never, never... The Northern star, or, Yorkshire magazine - الصفحة 14المحررون: - 1818عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب
 | James Thomson - 1730 - عدد الصفحات: 260
...forbids That bed ambition; under doling (hades, inglorious, lay me by the lowly brook, 117* And whifper to my dreams. From Thee begin, Dwell all on Thee, with Thee conclude my fong; And let me never, never fttay from Thetl The End. COOKS, POEMS, and PLAYS, Printed for, and Sold... | |
 | James Thomson - 1763 - عدد الصفحات: 458
...That left ambition ; under clofing (hades, loglorious, lay me by the lowly, brook, And whifper to,my dreams. From THEE begin,. Dwell all on THEE, with THEE conclude my fong i • Aa4. let .me never, never ftray from THEE ! i3T»WINTER* • :/IU 'IUA • . . • ' WINTER.... | |
 | James Thomson - 1766 - عدد الصفحات: 266
...forbid That beft ambition ; under clofing fhades, Inglorious, lay me by the lowly brook, And whifper to my dreams. From THEE begin, Dwell all on THEE, with THEE conclude my fong; And let me never never ftray from THEE! 1*71 WINTER. The ARGUMENT. Tbi/ufyeflproofed 1 . Addrefi... | |
 | James Thomson - 1769 - عدد الصفحات: 218
...That befl ambition ; under clofing shades , I2g« Inglorious, lay me by the lowly brook, And whifper to my dreams. From THEE begin, Dwell all on THEE, with THEE conclude my fong; And let me never never ftray from THEE! WINTER. ^^ ( The ARGUMENT. The fubjeB propofed. Addrefs... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1779 - عدد الصفحات: 304
...forbid That bff ambition ; under dofing fhades, Inglorious, lay me by the lowly brook, And whifper to my dreams. From Thee begin, Dwell all on Thee, with Thee conclude my fong ; And let me never, never firay from Thee ! WINTER. WINTER. 1726. THE ARGUMENT. The fubjeft propofed.... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1779 - عدد الصفحات: 274
...forbid That iefl ambition ; under clofing (hades, Inglorious, lay me by the lowly brook, And whifper to my dreams. From Thee begin, Dwell all on Thee, with Thee conclude my fong And let me never, never ftray from Thee I IN T WINTER. 1726. THE ARGUMENT. The fubjeft propofed.... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1779 - عدد الصفحات: 280
...forbid That bej) ambition ; under clofing fliades, Inglorious, lay me by the lowly brook, And whifper to my dreams. From Thee begin, Dwell all on Thee, with Thee conclude my fong; And let me never, never Cray from Thee I WINTER. 1726. THE ARGUMENT. The fubjeft propofed. Addrefs... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1779 - عدد الصفحات: 280
...forbid That tefl ambition; under clpfing fhades, Inglorious, lay me by the lowly brook, And whifper to my dreams. From Thee begin, Dwell all on Thee, with Thee conclude my fong; And let me never, never flray from Thee! WINTER. 1726. THE ARGUMENT. The fubjeft propofed. Addrefg... | |
 | John Bell - 1787 - عدد الصفحات: 508
...forbid. That beft ambition, under doling fhade>, Inglorious, lay me by the lowly brook, And whifper to my dreams. From Thee begin, Dwell all on Thee, with Thee eonelude my fong, And let me never, never flray from Thee! 1371 THE SEASONS. WINDER. 3TIle argument,... | |
 | James Thomson, Patrick Murdoch - 1788 - عدد الصفحات: 322
...forbid That beft ambition; under clofing fhades, Inglorious, lay me by the lowly brook, And whifper to my dreams. From THEE begin, Dwell all on THEE, with THEE conclude my fong; And let me never never ftray from THEE! WINTER. THE ARGUMENT. The fubjeil propofed. Addrefs to... | |
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