صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Aguilar, Isaac, Devonshire-square, broker. [Scott and Son, Mildred's-court.

Atkinson, John, Aldgate, High-st. butcher. [Baddeley, Leman-st. Goodman's Fields. Ball, George Middleton, Shadwell, auctioneer. [West, Wapping. Beauchamp, Robt. Coventry-st. Haymkt. lace-dealer. [Wilde, Warwick-square. Bell, Wm. Tottenham-court-road, linendraper. [Niblett, Cheapside. Berry, John, Fleet-street, tailor. [Deykes, Thavies-Inn.

Biggs, Geo. Holborn-bridge, silversmith [Tucker, Bartlett-buildings.

Bishop, Thos. Warnford-court, merchant. [Holt, Threadneedle-street.

Brown, Henry, Ruddington, Notts. butch. er. (Hall, Notts.

Bowdige, John, Axminster, Devon, baker.

[Knight, Axminster.

Butler, James, Prescott, nursery - man. [Reardon and Davis, Corbet-court. Bull, James, Bristol, victualler. [Cornish,


Burnett, Andrew, Lisle-street, Westminst. upholsterer. (Allen, Carlisle-st. Soho. Cave, Thomas, Hindley, Lanc. [Ditchfield, Wigan.

Cook, John, Liverpool, merchant, [Clarke and Co. Chancery-Lane.

Cholders, Robert, George-street,victualler, (Parnell, Church-street, Spital-fields. Coles, Charles, Ditcham-grove, Southamp. stationer. [Beverley, Temple. Cole, Robert, King-street, Holborn, coachmaker. [Langley, Charlotte-street, Bedford-square.

Coles, Charles, and Francis Galpin, Fleetstreet, stationers. [Lowden, Clement's Inn.

Croncher, John Honour, Gt. Alie-st. Goodman's Fields, spirit-mercht. (Graham, Barnard's Inn.

Cuthbert, Robert, Alborough, Holderness miller. (Johnson, Beverley.

Daulby, Daniel, and Richard Grace the younger, Manchester, coal - merchant. [Whitehead, Manchester.

Davenport, Saml. Egham, brewer. (Shepherd, Hyde-street.

Dowgill, Benjamin, Leeds, stone-mason. [Ward, Leeds.

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Duckworth, Ellis, Manchester, liquor-merchant. [Clarke and Co. ChanceryLane.

Earle, John, Winchester, druggist. [Gadwin, Winchester.

Elwell, Wm. Birmingham, chemist. [Wills, Birmingham.

Firth, John, and Michael Bailey, Dews bury, clothiers. [Hopkinson, Wakefield.

Fleming, Thomas, Liverpool, linen-draper. [Law, Manchester.

Fletcher, Bernard, Deptford, linen-draper. [Concanot, Great Suffolk-straet. Forster, Peter, Liverpool, mercht. (Bulmer, Liverpool.

Frost, John, Grange - Road, victualler. [Whitton, Great James-st. Bedfor Row. Gates, Samuel, Steyning, Sussex, winemerchant. [ewis, Crutched-Friars. Gibbs, George, Droxford, Southampton, potter. [Dunn, New Arlesford, Hants. Garside, Robert, Stockport, Cheshire, cotton-spinner. [Paulden, Stockport. Gill, John, Mill-Pheasant, Stoke Damerell, Devon, rope-maker. [Coryndon, Plymouth.

Hack, Thomas, Bear-Garden, Southwark, anchor-smith. (Clutton & Co. High-st. Hall, Ashley, Drayton, Stafford, dealer. [Jenkinson, Stafford.

Hart, Wm. Newport, bookseller. [Hindmarsh, Jewin-street, Cripplegate. Hayes, Fletcher, Waverton, Lancashire, innkeeper. [Bulmer, Liverpool. Hardwick, Thomas, Lutterworth, cornfactor. [Jeyes, Northampton. Hardwick, Philip, Wesbury, Somerset, innholder. [Welsh, Somerset. Harvey, Wm. Houndsditch, coppersmith. [Walton and Co. Basinghall-street. Henderson, James, St. Pancras, merchant. (Atcheson, Winchester-st. Broad-st. Horrabin, Robert, Bolton-le-Moors, hatter. [Unwin, Manchester.

Howard, Robt. Stockport, manufacturer. [Walters, Stockport.

Humphreys, Jas. Talbot-ct. Gracechurchstreet, tailor. (Lang, America-square. Illingworth, Abm., Philpot-la., wine-merchant. [Blandford, Bruton-st. Berkleysquare.

Johnson, Alexander, Manchester, silkmercer. [Wilson, Manchester.

Joseph, Joseph, Radcliffe-Highway, slopseller. [Poole, Old Broad-street. Land, Edw. Warwick-row, Surrey, baker, [Child, King-street, Southwark. Lawrence, Wm., Old-st.-road, victualler, [Vandercomb & Co. Canon-street. Leach, Hugh, and John Ambrose, Bristol, linen-merchants. [Cooke, Bristol. Lidaiard, Thos. Chiswell-street, plumber. [Mawley, High-street, Southwark. Lord, James, Manchester, tobacconist, [Buckley, Manchester.

Lowe, Alex. Christie, Tokeu-house yard, mercht. [Brough, South Malton street. Lockwood, John, St. Pancras, chair maker. [Hamilton, Berwick-st. Soho.

Mahson, Rouse, Knight's-bridge, baker. [Shuter, Millbank-st.

Mackavoy, Edwd. Greenwich, victualler. [Suter, Greenwich.

Martin, Thos., & Simon Hopkins, Bristol, linen-drapers. [Clarke, Bristol. Miles, John, Uxbridge, truss-maker. [Rudalls, Barnard's Inn, Holborn. Miles, John, Holborn, linen-draper. (Mayhew, and Co. Chancery-lane. Osbourne. Charles, Billiter-square, merc. [Holt Threadneedle-street. Osbonrue William, Sculcoates, merchant. (Swann, Hall.

Padgett, Wm., Vauxhall, grocer.



Page, Geo., Cranbourne-st., silk-mercer, [Adams, Old Jewry.

Payne, Hen. Herbert, Strood, Kent, brewer. [Bowman, Everet-street, Russel-sq. Pratt, John, Kennington, surgeon. (Edwards and son, Castle-street.

Patterson, Christo. Clerkenwell, woollen factor. [Noy & Co., Mincing-lane. Parish, Joseph, East Teignmouth, dealer. (Frome, Exeter.

Peak, Josh. Newcastle-under-Lyne, merchant. (Sparrow, Newcastle.

Peacock, John Henry, Burwell, Cambr. merchant. [Evans & Archer, Ely. Penfold, Robert, Deptford, victualler. [Pearson, Temple.

Porter, John, Wrington, Somerset, nursery-man. [Welsh, Wells.

Powell, James, Bristol, broker. (Short, Bristol.

Powell, Thos. Leominster, butcher, (Harris, Leominster.

Procter, John, and Job Besser, Steyningla., cloth-factors. [Taylor, Clement's I Pugh, John, Llaufihangel-y-Pennant, far-. mer. [Murrow, Liverpool. Rains, John Soady, Wapping-wall, mercht. (Sweet and Stokes, Basinghall-street. Ramscar, Mark, Bucklersbury, warehousman. [Milne and Parry, Temple.

Read, Eli, and Thos. Baker, Gt. Russell-st. linen-drapers. [Willis and Co. Throg


Robinson, John, St. Mary Hill, ship-insurance broker. [Hellyer, temple. Robinson, Cawood, Spalding, dealer. (Foster and Bonner, Spalding.

Rouse, Wm. Woolwich, victualler. (Faulkner, Dean-st. Southwark.

Russell, James, Old-Change, stationer. (Russen and Son, Aldersgate-street. Sandback, John, Woolwich, currier. (Sandom, Dept ford.

Sandwell, Robert Baker, Deal, grocer. (Wilmott, Ramsgate.

Sage, John, and Thos. Pomfrett, Maidstone. miliers. (Benton, Union-st, Southwark. Scott, Richard, Liverpool, mercht. (Crowder and Co. Old Jewry, London. Scholes, Richd. Huddersfield, corn-merch. Brown, Huddersfield.

Sheppard, Wm. Bristol, bookseller. (Coulson, Bristol.

Smith, Robert, Gorton-lane, Lanc. warehouseman. (Nadin, Manchester. Smith, Chas. and James Vickridge, Southampton-row, grocers. (Draper & Bird, Royal Exchange.

Southee, Geo. Canterbury, grocer. (Lindsay, Thomas's-street, Southwark. Southam, John, Birmingham, baker. (Webb

and Tindall, Birmingham. Stephens, Henry, Penryn, mercht. [Crowder and Co. Old Jewry. Still, John, Bristol, brass-founder. (Wintoun and Co. Bristol.

Stubbs, John, Haxey, Lincoln, innholder. (Martin and Scholefield, Hull.

Tett, Palmer, Seaton, Rutland, farmer. (Redifer, Stamford.

Towse, Wm, Wokingham, mercht. (Faithfull, Wokingham.

Watson, Mary Anne, Fareham, Southampton, mercer. (Paddon, Fareham. Walton, Benj. Birmingham, mercht. (Mole, Birmingbam.

Walter, Samuel Elliott, Madeley, Salop, printer. (Russell & Crown, Aldersgate. Welch, John, Gt. Yarmouth, haberdasher. (Cory, Great Yarmouth.

West, John Colley, Bristol, broker. (Fry, Axbridge.

West, Joseph, Leek, Stafford, corn-dealer. (Cook, Cierken well.

Willion, George, Ironmonger's-lane, merchant. (Hadfield, Manchester. Wilcocks, Edward, Aldersgate-st. mercht, (Tomlinsons & Co. Copthall-court. Wilmot, Saml. Reynolds, Bristol, brewer. (Cooke, Bristol.

Willie, John, Hull, brewer. (Kearsey and
Spurr, Bishopsgate-st. within.
Willatts, Thos. Great Queen-street, iron-
monger. (Mayhew & Co. Chancery-1.


Page 312, line 11, for spot read cot.

line 17 from bot. for in read on. -314, line 4 from top, dele colon, and insert comma.


[graphic][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

Embellished with a View of an Ancient Mansion at HIGH SUNDERLAND

[blocks in formation]

Query by Culina....

Observations on the Usury Laws.... 368
S. I. Law on the Antiquity of

drinking Healths.

Remarks on Mr. Hofland's Painting..
of Jerusalem at the Time of the
Crucifixion, by Wm. Carey ...... 377
Anecdotes of eminent Painters...... 379
Observations on the prevailing Cus-
toms, Dress, &c. of the Inhabitants
of Great-Britain...

Remarkable Instance of the Sortes

Latin Epitaph on a Dog............ 386 | Price Current, &c.



Foreign Events

............... 407

Parliamentary Intelligence.......... 409

Domestic Occurrences, London...... 411












[blocks in formation]

PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY BENTHAM AND RAY, HIGH-STREET, (To whom Communications, post paid, may be addressed :)



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