Page 236, for Cypici, in the Latin poem, read Cyprii. - for placidave read placidam. Page 237, To the title of the Charade should have been added-" by the Rev. R. W. W." Page 238, for jusqu' read jusqu'. Account of Handsworth.....259 New Queries.. *The Devil's Arrows, near Boroughbridge... ... 264 HISTORY OF TRADES AND MANUFACTURES. "History of the Alum-Trade, concluded 265 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPOND ENCE, &c. ORIGINAL POETRY. 310 311 Mary, the Maniac...... 312 Sonnet to the Northern Star...... 314 Charade 314 Essay on the Usefulness of Mathema Commercial Reports. BIOGRAPHY, &c. Memoir of Mr. W. Emerson...... 301 MATHEMATICAL REPOSITORY. 336 ..... 336 336 tical Learning, concluded........ 306 List of Bankrupts........ SHEFFIELD: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY BENTHAM AND RAY, HIGH-STREET, (To whom Communications, post paid, may be addressed :) SOLD, ALSO, BY BALDWIN, CRADOCK, AND JOY, LONDON; AND ALL OTHER BOOKSELLERS, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. WE beg Mrs. Hofland to accept of our warmest thanks for her enclosed and promised -communications. - To F. R.S. we have to make a similar acknowledgment of obligation; and, also, to our friend X. We have received communications from Mr. Law, - Mr. L. LANGLEY, OBSERVER, and LIGNUM; -also, J. B.'s translation of the Latin Lines on Roche Abbey. We scarcely know how to express our obligations to V. F. F. for his very valuable Essay, which appears this month. We trust no circumstance will occur to prevent our continued and (on our part) highly valued correspondence. We have forwarded the further queries on the effects of the intermarriage of Blacks and Whites, to Mr. BIGLAND; and the letter containing strictures on the essay "On Quackery," (vol. i. p. 273,) to the author of that paper, as the observations are so purely personal, that they could not be generally interesting to our readers. In our next, we hope to give several interesting articles, both in the general department and the Review, which various circumstances have prevented from appearing this month. We wish our readers to understand, that information respecting literary societies, benevolent institutions, specification of new inventions or improvements, if sent (post paid) to the printer's, will be punctually inserted. Notices of new publications, or of works preparing for the press, if before the 20th of the month, will receive the same attention. : |