their complete subjugation, by Signor Pinanti; with notes by E. Blaquiere, esq. A Life of the late distinguished patriot and philanthropist Granville Sharpe, may shortly be expected from the pen of Mr. Prince Hoare. A Collection of the Poems of Arthur Brooke. esq. of Canterbury, will speedily be published. Dr. J. P. Smith has in the press, the Scripture Testimony of the Messiah. An Essay on the Origin and Operation of the Dry-Rot, by Mr. Robert M'William, architect, is in the press; and will, with Observations on the Cultivation of Forest Trees, and Abstracts of the Forest Laws, form a 4to vol. illustrated with engravings. A third volume of the Illustrations of Literature, including Memoirs of George Hardinge, esq. will soon be published by Mr. Nichols. Dr. Adam Neale's Travels through Germany, Poland, Moldavia, and Turkey, is in the press, and will be published in one volume 4to. with numerous engravings. Letters written during a Tour through Ireland, by J. C. Curwen, Esq. M.P. are announced in two volumes octavo. Mr. Robert Bloomfield is preparing a descriptive poem, the subject of which is Southill, near Bedford, the seat of the late Mr. Whitbread. GENERAL MONTHLY CATALOGUE. ting the Exportation of British Wool, and of preventing the free Importation of Foreign Wool; by John Maitland, esq. M.P. 8vo. 48. A Letter to the Right Hon. Lord Erskine, on such parts of his Armata as relate to Corn and Wool; in which Restrictions on Importation, with their effects on Commerce and Agriculture, and the situation of the Labouring Classes, are considered; by Philopatria. Hone's Trials, Is. each. Case of the Salt Duties, with Proofs and Illustrations; by Sir T. Bernard. Ts. 6d. MATHEMATICS. The Principles of Mechanics, in three Lectures: designed as an Introduction to this Branch of the Mathematics; by Wm. Shires. 8vo. 3s. MEDICINE. An Essay on Scarlet Fever, Measles, and Consumption; by Dr. Armstrong. Medical Statement of the Case of the late Princess Charlotte of Wales; by A. T. Thompson, F.L.S. 8vo. 2s. 6d. Medico-Chirurgical Transactions, published by the Medical and Chirurgical Society of London. Vol. viii. Part. ii. 10s.6d. MISCELLANIES. Duthnevin, or the Visit to Paris; by a Lady some time resident in France. Letters from the Hon. Horace Walpole to George Montagu, esq. from 1736 to 1770; now first published from originals in the possession of the editor. Royal 4to. Original Letters, from Richard Baxter, X Matthew Prior, Lord Bolingbroke, Alex. Pope, Dr. Cheyne, Dr. Hartley, Dr. Sam. Johnson, Mrs. Montague, Rev. Wm. Gilpin, Rev. John Newton, Lord Geo. Lyttleton, Rev. Dr, C. Buchanan, &c. &c. with Biographical Illustrations. Edited by Rebecca Warner, of Beech Cottage, near Bath. 8vo. 10s. 6d. A Cruise; or three months on the Continent. By a Naval Officer: embellished with coloured engravings, 8νο. 85. The Insane World. 78.6d. POETRY. Poetical Remains and Memoirs of John Leyden. Rhododaphne, or the Thessalian Spell; a poem. Foolscap 8vo. Pains of Hope; a poem. 8vo. 48. The Dragon Knight; a poem, in twelve cantos; by Sir J. B. Burgess, bart. 8vo. Foliage, or Poems, original and translated, by Leigh Hunt. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. A Narrative of the Rev. C. J. Latrobe's late Tour in South Africa: together with some account of the state of the missions of the United Brethren in that interesting country. 4to. with engravings. Notes on a Journey from Virginia to the Illinois; by Morris Birkbeck, esq. 68. Monthly Chronicle. FOREIGN EVENTS. FOREIGN intelligence, since our last, with one exception, has proved but very unim. portant; and had it been less so than it is, our domestic news would have much diminished its interest. The exception refers to a desperate attempt made at Paris to assassinate the Duke of Wellington. On the night of the 10th inst. as the Duke was returning to his hotel, a pistol was discharged at his carriage, the contents of which providentially escaped him, though there should seem to be little doubt as to the diabolical design. Darkness favoured the escape of the assassin. The most active search was, of course, immediately commenced, and the police are said, by private letters, to have obtained such information as may lead to his apprehension. The King, after hearing of the circumstance, sent directly to express his abhorrence at so atrocious an attempt. A guard of gens d'armes had since been posted at the door of His Grace's residence. The French papers, also, confirm the reports as to the infamous atrocities of the new Dey of Algiers, with the exception of the murder of the English Consul's son, which should seem to want further corroboration. The German papers have reported the peace-establishment of the Confederation, which is to consist of 120,000 men. The proportions to be regulated by the population of the respective territories within the German constitution. The Congress of the United States have received a message from the President, on the subject of the possession of Amelia Island, together with the official correspondence relating thereto.-From South America, nothing more has yet transpired respecting the progress of the patriots. The apparent determination of the Portuguese to retain the possession of Monte-Video, reinforcements for which purpose are said to be on their way for Pernambuco, cannot fail to give umbrage to the Spanish government; it remains to be seen what measures it will in consequence deem fit to adopt. By advices from Constantinople, it appears, that Ibrabim Pacha, governor of Egypt, has obtained a great victory over the Wechabites, having, it is supposed, by this time, advanced against, and taken their capital. This event is said to have filled the Grand Seignior and all Mussulmen with great joy. PARLIAMENTARY INTELLIGENCE. THE important occurrence of a new Session of Parliament will call upon us briefly to notice such proceedings in either house, as may seem to influence the welfare of the public at large, while mat ters of merely local interest, except in our own county, must of necessity be passed over. On Tuesday, the 27th ult. the Session opened by commission, the recent national calamity preventing His Royal Highness from going to the House in person. The speech, after reverting to the continuance of His Majesty's indisposition, and the awful dispensation of Providence in the death of the Princess, goes on to announce the gratifying assurances of friendship from the continental powers, and of their desire to maintain the general tranquillity; the conclusion of treaties with Spain and Portugal for the abolition of the Slave Trade; the general improvement in commerce and the revenue; and concluding with a recommendation for supplying the deficiency of accommodation in our established churches, by the erection of new ones. The address was carried, nem.con. Addresses of condolence have been voted by the Commons, to the Prince Regent, Her Majesty, and to Prince Leopold. LIBERTY RESTORED. On the following day, Feb. 28th, Lord Sidmouth brought in a bill to repeal the Habeas Corpus act, which was read a second and third time, engrossed, and sent to the Commons, and on the 31st it received the Royal assent. We cordially join in the general congratulation that this restraint upon our liberty is at an end. The warmest friends of government had to lament its necessity; their bitterest enemies must applaud the promptness with The Chancellor of the Exchequer stated, that the Bank-Tokens had been issued by no authority from government, and must soon be called in, by virtue of an Act of Parliament. The Bank-Tokens was ready to pay for their Tokens in legal coin, and he did not apprehend that any more inconvenience would arise to the public from the Tokens being called in, than had formerly happened in the case of dollars. CHILDREN IN MANUFACTORIES. Sir R. Peele presented a petition from persons in the manufactories of Manchester, relative to the early age at which children were introduced (six years old), and the number of hours they were employed (fourteen or more). The narrative had affected him, even to tears, and he hoped it would engage the attention of the house. which it has, on the meeting of Parliament, chery on the part of Oliver, which, if true, been done away. CHIMNEY-SWEEPERS. On Feb. 9, Mr. Bennett brought in this bill respecting Chimney-sweepers, which was read first time, and committed to Friday following. The Act will abolish the present revolting practice of chimneysweeping after 1st of May, 1819. BANK TOKENS. On Feb. 10, Mr. Curwen asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if any steps would be taken by government relative to the calling in of the Bank-Tokens, and to their being paid in cash. Mr. Curwen, Mr. Philips, and others, wished the facts of the petition to be scrutinized. Ordered to lie on the table. SPANISH TREATY. On Feb. 11, The House, on the motion of Lord Castlereagh, went into a committee of supply, on account of the Spanish treaty. £400,000 is to be paid to Spain for the relinquishment of the Slave-Trade. SPIES AND INFORMERS. Same day, a long and interesting debate took place on the motion of Mr. Fazakerley, "That it be an instruction to the Committee then sitting, to enquire and report whether any or what measures had been taken to detect and bring to justice' those persons mentioned in the Report of last Session, as having fomented the disturbances which took place in several parts of the kingdom." Mr. Bennet recounted instances of trea would go to prove how direful has been the consequences of this man's mission to the country. Mr. Wilberforce thought the temporary advantages which government might derive from the employment of spies, in enabling them to detect some treasons, which might otherwise escape punishment, more than counter-balanced by the inconveniences which ensued. In a religious view, it was totally reprebensible; the God of Truth abhorred the falsehood and deceit which this practice en couraged; domestic confidence wasdestroyed; the most innocent actions were liable to misconstruction and finally, disaffection to the government itself must be the result of it. Though these were his sentiments, still he should oppose the motion, because it was founded on the false assumption, that the late Committee had attributed some specific parts of the disturbances to Oliver; aud because it involved an enquiry that could not be carried on in the Committe, and for which the Committee was not the proper place. The Solicitor-General viewed it in the same light; and remarked, that the honourable Mover had concealed his witnesses, yet the casual mention of Mitchell gave a clue to the rest, and he was not a proper person to bring to support charges against government; yet such as he were considered martyrs to liberty, and proper objects of public bounty; and such persons artfully designed, by raising a cry against Oliver and the spies, to shift all criminality from themselves, and basely lay it to government. The House divided, Ayes 53-Noes 111. Majority against the motion 58. SHEFFIELD CUTLERY. On Feb. 12, Lord Milton rose to present a petition from several manufacturers of steel and cutlery in Sheffield, and the vicinity, complaining that they suffered considerable iujury from the manufacture in their neighbourhood, of wrought iron, which was made to bear a polish, and resemble the steel they themselves manufactured. Iron articles were thus made to resemble cast-steel, and iron being manufactured at twenty per cent. cheaper, they found their way into the foreign markets, and from their inferior wear had atendency to undervalue the real Sheffield work, which, fortwo hundred and fifty years, had received an admitted superiority all over Europe. Lord Lascelles thought the petition entitled to the consideration of the House, particularly from the circumstances stated therein, that a sort of article had gone abroad which had an eventual tendency to injure the reputation of the real steelworker, who had previously found a sate in the foreign market for his goods. The petitioners did not want to prevent the manufacture of polished iron, but they did wish that the Legislature should make the manufacturer put a particular stamp on his work, to prevent its being taken for quite a different and superior article. He would only desire a Committee for this petition, as it involved the interests ofthree classes of persons, who certainly had each a right to be heard, viz. the manufacturer in cast-iron, the manufacturer in caststeel, and the worker in wrought steel. Petition referred to a Committee to report thereon. ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE IN NORTHERN COUNTIES. On Feb. 17, Mr. M. A. Taylor called the attention of the House to his promised motion relative to the administration of justice in the Northern Counties, and indeed throughout the kingdom, and strongly urged an increase in the number of Judges, which had not been increased while the business had become threefold.The Attorney-General, and the House in general, admitted the importance of the subject, but thought the proposal premature, since no specific plan had been prepared, nor did they consider the urgency so strong as to justify entering at present into the subject.-Motion withdrawn. DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. LONDON. Greenwich Murders. - It is a painful task for us to record two most horrid and barbarous murders, which were discovered on Monday the 9th inst. on the person of Mr. Birdand his housekeeper. This gentleman, far advanced in years, being near seventy, was a constant attendant on the Greenwich church, and always in his place as soon as the service began, accompanied by his housekeeper. On Sunday morning, it was noticed by the beadle of the parish, and others, that they were not in their seats as usual. At the conclusion of the service, the beadle mentioned the circumstance to some neighbours, and they having observed that the shutters of Mr. Bird's house had not been opened at the usual time, the beadle went to the house, knocked at the door, and called, but received no answer; they, therefore, had no doubt but something dreadful had happened, and determined on forcing their way into the house by the garden at the back. On their entrance into the passage, a most shocking spectacle presented itself on the body of the house-keeper, near the street door, lying on her face shockingly mangled. The horrid act was perpetrated by a blunt instrument. On proceeding from this scene of horror, another equally distressing presented itselfin the parlouradjoining the passage, on viewing the body of Mr. Bird, who was lying on his back with his arms stretched, and his head in a more shock ing state than his housekeeper's, as the wounds of her's were more concealed from view. His forehead was drove in about an inch deep, and the wound as large as a crown-piece. The wounds of Mr. Bird were iuflicted also by a large blunt instrument, by some supposed to be a bludgeon, and some suspicion that it was by a left handed man. It is supposed that Mr. Bird was passing his evening, as was his constant practice, in reading, and that on his hearing the attack upon his house-keeper in the passage, he left his fire-side to proceed to her assistance, as his body was found between the fire-place and the door of the room, with his spectacles close to one hand, and a candle close to the other. Distressed Seamen. - The result of the proceedings which the public benevolence has enabled the committee for relieving these distressed individuals to adopt, is of ficially declared to be as follows:-1230 men have been received on board seven vessels granted by the Admiralty for that purpose, and supplied with necessary clothing. Of these, 349 have been disposed of in the navy, in the merchants' service, or otherwise provided for; 162 are on board the Dromedary, appropriated exclusively to the sick, of whom 61 are serious cases; three have been sent on shore for misconduct; five have died, and 711 remain on board the receiving ships, besides 162 sick. Total, 1230.-The total amount of subscriptions received by the Treasurer is 11, 9381. 148. 10d. The monthly expenditure of the establishment is about 1000l. exclusive of clothes, bedding, and ship chandlery. The committee state that the subscription having answered its purpose, no further pecuniary aid is solicited at present. Feb. 2. A meeting was this day held at the Crown and Anchor to propose a subscription for the relief of persons who had suffered under the Habeas Corpus Suspension Act. Sir F. Burdett in the Chair. Merchant Seamen's Auxiliary Bible So ciety. Feb. 3. A meeting was this day held at the Egyptian Hall, Mansion-house, for the purpose of establishing an Institution under the above head, for supplying British Merchant Ships with the Holy Scriptures. The assembly was honoured with the attendance of some of the nobi lity, and several members of parliament, and was successively addressed by the Lord Mayor, who presided, Lord Gambier, J. Thornton, Esq. M.P. Rev. W. Dealtry, Mr. Wilberforce, W. T. Money, Esq. M.P. Capt. Pakenham, C. Grant, Esq. M.P. &c. &c. New Churches. - Feb. 6. A meeting was held at the Freemasons' Tavern, London, for the purpose of raising a fund to assist in the building of additional Churches and Chapels throughout the kingdom. The Archbishop of Canterbury was in the Chair. - Nearly the whole Bench of Bishops, and at least 25 lay Peers, were present. A number of Resolutions were passed, and the assembly separated. Horrid Murder of Mary Minton.- This blood-chilling deed was perpetrated at No. 24, Union-Street, Mary-le-bone. The parents of the deceased were industrious poor people; the father being a carpenter, and the mother and daughters assisting in |