صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

back: Louvois, where art thou? Ye Maré- Monseigneur; another thing to Cagliostro, chaux de France? Ye unmentionable-women and Vilette of Rascaldom; a third thing to the of past generations? Here also was it that World, (in printed Mémoires ;) a fourth thing to rolled and rushed the "sound, absolutely like Philippe Egalité: all things to all men! thunder," of Courtier hosts; in that dark Let her, however, we say, but manage now to hour when the signal light in Louis the Fifact her own parts, with proper Histrionic illuteenth's chamber-window was blown out; and sion; and, by Critical glosses, give her past his ghastly infectious Corpse lay alone, for- Dramaturgy the fit aspect, to Monsiegneur and saken on its tumbled death-lair, "in the hands others: this henceforth, and not new Dramaof some poor women :" and the Courtier-hosts turgy, includes her whole task. Dramatic rushed from the Deep-fallen to hail the New- Scenes, in plenty, will follow of themselves; risen! These too rushed, and passed; and especially that Fourth and final Scene, spoken their "sound, absolutely like thunder," became of above as by another Author,-by Destiny silence. Figures! Men? They are fast fleet- itself.

ing Shadows: fast chasing each other: it is For in the Lamotte Theatre (so different not a Palace, but a Caravansera.-Monseig-from our common Pasteboard one) the Play neur, (with thy too much Tokay overnight!) goes on, even when the Machinist has left it. cease puzzling: here thou art, this blessed Strange enough: those Air-images, which from February day-the Peerless, will she turn her Magic-lantern she hung out on the empty lightly that high head of hers, and glance bosom of Night, have clutched hold of this aside into the Eil de Bœuf, in passing? Please solid-seeming World, (which some call the Heaven, she will. To our tutelary Countess, Material World, as if that made it more a Real at least, she promised it; though, alas, so one,) and will tumble hither and thither the fickle is womankind!solidest mass there. Yes, reader, so goes it Hark! Clang of opening doors! She issues, here below. What thou callest a Brain-web, like the Moon in silver brightness, down the or mere illusive Nothing, is it not a web of the Eastern steeps. La Reine vient! What a figure! Brain; of the Spirit which inhabits the Brain; I (with the aid of glasses) discern her. O and which, in this World, rather, as I think, Fairest, Peerless! Let the hum of minor dis- to be named the spiritual one,) very naturally. coursing hush itself wholly; and only one moves and tumbles hither and thither all things successive rolling peal of Vive la Reine (like it meets with, in Heaven or in Earth ?-So, too, the moveable radiance of a train of fire-works) the Necklace, though we saw it vanish through irradiate her path.-Ye Immortals! She does, the Horn Gate of Dreams, and in my opinion she beckons, turns her head this way!" Does man shall never more behold it,—yet its activ she not?" says Countess de Lamotte.-Ver-ity ceases not, nor will. For no Act of a man, sailles, the Eil de Bauf, and all men and things, no Thing, (how much less the man himself!) are drowned in a sea of Light; Monseigneur is extinguished when it disappears: through and that high beckoning Head are alone, with considerable times (there are instances of each other, in the Universe. Three Thousand Years) it visibly works; invisibly, unrecognised, it works through endO Eminence, what a beatific vision! Enjoy less times. Such a Hyper-magical is this our it, blest as the gods; ruminate and re-enjoy poor old Real world; which some take upon it, with full soul: it is the last provided for them to pronounce effete, prosaic! Friend, it thee. Too soon (in the course of these six is thyself that art all withered up into effete months) shall thy beatific vision, like Mirza's vision, gradually melt away; and only oxen and sheep be grazing in its place;-and thou, as a doomed Nebuchadnezzar, be grazing with them.

"Does she not?" said the Countess de Lamotte. That it is a habit of hers; that hardly a day passes without her doing it: this the Countess de Lamotte did not say.


Prose, dead as ashes: know this, (I advise thee;) and seek passionately, with a passion little short of desperation, to have it remedied.

Meanwhile, what will the feeling heart think to learn that Monseigneur de Rohan (as we prophesied) again experiences the fickleness of a Court; that, notwithstanding beatific visions, at noon and midnight, the Queen's Majesty (with the light ingratitude of her sex) flies off at a tangent; and, far from ousting his detested and detesting rival, Minister Breteuil, and openly delighting to honour Monseigneur, will hardly vouchsafe him a few gilt Autographs, and those few of the most capricious, suspicious, soul-confusing tenor? What terrifiHere, then, the specially Dramaturgic labours co-absurd explosions, which scarcely Cagof Countess de Lamotte may be said to termi- liostro, with Caraffe and four candles, can still; The rest of her life is Histrionic merely, how many deep-weighed Humble Petitions, Exor Histrionic and Critical; as, indeed, what planations, Expostulations, penned with fervidhad all the former part of it been but a Hypo- est eloquence, with craftiest diplomacy,-all decrisia, a more or less correct Playing of Parts ? livered by our tutelar Countess: in vain!-0 0 66 Mrs. Facing-both-ways, (as old Bunyan Cardinal, with what a huge iron mace, like said,) what a talent hadst thou! No Proteus Guy of Warwick's, thou smitest Phantasms in ever took so many shapes, no Chameleon so two (which close again, take shape again;) often changed color. One thing thou wert to and only thrashest the air!



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One comfort, however, is that the Queen's Majesty has committed herself. The Rose of

Trianon, and what may pertain thereto, lies it | ran down like water. Small sparrows, as I not here? That " Right-Marie Antoinette of learn, have been trained to fire cannon; but France," too; and the 30th of July, first-instal- would make poor Artillery Officers in a Waterment-day, coming? She shall be brought to loo. Thou dost not call that Cork a strong terms, good Eminence! Order horses and beef- swimmer? which, nevertheless, shoots, witheaters for Saverne; there, ceasing all written out hurt, the Falls of Niagara; defies the or oral communication, starve her into capitu- thunderbolt itself to sink it, for more than a lating. It is the bright May month: his Emi- moment. Without intellect, imagination, power nence again somnambulates the Promenade de of attention, or any spiritual faculty, how brave la Rose; but now with grim dry eyes; and, were one,-with fit motive for it, such as from time to time, terrifically stamping. hunger! How much might one dare, by the simplest of methods, by not thinking of it, not

blustering Quack, still here? No scapegoat had ever broader back. The Cardinal, too, has he not money? Queen's Majesty, even in effigy, shall not be insulted; the Soubises, De Marsans, and high and puissant Cousins, must huddle the matter up: Calumniated Innocence, in the most universal of Earthquakes, will find some crevice to whisk through, as she has so often done.

But who is this that I see mounted on cost-knowing it!-Besides, is not Cagliostro, foolish liest horse and horse-gear; betting at Newmarket Races; though he can speak no English word, and only some Chevalier O'Niel, some Capuchin Macdermot (from Bar-sur Aube) interprets his French into the dialect of the Sister Island? Few days ago I observed him walking in Fleet-street, thoughtfully through Temple-Bar ;-in deep treaty with Jeweller Jeffreys, with Jeweller Grey,+ for the sale of Diamonds: such a lot as one may boast of. A tall handsome man; with ex-military whiskers; with a look of troubled gayety, and rascalism: you think it is the Sieur (self-styled Count) de Lamotte; nay, the man himself confesses it! The Diamonds were a present to his Countess,-from the still bountiful Queen.

Villette, too, has he completed his sales at Amsterdam? Him I shall by and by behold; not betting at Newmarket, but drinking wine and ardent spirits in the Taverns of Geneva. Ill-gotten wealth endures not; Rascaldom has no strongbox. Countess de Lamotte, for what a set of cormorant scoundrels hast thou laboured; art thou still labouring!

But all this while how fares it with his Eminence, left somnambulating the Promenade de la Rose; and at times truculently stamping? Alas, ill; and ever worse. The starving method, singular as it may seem, brings no capitulation; brings only, after a month's waiting, our tutelary Countess, with a gilt Autograph, indeed, and "all wrapt in silk threads, sealed where they cross, but which we read with curses.*

We must back again to Paris; there pen new Expostulations; which our unwearied Countess will take charge of, but, alas, can get no answer to. However, is not the 30th of July coming?-Behold (on the 19th of that month,) the shortest, most careless of Autographs with some fifteen hundred pounds of real money in it, to pay the-interest of the first instalment; the principal (of some thirty

Still labouring, we may say: for as the fatal 30th of July approaches, what is to be looked for but universal Earthquake; Mud-explosion that will blot out the face of Nature? Methinks, stood I in thy pattens, Dame de La-thousand) not being at the moment perfectly motte, I would cut and run.-" Run!" exclaims she, with a toss of indignant astonishment: "calumniated Innocence run?" For it is singular how in some minds (that are mere bottomless "chaotic whirlpools of gilt shreds") there is no deliberate Lying whatever; and nothing is either believed or disbelieved, but only (with some transient suitable Histrionic emotion) spoken and heard.


Had Dame de Lamotte a certain greatness of character, then; at least, a strength of transcendant audacity, amounting to the bastardheroic? Great, indubitably great, is her Dramaturgic and Histrionic talent: but as for the rest, one must answer, with reluctance, No. Mrs. Facing-both-ways is a Spark of vehement Life," but the furthest in the world from a brave woman: she did not, in any case, show the bravery of a woman; did, in many cases, show the mere screaming trepidation of one. Her grand quality is rather to be reckoned negative the "untamableness" as of a fly; the "wax-cloth dress" from which so much

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convenient! Hungry Boehmer makes large eyes at this proposal; will accept the money, but only as part of payment; the man is positive: a Court of Justice, if no other means, shall get him the remainder. What now is to be done?

Farmer-general Mons. Saint-James, Cagliostro's disciple, and wet with Tokay, will cheerfully advance the sum needed-for her Majesty's sake; thinks, however (with all his Tokay,) it were good to speak with her Majesty first.-_observe, meanwhile, the distracted hungry Boehmer driven hither and thither, not by his fixed-idea; alas, no, but by the far more frightful ghost thereof, since no payment is forthcoming. He stands, one day, speaking with a Queen's waiting-woman (Madam Campan herself,) in “a thunder-shower, which neither of them notice,"-so thunderstruck are they. What weather-symptoms for his Eminence!

The 30th of July has come, but no money; the 30th is gone, but no money. O Eminence, what a grim farewell of July is this of 1785! The last July went out with airs from Heaven, + Campan

See Lamotte.

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and Trianon Roses. These August days, are the Devils drove him? It is Monseigneur's they not worse than dog's days; worthy to be Heyduc: Monseigneur spoke three words in blotted out from all Almanacs? Boehmer German to him, at the door of his Versailles and Bassange thou canst still see; but only | Hôtel; even handed him a slip of writing, "return from them swearing." Nay, what which (some say, with borrowed Pencil," in new misery is this? Our tutelary Histrionic his red square cap ") he had managed to preCountess enters, distraction in her eyes;† she pare on the way hither. To Paris? To the has just been at Versailles; the Queen's Ma- Palais-Cardinal! The horse dies on reaching jesty, with a levity of caprice which we dare the stable; the Heyduc swoons on reaching not trust ourselves to characterize, declares the cabinet: but his slip of writing fell from plainly that she will deny ever having got the his hand; and I (says the Abbé Georgel) was Necklace; ever having had, with his Emi- there. The red Portfolio, containing all the nence any transaction whatsoever!-Mud-gilt Autographs, is burnt atterly, with much explosion without parallel in volcanic annals. -The Palais de Strasbourg appears to be beset with spies; the Lamottes (for the Count, too, is here) are packing up for Bur-sur-Aube. The Sieur Boehmer, has he fallen insane? Or into communication with Breteuil ?

And so distractedly and distractively, to the sound of all Discords in Nature, opens that Fourth, final Scenic Exhibition, composed by Destiny.



It is Assumption-day, the 15th of August. Don thy pontificalia, Grand-Almoner; crush down these hideous temporalities out of sight. In any case, smooth thy countenance into some sort of lofty-dissolute serene: thou hast a thing they call worshipping God to enact, thyself the first actor.

The Grand-Almoner has done it. He is in Versailles Eil de Bauf Gallery; where male and female Peerage, and all Noble France in gala, various and glorious as the rainbow, waits only the signal to begin worshipping: on the serene of his lofty-dissolute countenance, there can nothing be read. By Heaven! he is sent for to the Royal Apartment!

He returns with the old lofty-dissolute look, inscrutably serene: has his turn for favour actually come, then? Those fifteen long years of soul's travail are to be rewarded by a birth-Monsieur le Baron de Breteuil issues; great in his pride of place, in this the crowning moment of his life. With one radidiant glance, Breteuil summons the Officer on Guard with another, fixes Monseigneur: "De par le Roi, Monseigneur: you are arrested! At your risk, Officer!"-Curtains as of pitchblack whirlwind envelope Monseigneur; whirl off with him, to outer darkness. Versailles Gallery explodes aghast; as if Guy Fawkes's Plot had burst under it. "The Queen's Majesty was weeping," whisper some. There will be no Assumption service; or such a one as was never celebrated since Assumption came in fashion.

Europe, then, shall ring with it from side to side! But why rides that Heyduc as if all

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else, before Breteuil can arrive for apposition of the seals!-Whereby Europe, in ringing from side to side, must worry itself with guessing: and at this hour (on this paper) sees the matter in such an interesting clear-obscure.

Soon Count Cagliostro and his Seraphic Countess go to join Monseigneur, in State Prison. In few days, follows Dame de Lamotte (from Bar-sur-Aube); Demoiselle d'Oliva by and by (from Brussels); Villette-de-Retaux from his Swiss retirement, in the taverns of Geneva. The Bastille opens its iron bosom to them all.


Thus, then, the Diamond Necklace having, on the one hand, vanished through the Horn Gate of Dreams, and so (under the pincers of Nisus Lamotte and Euryalus Villette) lost its sublunary individuality and being; and, on the other hand, all that trafficked in it, sitting now safe under lock and key, that justice may take cognisance of them,-our engagement in regard to the matter is on the point of terminating. That extraordinary Procès du Collier (Necklace Trial,) spinning itself through Nine other ever-memorable Months, to the astonishment of the hundred and eighty-seven assembled Parliementiers, and of all Quiddunes, Journalists, Anecdotists, Satirists, in both Hemispheres, is, in every sense, a "Celebrated Trial,” and belongs to Publishers of such. How, by innumerable confrontations and expiscatory questions, through entanglements, doublings, and windings that fatigue eye and soul, this most involute of Lies is finally winded off to the scandalous-ridiculous cinder-heart of it,

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do with such Collection. Nevertheless, search-said, from of old, by the opposite party: 'All ing for some fit Capital of the composite men are liars?' Do they not (and this nowise order, to adorn adequately the now finished'in haste') whimperingly talk of 'one just singular Pillar of our Narrative, what can suit us better than the following, so far as we know, yet unedited,

Occasional Discourse, by Count Alessandro Cagliostro, Thaumaturgist, Prophet, and Arch-Quack; delivered in the Bastille: Year of Lucifer, 5789; of the Hegira Mohammedan, ( from Mecca,) 1201; of the Hegira Cagliostric, (from Palermo,) 24; of the Vulgar Era, 1785.

"Fellow Scoundrels,-An unspeakable Intrigue, spun from the soul of that Circe-Megæra, by our voluntary or involuntary help, has assembled us all, if not under one rooftree, yet within one grim iron-bound ring-wall. For an appointed number of months, in the ever-rolling flow of Time, we, being gathered from the four winds, did by Destiny work together in body corporate; and, joint labourers in a Transaction already famed over the Globe, obtain unity of Name, (like the Argonauts of old,) as Conquerors of the Diamond Necklace. Ere long it is done, (for ring-walls hold not captive the free Scoundrel for ever;) and we disperse again, over wide terrestrial Space; some of us, it may be, over the very marches of Space. Our Act hangs indissoluble together; floats wondrous in the older and older memory of men: while we, little band of Scoundrels, who saw each other, now hover so far asunder, to

see each other no more, if not once more only on the universal Doomsday, the last of the Days!

"In such interesting moments, while we stand within the verge of parting, and have not yet parted, methinks it were well here, in these sequestered Spaces, to institute a few general reflections. Me, as a public speaker, the Spirit of Masonry, of Philosophy, and Philanthropy, and even of Prophecy (blowing mysterious from the Land of Dreams) impels to do it. Give ear, O Fellow Scoundrels, to what the Spirit utters; treasure it in your hearts, practise it in your lives.

"Sitting here, penned up in this which (with a slight metaphor) I call the Central Cloaca of Nature, where a tyrannical De Launay can forbid the bodily eye free vision, you with the mental eye see but the better. This Central Cloaca, is it not rather a Heart, into which, from all regions, mysterious conduits introduce, and forcibly inject, whatsoever is choicest in the Scoundrelism of the Earth; there to be absorbed, or again (by the other auricle) ejected into new circulation? Let the eye of the mind run along this immeasurable venousarterial system; and astound itself with the magnificent extent of Scoundreldom; the deep, I may say, unfathomable, significance of


"Yes, brethren, wide as the Sun's range is our Empire; wider than old Rome's in its palmiest era. I have in my time been far; in frozen Muscovy, in hot Calabria, east, west, wheresoever the sky overarches civilized man: and never hitherto saw I myself an alien; out of Scoundreldom I never was. Is it not even

person,' (as they call him,) and of the remaining thousand save one that take part with us? So decided is our majority."-(Applause.)

"Of the Scarlet Woman,-yes, Monseigneur, without offence,-of the Scarlet Woman that sits on Seven Hills, and her Black Jesuit Militia, out foraging from Pole to Pole, I speak not; for the story is too trite: nay, the Militia itself, as I see, begins to be disbanded, and invalided, for a second treachery; treachery to herself! Nor yet of Governments; for a like reason. Ambassadors, said an English punster, lie abroad for their masters. Their masters, we answer, lie, at home, for themselves. Not of all this, nor of Courtship, (with its so universal Lovers' vows,) nor Courtiership, nor Attorneyism, nor Public Oratory, and Selling by Auction, do I speak: I simply ask the gainsayer, Which is the particular trade, profession, mystery, calling, or pursuit of the Sons of Adam that they successfully manage in the other way? He cannot answer!-No: Philosophy itself, both practical and even speculative, has, at length (after shamefullest groping) stumbled on the plain conclusion that Sham is indispensable to Reality, as Lying to Living; that without Lying the whole business of the world, from swaying of senates to selling of tapes, must explode into anarchic discords, and so a speedy conclusion ensue.

"But the grand problem, Fellow Scoundrels, as you well know, is the marrying of Truth and Sham; so that they become one flesh, man and wife, and generate these three: Profit, Pudding, and Respectability that always keeps her Gig. Wondrously, indeed, do Truth and Delusion play into one another: Reality rests on Dream. Truth is but the skin of the bottomless Untrue: and ever, from time to time, the Untrue sheds it; is clear again; and the superannuated True itself becomes a Fable. Thus do all hostile things crumble back into our Empire; and of its increase there is no end.

"O brothers, to think of the Speech without meaning, (which is mostly ours,) and of the Speech with contrary meaning, (which is wholly ours,) manufactured by the organs of Mankind in one solar day! Or call it a day of Jubilee, when public Dinners are given, and Dinner-orations are delivered: or say, a Neighbouring Island in time of General Election! O ye immortal gods! The mind is lost; can only admire great Nature's plenteousness with a kind of sacred wonder.

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For, tell me, What is the chief end of man? To glorify God,' said the old Christian Sect, now happily extinct. To eat and find eatables by the readiest method,' answers sound Philosophy, discarding whims. If the readier method (than this of persuasive-attraction) is discovered,-point it out.-Brethren, I said the old Christian Sect was happily extinct: as, indeed, in Rome itself, there goes the wonderfullest traditionary Prophecy, of that Nazareth Christ coming back, and being crucified a second time there; which truly I see not in the

* Goethe mentions it (Italianische Reise.)

least how he could fail to be. Nevertheless, bly-Jock!) The Arch-Quack, whose eyes were that old Christian whim, of an actual living and ruling God, and some sacred covenant binding all men in Him, with much other mystic stuff, does, under new or old shape, linger with a few. From these few, keep yourselves for ever far! They must even be left to their whim, which is not like to prove infectious.

turned inwards as in rapt contemplation, started at the titter and mutter: his eyes flashed outwards with dilated pupil; his nostrils opened wide; his very hair seemed to stir in its long twisted pigtails, (his fashion of curl;) and as Indignation is said to make Poetry, it here made Prophecy, or what sounded as such. With terrible, working features, and gesticulation not recommended in any Book of Gesture, the Arch-Quack, in voice supernally discordant (like Lions worrying Bulls of Bashan) began:

"Sniff not, Dame de Lamotte; tremble, thou foul Circe-Megara: thy day of desolation is at hand! Behold ye the Sanhedrim of Judges, with their fanners (of written Parchment) loud-rustling, as they winnow all her chaff, and

and mean?-Villette, Oliva, do ye blab secrets? Ye have no pity of her extreme need; she none of yours. Is thy light-giggling, untamable heart at last heavy? Hark ye! Shrieks of one cast out; whom they brand on both shoulders with iron stamp; the red hot

"But neither are we, my Fellow Scoundrels, without our Religion, our Worship; which, like the oldest, and all true Worships, is one of Fear. The Christians have their Cross, the Moslem their Cresent: but have not we, too, our-Gallows? Yes, infinitely terrible is the Gallows; bestrides, with its patibulary fork, the Pit of bottomless Terror. No Manicheans are we; our God is One. Great, exceeding great, I say, is the Gallows; of old, even from the beginning, in this world; know-down-plumage, and she stands there naked ing neither variableness nor decadence; for ever, for ever, over the wreck of ages, and all civic and ecclesiastic convulsions, meal-mobs, revolutions, the Gallows with front serenely terrible towers aloft. Fellow Scoundrels, fear the Gallows, and have no other fear! This is the Law and the Prophets. Fear every ema-"V," thou Voleuse, hath it entered thy soul! nation of the Gallows. And what is every buffet, with the fist, or even with the tongue, of one having authority, but some such emanation. And what is Force of Public Opinion but the infinitude of such emanations,-rushing combined on you like a mighty stormwind? Fear the Gallows, I say! O when, with its long black arm, it has clutched a man, what avail him all terrestrial things? These pass away, with horrid nameless dinning in his ears; and the ill-starred Scoundrel pendulates between Heaven and Earth, a thing rejected of both."-(Profound sensation.)

Weep, Circe de Lamotte; wail there in truckle bed, and hysterically gnash thy teeth: nay, do, smother thyself in thy door-mat coverlid; thou hast found thy mates; thou art in the Salpêtrière !-Weep, daughter of the high and puissant Sans-inexpressibles! Buzz of Parisian Gossipry is about thee; but not to help thee: no, to eat before thy time. What shall a King's Court do with thee, thou unclean thing, while thou yet livest? Escape! Flee to utmost countries; hide there, if thou canst, thy mark of Cain!-In the Babylon of Fogland! Ha! is that my London? See I Judas Iscariot Egalité? Print, yea print abundantly the abominations of your two hearts: breath of rattlesnakes can bedim the steel mirror, but only for a time.-And there! Ay, there at last! Tumblest thou from the lofty leads, poverty-stricken, O thriftless daughter of the high and puissant, escaping bailiffs? Descendest thou precipitate, in dead night, from window in the third story: hurled forth by Bacchanals, to whom thy shrill tongue had grown unbearable ?* Yea, through the smoke of that new Babylon thou fallest headlong; one long scream of screams makes night hideous: thou liest there, shattered like addle egg, 'nigh to the Temple of Flora!' O Lamotte, has thy Hypocrisia ended, then? Thy

"Such, so wide in compass, high, gallowshigh in dignity, is the Scoundrel Empire; and for depth, it is deeper than the Foundations of the World. For what was Creation itself wholly (according to the best Philosophers) but a Divulsion by the TIME-SPIRIT, (or Devil so-called ;) a forceful Interruption, or breaking asunder, of the old Quiescence of Eternity? It was Lucifer that fell, and made this lordly World arise. Deep? It is bottomless-deep; the very Thought, diving, bobs up from it baffled. Is not this that they call Vice of Lying the Adam-Kadmon, or primeval Rude-Element, old as Chaos mother's-womb of Death and Hell; whereon their thin film of Virtue, Truth, and the like, poorly wavers-for a day? All Virtue, what is it, even by their own show-many characters were all acted. Here at last ing, but Vice transformed,—that is, manufactured, rendered artificial? Man's Vices are the roots from which his Virtues grow out and see the light,' says one: 'Yes,' add I, and thanklessly steal their nourishment!' Were it not for the nine hundred ninety and nine unacknowledged (perhaps martyred and calumniated) Scoundrels, how were their single Just Person (with a murrain on him!) so much as possible?—Oh, it is high, high: these things are too great for me; Intellect, Imagination, flags her tired wings; the soul lost, baffled"

thou actest not, but art what thou seemest: a mangled squelch of gore, confusion, and abomination; which men huddle underground, with no burial stone. Thou gallows-carrion !"

-Here the prophet turned up his nose, (the broadest of the eighteenth century,) and opened

*The English Translator of Lamotte's Life says, she fell from the leads of her house, nigh the Temple of Flora, endeavouring to escape seizure for debt; and was taken up so much hurt that she died in consequence. Another report runs that she was flung out of window, as in the Cagliostric text. One way or other she did die, on the 23d of August, 1791 (Biographie Universelle, Xxx. 287.) Where the "Temple of Flora" was, or is,

-Here Dame de Lamotte tittered audibly, and muttered, Coq-d'-Inde, (which, being interpreted into the Scottish tongue, signifies Bub-one knows not.

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