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النشر الإلكتروني

confidence dependence dependent silent providence, independent prudent impudent confident -[incorrectly pronounced momunt confidence, &c.] [The e in these terminations should be that of the word met, without accented force.] [Obscuring the sound of a in a manner similar to that mentioned above:] Defendant perseverance defiance ordinance-[mispronounced defiunce, &c.]

[Obscuring the sounds of o and ow final into that of u in but:] Potato tobacco motto fellow window widow, meadow willow billow follow hallow [mispronounced potatŭ fellŭ, &c.]

[Omitting the sound of g in the nasal diphthong ng Waking morning running walking dancing eating, drinking sleeping resting flying moving swimming, writing being deserving drawing drowning fawning. [These and many other words, are pronounced incorrectly, thus: wakin' mornin' runnin', &c.]

[Omitting the sound of r:] War far star floor before flower, more alarm return enforce recourse unhorse, remorse unfurl depart departure character mutter, murmur creator actor spectator nature creature, feature [commonly mispronounced waw fah stah ala'm retu'n depa't depa'tshu', &c.]

Sounding y final like e in her :] City society duty beauty-[mispronounced cite societe, &c.]

[Adding the sound of r to final vowels and diphthongs, when they occur before a word beginning with a vowel: thus, Idear of, &c.

lawr of, &c. tobaccor in, &c. drawr a plan, &c., for idea of, law of, &c.]

Able and ably.

[The error in these terminations, is that of substituting the a of the word able, the i of audible, or the u in bubble, for the a of babble,-rendered short, however, from becoming unaccented. There is a still grosser error of inserting a sound like that of u in but, between the b and the l, of the termination able; thus amiabul for amiable.]

Applicable formidable commendable, peaceable agreeable palpable, perishable sociable amiable, formidably amiably honorably, detestably respectably.

Ible and ibly.

[Enunciated incorrectly with the u of bubble, for the i of nibble,-rendered short, as unaccented.]

Invincible forcible incredible audible, illegible controvertible feasible.


[The error commonly heard in this termination, is that of substituting u in but for the short name sound, as heard in the word universal; thus, treasur' for treasure.]

Pleasure measure exposure erasure composure, displeasure outmeasure nature feature


Ciate and tiate.

[The common error is that of shortening this termination into one syllable, in words in which it should form two; thus, Emashate for emaciate,-ema-she-ate, if analyzed.]

Officiate enunciate annunciate, associate ingratiate.

Cial and tial.


[Commonly mispronounced as if terminating with ul instead of al; thus, Sociul for social,—so-shal.]

Special judicial beneficial artificial, superficial provincial commercial confidential.

Ful and fully.

[Sometimes carelessly enunciated with the sound of u in bulk, instead of that of u in full,—if divested of accent; thus, Dreadful for dreadful.]

Needful awful playful fanciful peaceful, changeful gracefully beautifully.

Tion and sion.

[Often carelessly articulated without o; thus, Occazhn for occasion,-oc-ca-zhun.]

Evasion invasion confusion persuasion adhesion, cohesion decision division provision explosion, diffusion conclusion caution option perception, addition repetition.

Dian, diate, dious and eous.

[Mispronounced by dropping the sound of i or of e; thus, Injan for Indian, by changing a into u, as Injun for Indian; and sometimes by dividing thus, In-de-an for Indian, Indyan or In-dye-an.]

Tedious perfidious fastidious insidious invidious meridian, odious melodious commodious. Sm, lm, rm.

[Sometimes articulated in an awkward manner, which allows a sound like that of u in up to drop in between m and the letter which precedes it; thus, Patriotisŭm, for patriotism.]

Spasm chasm criticism, witticism fanaticism helm, whelm elm worm, arm alarm harm, disarm.

Common errors exemplified in phrases.

[The importance of thus exemplifying current errors, arises from the fact, with which teachers are familiar, that a word placed separately on a column or a list, becomes necessarily so conspicuous as to be more attentively observed and correctly pronounced; while the same word, merged in the body of a phrase, is apt to escape the attention, and to be pronounced incorrectly. The following sentences should be pronounced with a full, distinct utterance on every word. When an error is made, the pupil should be referred to it, as specified within the parenthesis.] I saw (sawr)* a man who told me all things that ever I did.

I have no idea of (idear of) what is meant. He will sail for Cuba (Cubar) in a few days. We were at that time speaking of (speakin') your brother.

He had violated the law of (lawr of) the land.

There were several (sev'ral) rare books in his collection.

They were every (ev'ry) moment expected to appear.

They were travelling (trav'llin') in great haste.

The visitors were numerous (num'rous) on that day.

He seemed sunk in melancholy (melunch❜ly.)

He was reduced almost to (tu) despair.

The error in the above examples, is contained within the parenthesis.

You were then ready to (tu) depart. It was a vessel (vess'l) of the first class. He was a sincere friend to liberty (libe'ty.) He fails in articulate (artic❜late) utterance (utt'rance.)

A certain (sutt'n) man had two sons. His composition (compusishn) was far (fah) from being correct (currect.)

The grave of the Indian (Injun) chief.
The bird was fluttering (flutt'rin') over her


It was contrary to the law of (lawr of)


You were unable to (tu) speak.

He had been a great traveller (trav'ller.)
Among the boughs of (o') the trees.

He spoke to (tu) them of it before (bŭfore.) On every (ev'ry) leaf and (an') every (ev'ry) flower.

The benevolent (b'nev'lunt) Howard.

The fruit was delicious (d'licious ;) the prospect was delightful (d'lightful.)

The stranger was remarkably polite (p❜lite) to them.

When (wen) will what (wat) he whispered (wispered) happen?

Where (were) wheeled (weeled) and whirled (wirled) the floundering (flound'rin') whale (wale.)

Behold (buhold) he is before (bufore) you. His opinion (upinion) was that we ought to obey (ŭbey.)

They committed (cŭmmitted) the whole piece to memory (mem'ry.)

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