being risen from the dead? Therefore I said the word that I have spoken the same shall judge them in the last day. And now mark, the last days are come, that I come into the world that whosoever believeth on ME should not abide in darkness; then know all men, ye are yet in darkness, and the world abides in darkness; but I come to free you from that darkness and to be a light to every man that cometh into the world. But is this light in every man, that comes into the world, since my death? conscience and reason must answer, No; then know all men, the words of my Gospel, that are left upon record, are to judge all men in the last day, when I come again in the Spirit: but how will men appear when I call forward my Gospel, and shew them the words that are left on record, what I came into the world for, that they might not abide in darkness? But in darkness the world is still; and know I have proved it from the different sects of those that profess to believe my Gospel, how they are in darkness: and darkness comprehends not the true meaning of my Gospel; neither do mankind; for where is the man who can prove he understands my Gospel, and can explain the whole? I tell thee, no man: then know the words that I said unto them-if they believed in ME they should not abide in darkness; for the words that I said unto them should be judged in the last day. THESE EXPLANATIONS OF THE BIBLE are to be continued. LONDON: PRINTED BY S. ROUSSEAU, WOOD STREET, SPA FIELDS; And sold by E. J. FIELD, No. 139, near Bloomsbury Court, High Ho!born; E. CARPENTER, Meeting-house, Newington Butts, near the Elephant and Castle; C. ABBOTT, East End of Old Street: Aise by W. SYMONDS, Gandy Lane; and the MISS EVELEIGHS, St. Sidwell's, Exeter; and MR. CHILD, Stourbridge, Worcestershire. [Price One Shilling and Sixpence.] 8 |