That now WILL COME with HER to join That every soul shall know. Her PROMISE all must clear, CONCERNING THE BRIDE. The same as MARY was to ME, 1 Though Aesh from her did come; And made JOINT HEIRS with ME. 95 And now I shall tell thee in plain words. If I, that was the son of God, who came down from Heaven, did not take upon me the form of Angels, like as I had sent them to warn Lot, and who they judged were men; in that manner I might have come to men, and died for them the same, but as I did not come that way, but was born of the wo MAN, that was condemned by the MAN, for the trangression of the Fall, when I condescended to raise her up, by making her the MOTHER of the SON OF GOD, Men must now raise her up likewise, by joining with her in the PROMISE that was made in the Fall; then know, that she is the SPIRITUAL MOTHER for all men, as Mary was a TEMPORAL MOTHER for ME: yet know, she had a SPIRITUAL SON, by whose SPIRIT and POWER, the redemption of Man must be brought in. So now the TEMPORAL MOTHER is become the SPIRITUAL MOTHER, by the visitation of the Lord unto her, and must bring in her SPIRITUAL CHILDREN. And they that will not acknowledge her as a TRUE MOTHER for MAN, by claiming her PROMISE, to fulfil one part, as MARY was MY MOTHER, to fulfil the other part; those that will not thus acknowledge her, have no share nor lot in MY KINGDOM; for by MY BIRTH, being born of her, to take from her the Guilt that Man cast upon her, know that she must take from ME the guilt that was cast upon ME, by claiming the Promise. Now I have shewed thee, how by the SPIRIT I made the WOMAN the MOTHER at first, by the POWER of the HOLY GHOST, a Mother to God as well as to MAN; and now I have shewed you by the visitation of MY SPIRIT, how I have made her a TRUE MOTHER to MAN. - And this was the WISDOM of GOD, to clear HIS honour, in making, the Woman; that no man might charge God foolishly, nor that Satan might proudly boast his arts were greater than MY WISDOM; therefore, he shall fall by the PROMISE, and by the WOMAN'S Petition, who never knew her Promise till I revealed it., And now he that will not honour her, to own her Promise just, doth dishonour ME; but he that doth it knowingly doth despite unto my SPIRIT; then let them judge for themselves what must be their end; but he that does it through unbelief, as the Jews through unbelief denied MY MOTHER, and were cast out of my favour, so will the others be cut off from the earth, as enemies of mine through their unbelief. So here are words deep for the learned, if in seeing they can see, or in hearing they can understand; but if they cannot, let them answer ME, why I made the Woman my Mother, if I never designed in the end to make the Woman a true Mother for Man?-And now go on with thy Bible. THE EXPLANATIONS OF THE BIBLE are continued in the SECOND PART. S. ROUSSEAU, Printer, Wood Street, Spa Fields, London. |