And when the Holy Ghost appear'd It in ONE MIND was given.
So I was born, it must be known, From her I did appear;
And though the MAKER of you all, I call'd her MOTHER there. Then Mother see if, she must be, The Mother plac'd by HEAVEN, If you weigh deep the TRINITY, The Woman must be given; To free you all from ADAM'S FALL, Her PROMISE she must claim.
I made a MOTHER for you all, And called so to Man;
Then know, the BRIDE must be applied, That I have known so here,
To claim the PROMISE as I've said, And then the PERFECT HEIR She makes of ME, all flesh shall see, A MOTHER then for ALL! So I'll appear the Son and HEIR, And now my Brethren call
For to go on as I began,
The WOMAN'S TRUTH support, And say our MOTHER now is come; For who her call can hurt? When Christ before did so appear, She's HONOUR'D by the SON; Then sure the BRIDE can't be denied To be receiv'd by Man.
So now see plain, ye sons of men,
The Wisdom in the Fall.
You know when I did here come down
I did her МотHER call;
SO BRETHREN here you must appears And your own MOTHER see.
If I do make you Sons and Heirs,
And so JOINT HEIRS with MẺ, Then she must come your MOTHER strong, That I have nam'd the BRIDE; Because by Heaven it first was done Now can she be denied? Her PROMISE claim, I tell you MEN, It is to free you all;
So now grow wise, I'll not disguise, But tell you from the Fall, If I at first the WOMAN plac'd
A HELPMATE then for MAN; Though she by Satan's arts was cast,
I did your HELPMATE Come, From Her at first, and now at lust Your HELPMATE I will be, If you go on as she 'th begun, The PROMISE claim of ME; Then sure the BRIDE must be applied The MOTHER of you all.
When I redeem from hell and sin, Her PROMISE she must call; So she must claim, and I'll redeem, As I did say at first;
The curse pronounc'd upon him there Shall on the Tyrant burst, So now to Man I bold shall come: If I, that come from Heaven, Did condescend for to come down To have a Mother given,
I say, from Man MY MOTHER came, Then now MY BRIDE you see, Will you not condescend the same, To stoop as low as ME?
I rais'd her up, then Man must hope I shall not leave her here, Until I've made her Foe to drop, And all her PROMISE clear, So now discern how I do warn I honour'd her at first, And if MY SONS you now will come, My BRETHREN so must burst, To say the same" we'll gladly come "We see the Promise clear: "The Woman's Promise must be known, "She is our Mother here!
"Her Promise see the whole must free "Qur Gon did stoop so low, "To make a MOTHER first of SHE "How dare we proudly go "To swell so high, and her deny,
"When God did so submit ?
"We say, from HEAVEN the SON was givon,
And she did sure bear it s
"Then God above did shew his love, "To call her so at first."
So now let Men the Trial stand, And they like ME must burst.
The MOTHER here they must see clear, The TRUE MOTHER is come, To claim the Son to be the HEIR, And free the whole for MAN." The lines are deep that I do speak- I made her the Mother first; But if the BRIDE she's now applied, To have her LORD be plac'd;
LORD over all is now her call,
Your every Foe to free;
Then now MY BRETHREN, you see all, Your МотHER she must be.
So now 'tis come to GOD and MAN,
The WOMAN doth appear
A MOTHER now for both become,
The FALL in all to clear; Because by lies he did disguise, Deceiv'd her at the first; And I should surely act unwise Had I the Woman cast, Never to free from misery, But still support the FOE, That did by subtle arts betray- And shall I let him go? Unpunish'd here shall he appear ? No: I her cause will plead; And now his Guilt he sure shall bear,
I'll bring it on his Head.
So ponder on as thou'st began,
In all my Bible through;
For as a CHAIN the whole doth stand, When plac'd before your view: So I'll appear, the CHAIN is here That now must join the whole; The Woman's Fall I now shall clear, And make her Foe to fall. Then see the CHAIN that must remain, The MOTHER and the BRIDE! To bring in Man with ME to stand, For so't must be applied. A MOTHER here she must appear, A MOTHER now for ALL; For Satan's guilt he now shall bear, And I shall free the Fall. Then at the first as she was plac'd You'll own it for your good, That on the Serpent it was cast,
And so the PROMISE stood- Made strong to SHE, you all must see ; And I have rais'd her here,
To be a MOTHER first to ME; And so must Men appear,
To say " the BRIDE must be applied "A MOTHER for us all;
" For she is ready, as 'tis said,
"To claim it from the Fall;
"Her PROMISE there, that did appear, "Her dying LORD to free, "To bring HIM in the PERFECT HEIR."- The KINGDOM is for ME,
When Satan's head, as I have said, Is bruised for the Fall;
Then MEN I'll free from misery
The MARRIAGE stands for all,
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