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النشر الإلكتروني


The following Letter from the Rev. T. P. Foley to Mr. Pomeroy, being ordered to be printed, is inserted here, as it came too late to appear in order among the other Letters.



Old Swinford, Worcestershire, Oct. 16th, 1804.


I must confess I read a copy of your letter, either to Mr. Bruce or to Mr. Sharp, with the keenest sorrow and indignation; I was grieved most bitterly, to see a clergyman of such respectable ability and general character as yourself, so far lost to every honourable and religious feeling as to declare positively, with a view to impose upon and deceive the friends of Joanna, that you have no letters, or writings whatever, belonging to Mrs. Southcott, whom you are pleased to term a deluded and ungrateful woman, and that she herself knew that you had no letters or writings of hers near two years since, so that to charge you with having any of her papers now was to deceive the public, and wantonly to traduce your character." But will you permit me, Sir, to ask you, what is become of those letters, which she sent you, from 1796 to 1801, and those writings of " three sheets of paper," that were put in your hands in 1797, upon your promising, faithfully and honourably, to bring them forward, either for or against her, when they should be demanded ? Can you, with a safe conscience, lay your hand upon your heart and say this is an untruth? I do not believe you dare do it: for I can assure you, we have full and decided proof to the truth of this statement. And we shall be happy to meet you, in the face of

an assembled world, and will try the cause with you,



whether we are supporting Lies and an Impostor; or, whether your accusations can be established. Allow me to tell you, that our honour and characters are as dear to us, as yours can possibly be to you; and we will contend for them (the Lord giving us strength) to the last moment of our existence; nor are we afraid to meet yourself and any twenty-three men in this kingdom (except those who have received letters from Miss Townley, and have returned them back, or destroyed them; for with such, we have sworn unto the Lord that we will not meet) to decide this serious and most momentous cause; for it is either the cause of the Most High God; or, it is the cause of error and delusion-and therefore it is high time to be decided WHICH. For if it should prove to be a delusion, thousands and tens of thousands will be ruined-and how can the bishops and clergy, who have been appealed to, answer for themselves to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, for not having diligently searched into this cause, which I know to be one of the first importance that ever came before mankind, and second only to that of our blessed Lord, when He was tried at Pilate's bar. What will be the astonishment and confucon of the Shepherds of Christ's Flock, when they have demonstrative proofs, that THIS IS HIS blessed and glorious WORK? Will they not, think you, Le almost ready to call upon the mountains and the cks, to fall on them, and to hide them from the Face of HIM that sitteth upon the Throne, and from the wrath of the LAMB? For they will find e day of HIS WRATH is come: and who will be le to stand? I tremble for their situation, as well your own; and I do most faithfully believe, that thout a hasty and hearty repentance, that many vil ere long be swept away, by the just judgments of the Lord. I sincerely hope, and pray, that your es may be opened, before it is too late, that you

may be sensible of the evil one, who has deceived you, and not Joanna; and that you may turn unto the Lord with deep contrition, and be forgivenand come forth boldly in this glorious and divine work of the Lord; and I shall hail you with much joy, as a brother snatched from the burning. The proposal that is now made to you, is so fair and just, that you cannot possibly shun accepting it, without you will sit down with all possible infamy upon your own head. We shall then take it for granted, as you yourself have declared, that you will be ready at all times, and in all places, to bear testimony to what appears to you to be truth, and to vindicate your aspersed and injured character:" that you will come forth NEXT MONTH, with twenty-three proper persons to meet the twenty-four that we believe to be chosen by the Lord; and then, after seven days Trial, it will be proved to the world, whether you have acted with truth, honour, and justice; or, whether we (the friends of Mrs. Southcott) have acted with truth, honour, and justice, to the world, for the glory of God, and the good of mankind-and let the final result stamp our character, either with infamy, or crown us with the palms of victory.-1 cannot pass over the following charge without a few words: you say Mrs. Southcott " is a deluded and an ungrateful woman." -I have had the happiness of knowing her for near three years, and I have lived great part of that time in the same house with her and I do declare, that I never met with any persor in my life of a clearer and more sound understand ing, than what she possesses. And as to her ingrati tude, I do not think there is that being now in ex istence, who deserves less the accusation than sh does; for in all her transactions, which I have wit nessed, piety, charity, honesty, and the stricte honour, have ever borne the supreme and only sway



and therefore, you must allow me to believe, that you are deceived in your accusations; and so I am persuaded you will find it, when all matters come to be fairly and honestly investigated. I shall conclude with heartily wishing you may weigh every thing with candid and impartial justice; and that honour and truth may hereafter guide you: for we know, "The Lip of Truth shall be established for ever." I am,

Reverend Sir,

Your sincere and faithful Brother
in the Lord's vineyard,


Monday Evening, Oct. 15, 1804.

The following is an answer to a person who has been reading Joanna's Books, and who having come to the part where Joanna is mentioned as the Bride in the Revelations, was afraid to read any further. Joanna sent her a letter to explain this, so as to remove her fears. In that letter arguments were brought forth to shew, that it was not more wonderful for the Lord to visit the Virgin Mary to bear a Som, than to visit a Woman by HIS SPIRIT to claim the PROMISE made in the Fall to bruise the

Serpent's head.

Now, Joanna, I shall answer thee.
Thy letter here let men see clear,
What arguments thou 'st us'd;
But I do tell thee I was here-
And perfect like the Jews


Do men begin in every thing,

For all they judge too high;
And so MY MOTHER they condemn'd,
And judg'd that she did lie;
And Me the same they did condemn,
That I too highly spoke.

Now this hath been the way of men-
But can the Gentiles mock

My SPIRIT strong to thee it's come,
If I did come before?

The wondrous manner that is nam'd,
The Holy Ghost appear,

To her did come, it must be known,
Let men judge as they will;

Though from that TRUTH are many gone-
The ARIANS' hearts I'll chill,

Who this deny; then I must lie,
And like mankind appear;
But if they say I came that way,

The Holy Ghost was there;

Then can men blame, or will they shame,
If at first I stoop'd so low,

Of the mean Virgin to be born,
And strongly visit so?
My MOTHER here for to appear
Should I call her at first,
Though surely I her MAKER were
When the CREATION burst?
In UNITY, all flesh must see

The FATHER and the SON,
That so in Heaven they do agree
In heart and mind as ONE.
The mystery there no man can clear,
The Unity in Heaven-

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