Because thy heart I do know well- The swelling of the tide. How it is Man that thou dost blame, Thy Maker thou dost free; And all thy foes I'll put to shame, There's none can answer ME. When I begin to plead with man, My Bible then go through; For I shall guide thy heart and hand; Thy pondering all shall know. So now read back what they have wrote, Thy pondering's all from ME, And by MY SPIRIT thou art taught The looking glass to see. So all must come and so discern
All faces do appear,
As in the Bible thou hast read, No man can answer here. It is not so, I well do know; No: there they must stand mute, And from Manasseh I shall go To strike the every root. The thoughts of thee are known to ME, For I have plac'd all there; Thy pondering heart they all must see, And tell me when and where A heart like thine could not be mine? So now read back the whole: And I shall further tell my mind,- Those that can't stand shall fall. So I'll go on to answer man,
From all the lines here penn'd; And let the wise and learned come, With all their learning bend, And tell Me plain if they'll maintain This pondering came from thee; If that from hell thy heart did swell. And so led on by he? I tell them no; they all shall know, Thy heart and soul is mine; Unto the standard I shall go, And make them all resign. The thoughts of thee, let all men see, Thou'st wisely judg'd the whole; While Satan reigns, I will maintain, The glass stands deep for all, As thou dost see alike to be, In every age that's past, And with the present doth agree, The looking glass is plac'd So strong for all, now judge the call, Thy thoughts in all I'll clear. Tis not the taint of Adam's Fall That brings sin every where;
No, 'tis the man, I say must stand, And answer just like thee: If Adam's Fall had tainted all, And in the blood to be, Then in the Man the Fall must stand, And run through every vein; For then the Father and the Son Would both alike remain. But 'tis not so, I well do know, Then how can man appear, To say it is by Adam's Fall, You are so tainted here? No: answer, man; you cannot stand To prove it all this way; And yet I say, from Adam's Fall, In grief you all do lay; Because the Man did ME condemn, Which did prolong the reign Of Satan there, I tell you here, And this I shall maintainYour spirits free they surely be To act which way you will: Your hearts you may give up to ME, Then Satan's heart I'll chill; For now I'm come to tell his doomHe like these Kings shall fall. Manasseh here I now shall clear, A Type goes deep for all; Because that he, you all do see, Did from his father go; And Satan wander'd so from MEBut now thy heart I know: " Can Satan here like him appear? "How can he be a son?" I tell thee, No: it is not so; Yet still from shadows come; Satan with ME his reign you see; In Heaven he reign'd at first; And had he stood in harmony, He never would been cast. But he did not; you see his lot, How he was cast below; And then my judgments he forgot Did like Manasseh go; I say, in sin he did go on
To tempt men to this day, Though all the angels I unthron'd, That joined then with he. Now, this before they'd all seen clear Just like the Type of man; And when my Coming did appear, Like HEZEKIAH stand; Though not a son shall I name him, But from the shadow go:
The Jews he hardened then in sin, And then brought on their woe, Till they were cast; and so did burst,
For he did so appear, Just like Manasseh at the first-
But I shall answer here; The Type in Man, I say was strong, And strong shall be for all; For like Manasseh he did come To make my people fall. Then I'll appear to answer here, If I did not spare Man. Which way the Tempter shall I clear? These Kings you may command:
For as a king he does begin To war against his GoD;
![[ocr errors]](https://books.google.com.bh/books/content?id=Dv88rODJpfkC&hl=ar&output=html_text&pg=PA31&img=1&zoom=3&q=discern&cds=1&sig=ACfU3U1Rn-fJGJ_-y-o1DBuyybJRDqS-ag&edge=0&edge=stretch&ci=589,611,11,12)
And from the judgment thou hast drawn May now by all be draw'd. For all may say, as well as thee, Sin ever will abound, While Satan is your enemy.- The hearts too strong are found, Are drawn by he, you all may see, If deeply you discerp. Sin in all nations you may see, The hearts of men he'd turn To make them here for to appear, The Type stands deep for man. From HEZEKIAH I shall clear,
The shadow first must come; Because the good you there allude Did surely come the first; And after him the evil came- And see how this did burst. Just so to man I now shall come, And your forefathers see;
The way MY GOSPEL was brought in In strong belief to be,
That I should come again to them, My people to redeem.
This is the way they did believe- My COAT without a seam.. If you see clear the shadow here, It must go through for all; This is the way they did believe I should redeem the Fall: But now is come Manasseh strong, And from them to depart: These are the sons throughout the land,
To wound your every heart, That now will go, as he did do,
Against your Father rise. So now, Manassehs all take car 'Tis time for to grow wiset.
![[merged small][ocr errors]](https://books.google.com.bh/books/content?id=Dv88rODJpfkC&hl=ar&output=html_text&pg=PA31&img=1&zoom=3&q=discern&cds=1&sig=ACfU3U1Rn-fJGJ_-y-o1DBuyybJRDqS-ag&edge=0&edge=stretch&ci=745,70,179,1371)
For every way I now do say,
I've piac'd the shadow here, For men and devils now to see; 'Tis time for all to fear, That will not stand by my command; As David stood at first; Though he did sin, to ME 'tis known; But know his grief did burst: He did repent, and did relent,
The crime that he had done. And now, I say, with one consent, If men like him return,
Their guilt I'll free, I now tell thee- But I shall say no more, I tell thee, till another day; Then I shall answer here."
Here ends Tuesday night, Sept. 25, 1804.
Wednesday Morning, Sept. 26, 1804.
We received Mr. Foley's books-and Joanna was deeply affected in reading from the twelfth page to the nineteenth, as it called all the past to her remembrance; and she thought on the dreadful horror 'that she felt at that time, that she would not go through again for the world: but in what powerful manner the Spirit of the Lord broke in upon her, that she blesses the Lord for his abiding presence to this day. She feels every happiness is centred in him.
"Now, Joanna, I shall answer thee. The shadow of that day is a warning to thee and to all, as it came first from thy jealousy, fearing thou hadst done wrong, by disobeying my command; and now I tell thee, and all men, wert thou now to disobey my command, thy end would be more wretched and miserable, than it was for that hour; but by thy obedience thou shalt find my Spirit as strong to deliver, as it broke in upon thee that day.
So do not fear if danger's near, For thou shalt safe go through; My Bible by thee I shall clear, And lay before their view. So thou go on as thou'st begun, To ponder through the whole;
And I'll appear to answer here, And make the learned fall.
The ways of men inust all be known, From Adam at the first; Because his MAKER he condemn'd; Then how can Man be plac'd, The Promise claim that's not to Man? No; there the Type stands deep; For to the Woman it must come- For I in her shall break; And then you'll see the end to be For all a DAVID'S REIGN. 'Tis not for ONE, I say to man, But you must all see plain, When I do come your PRINCE and KING, Your SAVIOUR to appear; You'll find the power is not in men The WOMAN's guilt to clear. No; 'tis in Me, all flesh will see, For I shall free the whole; And from the Fall, I tell you all, The Serpent he must fall. The Promise there shall now appear, And I shall make it good; So men with thee they join'd must be, And judge ME as a Gon. If I went on to punish Man, That me did disobey, Shall I let Satan always stand, When I before did say,
That he should not? I told his lot. Now trace my Bible through: The different changes you forgot, That lie before your view. So I'll go on the whole to change Until I've chang'd the whole; And Satan's doom is nearly come Helike these Kings shall fall. In them he swell'd, I do know well: Shall I the Author free? No! no! I say to thee this day, My Bible true shall be; For he shall fall, I tell you all, As in my Bible penn'd; And like these Kings, I tell you all He'll surely find his end.
So Joab here thou didst see clear
How he went on with man;
And yet what sins in him appear'd,
And how his end did come!
On man at first the whole did burst,
The judgments did appear.- I know the ponderings of thy heart,
When thou didst read it there,
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