صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


For I must come again to Men,

And must their RANSOM be,

Who on the Cross did die for them;
And testified must be
That I do call to ransom all,
For my due time is come,
I say, to free you from the Fall,
And ransom bring to Man.
My Bible here you will not clear,
Nor yet allow it true;

Now let the learned answer here

The words before thy view."—

1 Timothy ii. 5, 6-For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

"Then where's the man that now can come

To prove the time was then?

If in due time I tell my mind,

Ye simple sons of men,

A time must come, to you unknown,
That did not then appear-

Another Scripture must be shewn
For men to answer here.

2 Thessalonians ii. 6-9-And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.Who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. Then shall that wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.

"Now let this be answered by the learned, who it is that withholdeth, that must be revealed in his time-the mystery of iniquity. Now the mystery of iniquity must be understood by men in a way and manner they never discerned; yet ye have always understood clearly from my Gospel, that the Devil is as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour, and hath always been a let and hindrance to man ; yet no man has ever discerned the meaning of his being revealed, nor how he was to be revealed, nor how the Lord was to consume him with the brightness of his coming, after his being revealed. This is a mystery no man can find out, neither can they explain, before I make it plain to man; but know, I have made it plain, as I revealed to thee the myste

ries of the Fall, and where the Promise stands, and how it is to be demanded.

So now see plain, ye sons of men,
How all's revealed here;

But with my BIBLE you contend,
Yet never see it clear,
"Twas not reveal'd, but was conceal'd,
The things that were to come;
But know 'tis said then from MY WORD
That it must be made known;
So I've reveal'd, and not conceal'd,
The mystery of the Fall;
And as the Promise is to thee,
1-now do tell you all,
It was design'd in heart and mind,
Though ne'er reveal'd to Man,
That it was by a WOMAN KIND
The PROMISE first did come;
Then surely there it must appear
The whole for to reveal;
My Bible there's no man can clear,
Because I did conceal

The things from man, that none might come

Impostors to appear;

But I've reveal'd it to MY OWN,

To shew MY BIBLE clear:

'Tis now reveal'd, and not conceal'd,
And in MY BRIGHTNESS I'll appear
To have the PROMISE burst.
So now to men I'll boldly come,
And let them answer ME,
How they'll appear the whole to clear?
My BIBLE none do see:
Now tell me plain, ye sons of men,
Was this reveal'd to Man,
The Woman should her Promise gain,
And claim it from my HAND,
What then reveal'd was there conceal'd
That must hereafter be,

That then did let? Let men dispute,
But I have answer'd thee;
It was the Fall I've told you all,
That I did then conceal,
It must be by the Woman's call
I must the whole reveal.
So, simple men, if you discern,
My BIBLE I've made good
And perfect TRUE, before your view;
For so my BIBLE stood
To be reveal'd, as I conceal'd

These mysteries all from MAN;
But now you see the mystery-


The Woman here for to appear
To have the thing reveal'd,
That Satan must his Trial share;
What I from Man conceal'd

Is now made known, I tell you plain,
And so I shall go on.
Because this is the Will of God,
My SPIRIT SO is come;
Then don't appear to quench it here,
Despise these Prophecies;
For if you do, I tell you true,
In ADAM'S FALL you lie;
But if you'll not, I'll tell your lot,
That blameless you may come
Unto the COMING of your LORD,
That now is hastening on.
My BRIGHTNESS here shall so appear
For to destroy your foe;
My Bible I have now made clear,
If you have sense to know
That all from ME fulfill'd must be,
That made all at the first;
These mysteries deep no man can seę,
How that the end must burst,
To make all clear my Bible here,
So let mankind stand mute;
Know how the tempter did appear,
And so I've struck the root
By the same hand that he condemn'd,
And Man did cast on ME;
But now to Man the same I'll come,
And Man his blame shall see;
He can't appear himself to clear,
For now he's compass'd round;
The Woman is against him here,
As he at first was found
To cast on she, you all do see,
And so I've turn'd it back;
Because in Man the blame doth stand,
And he shall feel the rack
Of what on ME was cast by he;

For no man can appear
To say, that hell is join'd with thee,
That he his guilt must bear:

I tell thee, No; it is not so,
But I shall still go on;

Though men do mock my every word,
I'll to the purpose come.
You say in peace your fears do cease,
I shall not hasty come;
But I do tell you, unaware

The whole will be made known.-
Now write the word that's on record,

And then I'll answer thee;
For they shall find their COMING LORD
In Spirit now to be;

Unto thee strong I now am come,

And so I do appear;
Now write the word that's on record
And I shall answer here."

1 Thessalonians v. 2-3-Knowing perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

"Now I'll appear to answer here :
The Type to thee is come;
As one with child thy heart's beguil'd,

And so thou dost go on;
As sudden here is now thy fear,
Thy sorrows will increase;
And perfect so, I tell thee here,
It will come to the rest;
For sorrows on them now shall come,
As men do mock MY WORD.
Sudden 'tis said that I shall come,
And so they'll find their LORD;
Só boast no more their danger's o'er,
For dangers will abound;
And as thy travail pains are near-
Let all men judge the sound,
For to your land it so will come,
As it is come to thee;
And as thy sorrows hasten on,
Men's sorrows they will see.
The Type goes deep, let England weep,
And Pomeroy now may fear,
Because from he thy grief I see,
Then let the Man take care.
Could it be so? I tell thee, No:
Without thy grief for Man,
Just like a Woman to compare,
For all to hasten on.

Now see the end, how thine will bend

In sorrow first I know,

But after that thou'lt see thy end

In every joy to flow!
And perfect so, they all will know,
Believers' joy will come;

But those that seek thy overthrow
Will feel a Pomeroy's doom:
I tell thee, first his grief will burst
To say he cannot bear
The every blame on him that's cast,
Or how can he appear?
Will be his cry, I now do say-
And so 'twill be to men;


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They'll find their sorrows in a day
And know not how to stand,

Like Pomeroy here they all may fear,
That think themselves secure:
He doth not know the news so near,
And sorrow's that are sure

On him to come, he cannot shun,
And here's the state for all-
I tell you 'tis a Type for Man,
And so it now will fall.

How all things must appear;
But men, like Pomeroy, mock their LORD,
And judge they've nought to fear;
Twill not come true, before their view,
What's in my Gospel penn'd;

But they shall find MY WORDS ARE TRUE
As Pomeroy finds his end
In grief to be, I now tell thee,
If he don't soon repent;
And if he do, I well do know,
In grief his mind is bent
For to go through the whole to know:
He'll find his honour's gone-
And now the shepherds, I do know,
Like Pomeroy they have done.
So they may flee in grief like he:
His Type stands deep for all-
But here's a mystery, let men see
The shadow of the Fall :

He told thec first, when thou didst place
The TRUTH into his hand,
He would obey what thou didst say,
And promis'd so to stand.
So he went on, to ME 'twas known,
Till Satan caus'd his Fall;
But now from ME he's surely gone
And I do tell you all
He must appear his Fall to clear,
Wrought by the Woman's hand:
As he doth say it came from thee,
That Trial he must stand;
'Then thou'lt appear the Truth to clear,
His Fall ne'er came from thee;
No; 'twas from hell, I do know well,
And so his Fall he'll see;

Because the men with thee do join
To hold him to his word;

And so I said they must combine,


And then his SAND he'll see won't stand,

As he did say before:

Twill break in two, he'll see and know;

His binds cannot appear

To bind his word, that's on record,

And printed now by thee;

But now he'll find MY THREEFOLD CORD

In union join'd to be.


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