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to my disciples, then I must not mean for other believers to keep MY WORDS; but these words were spoken to every man that was a believer, for ages to come; and for all that would be believers, it was left on record. Then mark what followeth: MY FATHER will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him; but how is this visitation to be? Is it not said before, by the SPIRIT, even the SPIRIT OF TRUTH that the world cannot see? Then how do you wrest the Scriptures, professing Godliness and denying the power thereof? While I was yet with them, I plainly told them what should happen in the End. But did the other COMFORTER come then to abide with MEN for ever? I tell you, No; the other COMFORTER is the fulfilment of MY WORD, at MY SECOND COMING in POWER to destroy all the works of the Devil; but that COMFORTER must first come in the SPIRIT, whom the FATHER sendeth in MY NAME; therefore, I left it on record, that men might know in what manner my visitation would be, when I came to warn in the SPIRIT; not as any visible sight, that appeared unto MOSES, when I appeared unto him in the bush, and after followed him through the desert of the wilderness they were in. Then was MY appearance visible; but know I told you, at the last, that my visitation would be in the SPIRIT; and now I AM come in the SPIRIT and in TRUTH, to bring in MY KINGDOM and abide with you for ever. But this the world cannot receive, because they see ME not. The Jews saw and did not believe; and when the angels visited them, how many were rebellious at the same time? Yet others did believe, and by their belief prevented the judgments: but was MY VISITATION to be the same now, as it was in the days of Moses, where could the fulfilment of my Gospel be? or how could I prove that I came into the world to place MY SPIRIT in MAN, if I do not visit in the SPIRIT without visiting as I did

ST. JOHN'S GOSPEL. CHRIST THE TRUE LIGHT. 211 of old? Then MY COMING could have made no change; but as my Coming has made a change to come invisible, instead of visible, it is to destroy all the invisible evil, that ye know and feel to your sorrow, without seeing. So when I appeared visible to Moses, I ordered the Beast that was visible to be slain, but now I AM COME invisible to Man, they neither see ME, neither believe ME; but as many as do believe, my Father and I will come unto them, and take up OUR ABODE with them, and the things that are invisible shall be seen visibly, when I destroy all the works of the Devil. Now see what changes have taken place in the Bible; then what a happy change must take place in the End, when I come to change the whole and bring the TREE OF LIFE to MAN, that was preserved for him in the Fall."

Now come to the Gospel of St. John i. 9-That was the true light, that lighteth every man that com:eth into the world. Ver. 10-He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. Ver. 12-But as many as received him, to them gave HE power to become the sons of God; even to them that believe on his Name. Ver. 17-For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by JESUS CHRIST. Ver. 29-John seeth Jesus coming unto him, saith, behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world. Ver. 51-And Jesus said, verily, verily, I say unto you, hereafter ye shall see Heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man. Chap. iii. 6-That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit. Ver. 15-That whosoever believeth in him should not perish. Ver. 21-He that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God; but every one that doeth evil hateth the light, -neither cometh to the light lest his deeds should be

reproved. Chap. iv. 14-Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.


"Now, Joanna, stop with these words; as these are words no man understood, what that water meant; for all who have believed in ME have been thirsting for water or something to drink. But now I shall go back to the beginning. I came to be a light to lighten every man that cometh into the world; but can you say, every man that has come into the world already is enlightened by ME? or walketh in that light ? I tell thee, No; I was in the world, and the world knew ME not; but as many as received ME, to them I gave power to become sons of God, even to them who believed in MY NAME. But how do men believe in MY NAME? Do they believe I am the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world? And were the sins of the world ever taken away? Then know, O man, if I come to take them away, I must FULFIL MY COMING and take them away. Therefore I said, ye must be born again; and what is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the spirit is spirit. Now when I come to destroy the works of the flesh, that the Devil hath worked in the hearts of men to set them to do evil, and place MY SPIRIT within them, then they will be BORN OF THE SPIRIT, which is of Gon, and not after the flesh, which is the Fall of Man. But he that doeth evil hateth the light, and loves to abide in the Darkness of the Fall; but he that loveth the LIGHT, and wishes to come to the TRUTH of MY GOSPEL, he will come to the LIGHT of the TRUTH, that the truth may be made manifest that the work is wrought in God for your REDEMPTION. And this is the fountain of LIVING WATER, that if a man drink thereof he will thirst no more, for when

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the wells of salvation are come to men, then will rivers of joy be flowing within them; and they will not be thirsting like the children of Israel, that thirsted to go back to the flesh-pots of Egypt; nei. ther will they be thirsting, after Gods to their hurt; but when they have drank deep into MY SPIRIT, in my Spirit they will long to ABIDE, and thirst no more to depart from it; for then they will find that GOD is a SPIRIT, and they will worship HIM in SPIRIT and in TRUTH; and know that CHRIST is the SAVIOUR of the world: for I come to seek and to save that which is lost; and Man was lost by the Fall; but know that I come to REDEEM them from the Fall; therefore, I said I should give them LIVING WATERS, to thirst no more. Now I tell thee, these things were not understood; therefore the Jews persecuted ME, and sought to slay ME, because I did many miracles on the SABBATH, not considering that the Son of God was Lord of the Sabbath. But when I come to fulfil the Sabbath, to make it a DAY OF REST for MAN, and make that day a THOUSAND YEARS; then they will know I AM Lord of that thousand years; therefore I worked many miracles on the SABBATH DAY, to shew how I should deliver my people, and how I should hail them, for THAT DAY that is at hand, the SABBATH, a REST for MAN! and that Sabbath shall be a thousand years, wherein every day shall be a DAY of REST; as I worked my miracles without making any distinction of days, so shall perfect happiness flow to Man without distinction of days; for every day shall be a day of rest: that meaneth, they shall rest from sorrow, they shall rest from sin, they shall rest from pain, and from sickness, they shall rest from strife and from contentions, they shall rest from wars and tumults. Then they may see the TRUTH OF MY GOSPEL-that now I have given them the fountain of LIVING WA TERS; it is a well of JOY, a well of SALVATION, that they may thirst no more, when they are called with an EVERLASTING CALL, and saved with an EVERLASTING SALVATION." John v. 44-How can ye believe, which receive honour one of another, and seek not the honour that cometh front God only?

"Now I shall answer, before thou goest further: if ye seek the honour of men, the honour of men must perish; but if ye seek the honour of God, then you will believe in all HIS WORDS, and be looking for the honour that cometh down from above: that is the honour of his WORD, the honour of his TRUTH, the power of HIS SPIRIT, that God might be all in all. And when God is all in all, then know the works of the Devil must be destroyed; for how can a man be all in all while he hath a rival standing between ? And the rival stands in Satan, between GoD and MAN."

Chap. vii. 4-If thou do these things, shew thyself to the world; for neither did his brethren believe in him. Then said JESUS unto them, my time is not yet come. If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself. The officers answered, never man spake like this man. Then answered them the Pharisees, are ye also deceived ? Have any of the rulers, or of the Pharisees believed on him? But this people who know not the law are cursed. Nicodemus saith unto them, doth our law judge any man, before it hear him, and know what he doeth? Chap. viii. 17-Is it not written in your law that the testimony of two men is true? I am one that bear witness of myself, and the Father that sent ME beareth witness of ME. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. He that is of God heareth God's words; ye therefore hear them, not, because ye are not of God. Then the Jews said unto him, say we not well, thou hast a Devil? Jesus answered, I have not a Devil; but I honour my Father; and ye do dishonour ME. Chap. x. 4-When he putteth forth his own sheep, HE goeth before them, and the sheep follow him; for they know his voice. A stranger will they not



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