صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


That I'll redeem from Satan's hand,
For so the end shall burst;
So he behind, you all do find,
Like Pharoah to pursue;
And from the Type my Bible stands-
Bring all before your view:
The heathens here must sürely fear,
They'll perish like the kings;
Because the likeness I shall clear,
The ending of the thing.
I tell you Men, for shadows strong
My Bible came so first;
And from the shadows I'll go ơn
Till every likeness burst.
When they were free you all do see
What wonders I did do;
How I destroy'd their enemy,
That was before their view.

These shadows here I now shall clear

The nations do abound,

But their destruction they may fear;
My friends shall now be found
My lands to claim, they shall be mine,
My chosen to enjoy;

And overy Foe, they now shall know,
I shall them all destroy.
Now perfect as the Jews of old
Mankind do now appear;

For though the truth to them was told,
Thou knowest, in deep despair
Did many go, thou well dost know,
Before they saw the end;

Their unbelief they strong did shew,
No wonders made them bend,

-The end to see in faith to ME,
And so to Man appear;
Because the End they do not see
Fulfilled in one year;
Then they turn back, and they do droop,
As Israel did of old,

Thinking that I to Man must stoop,
As I my mind have told,
To tell them plain I shall redeem
From every sore distress;
They think it hasty must be seen,
Or I do them oppress.
So now I'll clear like Israel here
My chosen Men are come;
Josephs and Calebs I have here
Amongst my chosen men;
'Cheir minds, I see, are bent in us
The End for to go through;
And others like the Jews they be,
Their murmering I do know.

Thou now seest Men like them become,

And like the Jews appear;
They think deliverance must be come,
If I have spoken here;

If 't be not so they back will go,
Ne'er wait to see the end:

And from these shadows you must know,
Just like the Chapters penn'd
Do all appear, I tell thee here,
Believers do complain,

As their deliverance don't appear,
The promis'd land to gain;
They cannot wait to see their fate,
Of what is hastening on,
Though all the nations they do see
In wars and tumults come.
Then I'll go through, they all shall know,
As I went through before;
I surely will destroy their Foe,
And bring him to the shore;
So he behind his death shall find,
Like Pharoah now to fall;
The Foes before now in the war,
I'll surely conquer all;
The nations all they down shall fall,
That will not stoop to ME;
The promis'd land I now shall call
And to my people give,
That Abrahams here in faith appear,
And Jacobs to go on:

From Isaac see the Type of MP-
I rose again for Man;
So he the same, and Jacob came,
And so I shall go on,

Till Jacobs here do strong appear,
And Josephs to be found;
And Moses see the Type of Me,
How that in every sound
I visit there, let Man see clear,
And so I'll visit on,
Till all my Foes destroyed are,
My Kingdom then shall come.
The Shadows first to them did burst
But Satan was not bound,
And so their pleasures did not last;
They sinn'd in every sound.
But now I'm come to make an end,
For to destroy their Foe,
And I'll bring in a happy reign,
My chosen friends shall know
That from the first the whole must burst,

As it did then appear;

It was to bring it to the last,

My Bible stands so there.


So every land see how they stand,
And every shadow see;
Satan is bound by my command,
My Sealed people be,
Like Israel there do some appear
To murmur at my Word;
They judg'd deliverance it was near,
And then fell from their God;
Because too soon, I say, ere noon
They judg'd the day must end,
That all these wonders I must do,
No longer they'd depend,
To trust in ME, I plain do see,
So Israel's seed is here;
Joshuas see, and Calebs be,
In faith do some appear.
So every sign call thou to mind
As thou hast ponder'd through.


John iii. 14, 15, 16-And as Moses lifted, up the Serpent in the Wilderness, even so must the SON OF MAN be lifted up: that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


"Now I shall answer thee from these words. They stand perfectly to the Gentiles as the Law did to the Jews, to all them that believed in ME, and relied on ME for Salvation; but now is coming the FULFILMENT of MY DEATH, to bring in MAN'S REDEMPTION. Now come to verse 17-For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. Then now answer me, ye worldly wise men, how the world can be saved through ME, if I do not destroy all the works of the Devil, as is prophesied of ME; and as I said I should come again, and take out of my Kingdom all that offend? Those that are now believing in ME for Salvation, without believing in Me for Redemption, are like the sons of Eli, who

pretended to offer the sacrifice, but not according as the LORD had commanded them; for though they were the sons of Eli, yet they were sons of Belial, that knew not the LORD. Now perfectly so is it with the GOSPEL; for though men profess to be children of those that believe the Gospel, and the Apostles that brought in the Gospel yet, they are as far departed from the Gospel, as Eli's sons were departed from their father, and from all the ordinances of the Lord; and so they are departed from the Gospel. Now what honour do men bring to ME, to say, I died a shameful Death on the Cross, to cast out all the Jews, and bring in a few people to believe in ME, and save a few that are righteous? Were not the righteous saved before? Where is the merit you make of my Death and Sufferings, that the world through ME might be saved? Then know, if the world be saved through MB, I must destroy him that hath the power of Death, which is the Devil. Then are you not like Eli's sons, that know not the Lord, nor the power of HIS MIGHT, neither will you giveME the honour due unto MY NAME?

For now to Man I here shall answer:
From the Law and GOSPEL SEę,

I that am thy every MASTER
Now will fully answer thee.
As 'twas before doth now appear,
And Eli's sons are come;
My HONOUR they will never clear,
The way Men now go on.
MV GOSPEL TRUE before their view
They never will allow:

That what I said I'd surely do
Vain mortals tell me how

You can believe one that deceives,

You say, in every word

For if MY GOSPEL do stop here

You cannot prove the BREAD

Came down from HEAVEN, for Man was given

To be the BREAD OF LIFE,

That is for all, when I do call,

To end your every strife.

So answer here, let men appear,
My Gospel let them see;


Then tell me how they'l battle here,
My SPIRIT cannot be
So strong with Man, when I do come
To make the final End?
For in MY. GOSPEL must be shewn
MY SPIRIT I should send,"

John xiv. 16, to the end And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him, for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in ME, and I in you. He that hath my commandments and keepeth them, he it is that loveth ME: and he that loveth ME shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.-Jesus answered and said unto him, if a man love ME, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you.But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. And now I have told you before it come to pass, that when it is come to pass ye might believe.


"Now let the world answer ME, whether they think these sayings of mine alluded only to my disciples ? or whether they think they were spoken for believers at the End? Know, I said I am with you to the End; but was I with my disciples to the end of their days in the body? Thou answerest, No; then it is in the SPIRIT that I must be with you in the End; and how can men allude my sayings to my disciples only? For know, I answered, if a man love ME, he will keep MY WORDS. Now if I spoke thus ONLY



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