صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Then I'll try Man, what he'll become,
And how he will appear;
I'll send my Blessings o'er the land-
But now I'll tell thee here,

That from the Kings that thou hast seen,

And in thy heart did blame,
Them with the Prophet I'll compare,
And so put all to shame;

For, as the man like Satan stands,
That did deceive at first,

So all these Kings you may command,
Like Satan they did burst.
Because, by him they were led strong-
And strong I'll lead the whole;,
For now I say the time's near come,
He like these Kings shall fall;
Because, like them, he'th surely been,
For to make sin appear;
And if that Men I did not screen,
Shall I their Tempter clear?
I tell thee No.-I now shall go,
As I did go before,

When all these Kings I did destroy,
And sent my prophets there
To warn them all that they should fall,

If they would not repent.
And now I tell you one and all,

My mind is fully bent

To come again the same to Men,
And tell them what I'll do,


If Satan's ways they'll all condemn-
Bring all before their view;
My Bible here let men judge clear,
But let them judge like thee,
That Satan's arts are every where,
And they do plainly sce,
No peace in Man can ever come,
• While Satan's power does reign-
"Then why our God shall we condemn?
" For now we do see plain
'The fault's in Men, they so did stand,
" All ways the Lord did try,
"To see if they would turn to him-
"Our Bibles so did lie.
"Can we blame God in what he said,

"Or what he does for Men,
"If they'd obey, what he did say?
"No: there we cannot stand,
"Our God to blame; 'tis Man we shame,
"When he made Promise great;
"And yet, that Man from him should turn,
"Then where lies the deceit?
It is in Man: we cannot stand,
"Or Satan us destroys.


"We wish our God would send the rod, "That foe for to destroy; "For we see plain from ancient men, "What mischief he did do; "We see all lands the same do stand"Bring all before our view: " Where grandeur here in men appears, "Like Solomon they be; "Their hearts are roving every where "From God, we plain do see; " Then how can men the trial stand, "If we blame men before?. "A Solomon men do condemn; "But ne'er discern it here, "The Promise then unto the man "Was if he did obey. "If he did not, we see his lot; "Hear what the Lord did say: "The whole shall fall, was then the call, "Of God unto the man; "The House that he had built, we see, "He said should never stand. "And it did fall, 'tis known to all,

"As Solomon acted wrong, "He took the kingdom then from all, "Which in the end did come, " When he'd tried men by different reigns "In placing judgments there. "We see no way that God did lie"No: it was Man did err.

" Then can we blame our Maker's Name, "To try with cords of love "The hearts of men for to inflame, "That he their hearts might prove "In every way, mankind to try"And all we see in vain? "How dare we give our God the lie, "Our Bibles to condemn? "Because that men in vice would stand, "And now they stand the same; "We see it strong in every land, "Then man we sure must blame; " And plainly see our destiny,

"The root that caus'd our Fall " He will bring on our sorrows strong; "It now is plain to all. So men in vain do heré contend, "If they'll keep Satan up; "We sure shall see our destiny In Sin, till he doth drop."So now see plain, ye learned men, The way I've plac'd the whole; And with my Bible this contend, And shew from Adam's Fall,



How men went on to live in sin:
My love and anger see;
Yet all have been alike to men-

Then can you answer ME,

The Fault is mine? No: man, resign
And plead a different way:
The enmity you plain do see,
Doth in the Serpent lay,
To work in Man for to go on
Against his MAKER here.
Then to the purpose I shall come,
And make MY PROMISE clear;
Though on these Kings I Curse did bring,
That disobey'd my word;
But Satan's Curse shall now be worse,
If you'll believe your Lord.

Rely on ME, you all shall see
My Promise I'll fulfil

On Satan's head, where it was laid,
And my avenging heel

Shall there come on, I tell you, strong,
Till I have caus'd his fall.

But, like these Kings, I know he's come,

I now do tell you all;

To make you sin he doth begin,

By every art appears;

But I shall rid him from the land

Like Ahab he may fear;
And Naboth's vineyard he doth crave;
But 1 shall answer here:
NABOTH was cast when I did burst
But now, I tell thee, at the last
An Ahab's doom shall come;
On Satan's head it shall be laid,
Because the bow is here
That at a venture men did draw,
Then let the fool take care!
For Jezebel, the Type of Hell,
Affirm'd what she would do :
But like her words her end did fall;
And now I tell you true,
On Satan's head it shall be laid,
As he did say before-
Mark in thy writings what is penn'd:
And let him now take care!
So all is plain, if you discern
How Jezebel did swell,
And in what manner I do warn.-

You know a Type of Hell
I plac'd in she, you all must see,
And now I'll place it strong;
Mark thou the words thou'st read this day,
That from her lips did come;


With Satan there you may compare-
For I'll compare the whole:
He said this Kingdom he would share
If he the votes could call
To vote for he, you all do see,
Or else he said he'd leave,
Thou knowest, all-behold his Fall-
Like Jezebel, believ'd

That he should come to conquer Man;
But this he could not do.

Like Jezebel, his crown doth stand

Bring all before your view:
She said that she her end would be
Worse than her prophets there,
If she my prophet could not slay-
And so it did appear.
Then how can Hell in rage now swell,
To think they can get free?
For like her words, I now do tell,
Were Satan's words to thee.
So I'll go on in fury strong,
Till I've fulfill'd the whole,
And then a DAVID'S REIGN shall come,
I now do tell you all;
In love shall be, you all shall see,
And harmony unite.

What was alluded to of Jezebel is in 1 Kings, xix. 2. "Then Jezebel sent a messenger unto Elijah, saying, So let the Gods do to me, and more also, if I make not thy life as the life of one of them by to morrow about this time." This chapter Joanna does not remember she ever read before. But you may see, from the chapter, h true Jezebel brought her prophecies upo own head, as she missed them that day cont ing Elijah. But in the 2d Book of Kings, sh brought on worse fate upon herself, than upon her own prophets, whom she lamented. 2 Kings, ix. 33.


"Now, Joanna, I shall answer the ponderings of thy heart. Thou sayest, how great was the house built unto ME, by Solomon, after the promise was made to David; and what was Solomon's Prayer? and what promises the Lord made to Solomon, if he abided in the laws of the Lord; and the threatenings made to him, if he departed



from them; and how soon he did depart; and how soon the whole house was cut off! Now I shall answer thee of this mystery: Know it is written, the first is last, and the last is first. Now the great promises that were made to David and Solomon, in the fallen state of man; they soon went on in their fallen state, to fall from the greatest happiness to the greatest misery, by the subile arts of the Devil, and by their own ingratitude. But now, I tell thee, the first shall be last, and the last shall be first: for, as it is written of Satan's head being bruised, before my heel; and I was first wounded for the transgression of Man, before Satan's head was bruised for the transgression of the Woman. So the last was first, and the first was last; and so it shall be now; for I will go on to cut off all the powers of the Devil, as I cut off the house of Ahab; and his fall shall be like the fall of Jezebel, and all that join with him shall fall, root and branch that wish to prolong his reign. And then I shall come back to the GLORY of Solomon: and MY HOUSE shall be established in CHTEOUSNESS, in PEACE, and in HAPPINESS, to ankind; for what was not accomplished by all now be accomplished by ME; and the the earth shall see the Salvation of the : and say that a GREATER than Solomon is how soon did it fall when established by STANDING shall be secure.


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All this taken from Joanna Southcott's mouth, by me,



And here we ended, Monday, Sept. 24th, 1804.

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