صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Before you all they now shall fall,
And you will find it true.

The Scriptures here you'll then see clear,
How all stood for the END:

You'll say, "our REFUGE doth appear,
And all our foes must bend:"
For they shall fall, I tell you all,
That Satan do support :

That cursed thing with them they'll bring,
And then they'll feel their hurt;
Because conceal'd he'll be reveal'd,
When all together come-
And then the meaning of MY WORDS
Will surely be made known;
For then they'll see the mystery,
Why Men are fallen so,
Not to appear, the truth to clear,
And let their honour go;
Because conceal'd will be reveal'd,
The cursed thing they've got;
And so the END will now descend
To those that folly wrought.
The love of gold, I'll now unfold,
Hath been a snare to Man.
Now I'll explain what all doth mean,

See how the Type did come;
The love of gold must now be told,
Brought the curst thing to Man.
So Lovers here do now appear-
Love of the world is come,
I say, in Man; their gold is strong,
They set their hearts that way:
But if like Joshua they go on,
'They'll find their Foes to lay
Before them all, as his did fall,
And his did perish there.
So now I tell you one and all,
The end will so appear;
From Samuel come, I say to man,
Burnt offerings will not do;
Your Sacrifices will not stand
Bring all before your view:
Obedience here the end must clear;
For Ishall answer Man,
Obedience first for him was plac'd,
And so the end must come.
Then now see plain, ye sons of men,
What I did say before;
MY FATHER'S WILL for to maintain,
I come in all to clear.

Changes thou see throughout to be,
And now I'll change the whole,
As changes there did strong appear,
MY BIBLE So doth fall.

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Then now the end, 'tis my intend
To work the change all through;
For Satan now must fall like Men,
That every soul shall know.
So stubborn here if Men appear,
Their stubbornness they'll see,
When that the End I come to clear,
And the TRUE DAVID be,
My sling and stone shall then be known,

It shall destroy my Foe.
Though I at at first in wars did burst,
As Men did Me pursue;
But now at last, mark how I'm plac'd,
A different way for Man:
Like ESTHER here for to appear,
To free MY OWN I'm come.
So if MY WORD you do reject,
Then I'll reject you all;
For so MY COMING you expect,
MY GOSPEL SO must fall.
So witchcraft here must so appear
In those that do rebel;
For now the mystery I'll make clear,
Their influence comes from Hell.
OBEDIENCE first, you know, was placid,
And so the end must be;
It is OBEDIENCE at the last,

That every soul must see,
That will bring in, MY KINGDOM win,
Obedience must appear;
No sacrifice that can be seen
Can with it now compare;
Because MY WORD, that's on record,
Men must be taught of ME;
If they will know the LIVING LORD,
My STATUTES they must see;
As on record you'll find MY WORD
From shadows to appear-
I said the Jews were taught of GOD,
And I'd deliver there:

A DAVID'S CROWN should so be found,

If ME they did obey;
But you do know, it is not so,

They've turn'd a different way;
So far from MẸ you know they be,
And I'll be far from all;

The PROMISE of the Jews, you see,
Is gone, as they did fall!
NO DAVID'S CROWN to them is found,


As promis'd at the first:
And far from ME they surely be-

And now, I say, at last,

From every word that's on record,

My Gospel must appear;


And far from ME my saints I see,
Believers do appear

Far from MY WORD that's on record,
Far from the TRUTH to stand,
Far from the SPIRIT of the LORD,
I see, throughout the land!
Then far from ME they sure must be;
MY PROMISE who can claim,
That now MY BIBLE will not see,
The truth will not maintain?
Their sons are gone, I say, like him,
Their evil doth abound;
I know that many righteous men
Like ELI now are found;
Their sons do turn against ME strong,
Yet them they'll not reprove;
They'll find the time, before 'tis long,
That I shall shew MY LOVE
To such, they'll see, as honour ME,
My favours to implore;

And then their REFUGE they may see,
To flee and sin no more;

But if they'll not, they'll see their lot.
The righteous Men will fall;
For out their memories I shall blot,

I now do tell you all :

For I'll appear to answer here,
My Gospel it must come,
The every mystery for to clear,
This way I'll answer Man."


August 15, 1904.

Information to those of the sealed number, who wish to be present at the Trial; as no one is to be refused admittance; being the principal part of a Letter, written to Mr. Hirst.

The following remarkable communication is now ordered to be printed. It is in answer to the following dream of Joanna's :-I dreamt that I had a large cloth full of eggs, and was going to put them up in a cart, without the cloth being tied, and as soon as I let go the cloth, the eggs began to tumble about the cart, and I began to pick them up, and



put them into a ve large jar; there was a woman on the other side of the car, and I told her to pick them up also, which she did; but the eggs rolled so fast, that I thought the greatest part of them were dashed to pieces, though the woman and I were as expeditious as possible to pick them up; yet with all our industry, we could not save the whole, and I was sorry to see so many broke in pieces.


"Now I will answer thee this simple, foolish dream, that thou never thought worth repeating or penning, before I brought it all to thy remembrance, and ordered it to be penned. The eggs are the sealed people; those that were preserved whole, are those that keep their faith whole; but those that rolled off and were broke in pieces, are those that roll off through unbelief and fall away; and it is as much impossible to restore tore them, as it is to put gether after it is broken in pieces.



So here's the mystery of thy Dream,
That for the Sealed I'll explain;"
Into one lot they all did come,
And all their names were sign'd as one;
But when they together do appear,
And all the books are open'd here,
Then many Seals they'll find are broke,
And they may tremble at the stroke,
To see thy Trial so come on;
'Tis but the Egg of Faith can stand,
That like thy Eggs their Faith keep well,
The mysteries now I shall unfold:
For those whose faith did fall away,
And like thy Eggs their Seals do lay,
Broken in pièces, eces, and not whole,
I tell thee, like thy eggs they'll fall.
So this to Hirst I bid thee send,
And let him shew it to thy friends,
That wish thy Trial for to see,
With Seals that are whole to come to thee,
No other way can they appear-
The eggs that fell were broken there,
And so I say that Men will fall,

That have not kept their Seals all whole;
But they that have, and wish to come,
I tell thee, I'll refuse no man,

A a

an egg to


That the expences he can bear,
And wish to see thy Trial clear;
They are all welcome for to come
And see what is the end of Man,
That they that time will hear from thee;
The shadow's deep they all will see:
When thou some thousands there did meet,
Thou knowest the number it was great;
The multitude might all command,
The words that thou hadst got to say;
And so thy Trial it will be,
After some days when I appear,
And in the SPIRIT enter there,
My WILL and POWER for to shew,
And mysteries great they'll see and know;
But then I tell thee none can stand,
That are not seal'd as I command.

The meaning of the multitude: when Joanna was at Halifax, in Yorkshire, at Mr. Jowett's, about this time last year, many people came from distances; some said there were 15,000, others 9,000, and others 6,000; and Joanna believes the last number was within compass; and is a shadow of her Trial.

Now, Joanna, thee I'll answer,
As that day did then appear,
When I do bring on thy Trial,


So will Men be gather'd there:
No house for thee, they all will see,
Is large enough for Man;
So in the Field they all must yield,
And with thee for to stand,
When I do come in SPIRIT strong,
For all to know their doom.
I tell you plain, ye sons of men,.
You cannot find a room
That can contain the every man,
That wish the whole to know;
Therefore in public it must be done,
And I shall order it so.
When Men are clear the calling here,
Is surely from on HIGH;
And every truth I'd prove so fair,
My friends may boldly say-

"What Man can doubt we've now found out
"The hidden mysteries plain?
"We judg'd of God, but now 'tis know'd,
"And this we'll now maintain:

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