So now thy dream I shall explain, And bring it out to Man:
Thou saidst thy joy thou didst keep back, Fearing thy eyes would run, I say, with joy, for to destroy Thy perfect labour here; Because in love thy heart thou'st prove, It was too great to bear The whole to see, was said by thee- And all my words discern; And thy confusion soon would be Too great to hear my tongue; Or words were spoke, thou fearest thy lot, Could not them both go through; Therefore thy joy thou didst keep back- Then I brought to thy view A death was near for to appear, In agonies to come.
And so your land like thee doth stand, If they this way go on, To say like thee" we will not see "Our Bible to appear; "That CHRIST is come the whole to free, "'Twill drown our senses here; " So we'll go on as we have done, " And still keep back the whole." Then soon, like thee, their end they'll see In agonies to fall.- Now I'll explain the other dream, And to the purpose come: The people that did dispute with thee Did wrongly turn the Psalms, And said that there thou didst appear A prophet wrong to be; But I shall boldly answer bere; And let men answer ME, If they can say another way, They'll make the Psalmist good, It was not David's prophecies, The way that I allude. The Psalmist here then let them clear The whole before their view; And let men answer when and where They'll prove the Psalmist true; Or how 't can come as plac'd by man, Then I'll give up the whole? There's not that earthly man can stand 'To prove my words must fall; That I shall say to thee this day- The lines for all go deep. Thy sorrows I shall take away, And bring thee from the pit Of horror here that did appear: Upon the ROCK thou'lt be;
And so thy feet I'll ever keep, Thy standing is in ME.
I'll take thee from the mire and clay,
That is so strong in Man;
I'll guide thee in the perfect way,
And thou shalt ever stand; To praise my NAME the end shall come
And thou thy God shalt bless.
The liars I shall all unthrone;
Though many do profess
They trust in ME, I plain do see, And yet they turn aside, And trust in lies-I'll not disguise, The field is open'd wide, I say, for all to judge the call, My BIBLE to go through; And strong in SPIRIT now I call, That every soul shall know. So, from thy dream, let men contend To prove thou'st plac'd it wrong; Then they must say the same by ME As they by thee have done- "Our Bible here we now will clear : "No prophecies can be, " For HIM in SPIRIT to appear, "The nations all to free." Then I'll appear to answer here, As thou didst say before, My Bible I will all give up, If men can prove it here- The second Psalm has ever come,
The heathens for to free; When did I govern every land ? Then let Men answer ME, When it was done, be spoke by Man ? But this they cannot do.- The secrets of the LORD are come, That every soul shall know, For to reveal and not conceal, The end for all draws near; The COVENANT is come to Man, That I shall now make clear. So Men discern how I do warn, And weigh my Bible deep, You'll find the end for all is come The second Psalm shall break,
1 sav, for all: 'tis I did call
In ninety-two, thou well dost know,
I told thee so 't should burst.
Now mark all lands, how they do stand
In tumult and in war;
And I do say to thee this day,
Much stronger 'twill appear;
Till I've brought low, they all shall know, The nations, like my WORD; And then the gleanings men may shew, That they will turn to GOD. Then all I'll free from misery;
Their swords in sunder break;
And then the spear, they need not fear, I shall in sunder cut.
Then Men with ME in peace shall be; For I'll enjoy them all, That now in heart will turn to M.; But know, the rest must fall; For I'll put out their every name; They shall no longer stand.- But evermore can men appear, To answer my demand, To say 'twas done in any land? Then how can men appear, To prove my Bible true doth stand, If I the truth don't clear? So now I call, to warn them all, The heathens I'll destroy, That will not flee, and turn to ME-
For MAN I'll now enjoy,
That looks to ME the TRUTH to see,
My BIBLE to appear.
The ending, every soul will see, For Man is drawing near;
For now, like thee, they all shall see,
My SPIRIT it is come; And the destroying enemy I'll now destroy for Man. Because the end 'twas my intend To bring his ruin here; His vice is drawing to an end, Though he doth strong appear. Perpetually, I now do say, He's working here with men, Their innocence for to betray- But long he cannot stand. My Bible through I now shall go, And will fulfil the whole: I'll bring the ending of the Foe, And that he'll surely know.- So now see clear the PSALMIST here:
And thou go to the end;
Then the New Song shall all appear;
For now 'tis my intend,
New Songs of praises shall begin,
I say, in every heart,
That wish my KINGDOM for to win
Satan shall feel the dart,
That he on Man hath brought so long
So trace my Bible through:
The PSALMIST now for all shall come, And Songs begin anew. Now here I see the mind of thee, Thou'st ponder'd to the end: That different Psalms there surely be- Now let thy thoughts be penn'd."
From the ponderings of Joanna's heart, in reading the Psalms, she took notice how much they changed after they came to Psalm cxvii-O praise the Lord, all ye nations, praise him all ye people. For his merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of the Lord endureth for ever. Praise ye the Lord. Then followeth, Psalm cxviii. how all is to praise the Lord:-The house of Israel, and the house of Aaron, now say his mercy endureth for ever. Ver. 16, 17, 18-The right hand of the Lord is exalted: the right hand of the Lord doeth valiantly. I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord. The Lord hath chastened me sore: but he hath not given me over unto death. Now this is a prophecy, by my judgment, of the Kingdom of CHRIST, at his second coming: for he was chastened sore; and though he was put to death by man, yet the Lord did not give him over to that death; for his BODY did not see the grave; neither did the HOLY ONE Sce corruption; but he arose again from death, perfect in his own BODY, to declare to his disciples the wondrous works he should do at his SECOND COMING. So this appears to me the prophecies of DAVID, in Psalm cxviii. Then, if we follow to Psalm cxix. it goes on to a change of man wishing to come to a perfect knowledge of GOD. Weigh the Psalm deeply through. Ver. 103. 105– How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea sweeter than honey to my mouth! Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Here David goes through with a full desire to come to the perfection of GOD; and complaining of every thing that kept him from God. But he says-My lips shall utter praise, when thou hast taught me thy statutes.
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ver. 171. Then DAVID goes on to shew the hap- piness of those who are in favour with Gop, in Psalm cxlv. 1-One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts. Ver. 11, 12. 21-They shall speak of the GLORY of thy KINGDOM, and talk of thy POWER. To make known to the sons of men his mighty acts, and the glorious majesty of his kingdom. My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord: and let all flesh bless his holy name for ever and ever. Psalm cxlvii. 14, 15-Не maketh peace in thy borders, and filleth thee with the finest of the wheat. He sendeth forth his com- mandinent upon earth: his word runneth very swift- ly. Psalm cxlix. 1, 2-Praise ye the Lord. Sing unto the Lord a new song, and his praise in the con- gregation of saints. Let Israel rejoice in him that made him: let the children of Zion be joyful in their King. From the latter part of the Psalms it appears to me, that DAVID was exhorting the people to be looking for the KINGDOM OF CHRIST, which he had been prophesying of; and which he, in spirit, seem- ed to long for; as he prayed to be freed from every sin:-and here I join with DAVID, hand and heart!
"Now, Joanna, thee I'll answer, As thy pondering heart appears: As my Spirit was with David, Perfect so, I tell thee here, It is with thee, all flesh shall see My WORDS to fly abroad;" And My commandments, all shall see, Are given from thy GOD: That on the earth may all come forth, What is my just decree;
And from MY SPIRIT, all shall know, The words are given to thee. So from the Psalms, as thou hast nam'd, If men will weigh them deep,
They'll find the Psalms that thou hast nam'd,
Must make thy foes to weep; Because in thee, all flesh shall see, I've plac'd my SPIRIT strong, As 'twas in DAVID, all may see
These things to ME were known;
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