THE TRUE EXPLANATION OF THE BIBLE, REVEALED BY DIVINE COMMUNICATIONS TO JOANNA SOUTHCOTT. PART THE FIRST. TO WHICH ARE ADDED LETTERS TO AND FROM THE REV. Mr. POMEROY. No Prophecy of the Scripture is of any private Interpretation. 2 Peter, i. 20. LONDON: PRINTED BY S. ROUSSEAU, WOOD STREET, SPA FIELDS; [Price Eighteen Pence.] 1 PREFACE. JOANNA SOUTHCOTT now affirms to the World, that she has the full Consent of the Bishops to publish that her Calling is of GOD; but if the Bishops should say nay, this is her answer to them: The Lord commanded me to send printed Letters to all the Bishops, that if they would bring forward twenty-four of the Clergy, to prove that my Visitation was not from the Lord, I would give up to their judgment whenever the cause was fairly tried and examined by them; but as they have kept silence to this Letter, their consciences must tell them, that the Calling is of God. And now I shall ask them, if a man were printing a Book, that was blasphemy against the Bible, and the world condemned that Book; suppose that man should appeal to the Bishops, and say, "If the Bishops will come forward and examine my Book, and prove before my face it is blasphemy, I will give up to their judgment, and destroy the whole."What must be their answer? Conscience must tell them-"We should be unworthy the name of Christians, and much more unworthy the name of Bishops, to be 1 |