The Book of DanielSamuel Rolles Driver University Press, 1901 - 215 من الصفحات |
من داخل الكتاب
الصفحة vii
... Nebuchadnezzar's madness On the Four Empires of Daniel II . , VII . On the Expression one like unto a son of man ' in Dan . vii . 13 On the Ruins of Susa .. On the Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks On the Expression The abomination of ...
... Nebuchadnezzar's madness On the Four Empires of Daniel II . , VII . On the Expression one like unto a son of man ' in Dan . vii . 13 On the Ruins of Susa .. On the Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks On the Expression The abomination of ...
الصفحة viii
... Nebuchadnezzar at Carchemish . NEBUCHADNEZZAR . Fall of Jerusalem . AMEL - MARDUK ( Evil - Merodach ) . NERGAL - SHAR - UZUR ( Neriglissar ) . 555 ( 9 months ) . LABASHI - MARDUK ( Laborisoarchod ) . 555 . 538 . NABU - NA'ID ...
... Nebuchadnezzar at Carchemish . NEBUCHADNEZZAR . Fall of Jerusalem . AMEL - MARDUK ( Evil - Merodach ) . NERGAL - SHAR - UZUR ( Neriglissar ) . 555 ( 9 months ) . LABASHI - MARDUK ( Laborisoarchod ) . 555 . 538 . NABU - NA'ID ...
الصفحة ix
... Nebuchadnezzar's dream in ch . ii . being the same as the four empires symbolized by the four beasts seen by Daniel in his vision described in ch . vii . The following is an outline of the contents of the Book . Nebuchadnezzar , having ...
... Nebuchadnezzar's dream in ch . ii . being the same as the four empires symbolized by the four beasts seen by Daniel in his vision described in ch . vii . The following is an outline of the contents of the Book . Nebuchadnezzar , having ...
الصفحة x
... Nebuchadnezzar , determined , if possible , not to compromise their religious principles , by partaking of the special food pro- vided for them from the royal table ; and succeeded in obtaining permission to confine themselves to ...
... Nebuchadnezzar , determined , if possible , not to compromise their religious principles , by partaking of the special food pro- vided for them from the royal table ; and succeeded in obtaining permission to confine themselves to ...
الصفحة xi
... Nebuchadnezzar solemnly acknowledges the power of their God , issues a decree threaten- ing death to all who presume to blaspheme Him , and bestows upon the three men various marks of his favour . Afterwards ( chap . iv . ) Nebuchadnezzar ...
... Nebuchadnezzar solemnly acknowledges the power of their God , issues a decree threaten- ing death to all who presume to blaspheme Him , and bestows upon the three men various marks of his favour . Afterwards ( chap . iv . ) Nebuchadnezzar ...
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
according afterwards allusion altar angels anointed Antiochus Epiphanes Aram Aramaic Babylon Babylonian beasts Belshazzar Bevan Bible Book of Daniel Book of Enoch Chaldaeans comp Cyrus Darius the Mede death decree denotes desolation Deut dominion dream earth Egypt empire Enoch explained expression four Greek Gubaru hand hast heathen heaven Hebrew holy implied inscriptions interpretation Israel Jerusalem Jewish Jews Judah judgement Keil king king's kingdom little horn Lord Macc means Messiah Nabu-na'id Nebuchadnezzar Palestine passages Pelusium persecution Persian Persian empire Pesh Philometor Polyb prince probably prophecy prophets Ptolemy R.V. marg reference reign rendered represented righteousness Roman satraps Seleucidae Seleucus sense shew spake stand Syria Targums Temple thee Theod thou throne unto verb viii vision weeks word writer xxiii xxiv xxix xxxii καὶ