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James. Expositor.-"It is, so far as I know, by far the best exposition of the Epistle of St James in the English language. Not schoolboys or students going in for an examination alone, but ministers and preachers of the Word, may get more real help from it than from the most costly and elaborate commentaries."

The Epistles of St John. Churchman.-"This forms an admirable companion to the 'Commentary on the Gospel according to St John,' which was reviewed in The Churchman as soon as it appeared. Dr Plummer has some of the highest qualifications for such a task; and these two volumes, their size being considered, will bear comparison with the best Commentaries of the time."

Revelation. Guardian.-"This volume contains evidence of much careful labour. It is a scholarly production, as might be expected from the pen of the late Mr W. H. SIMCOX.... The notes throw light upon many passages of this difficult book, and are extremely suggestive. It is an advantage that they sometimes set before the student various interpretations without exactly guiding him to a choice."

Wesleyan Methodist Sunday-School Record.-"We cannot speak too highly of this excellent little volume. The introduction is of the greatest possible value to the student, and accurate scholarship is combined with true loyalty to the inspired Word. There is much more matter of practical utility compressed into this volume of pp. 174 than is contained in many a portentous tome.

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The Smaller Cambridge Bible for Schools.

Sunday-School Chronicle.-"We can only repeat what we have already said of this admirable series, containing, as it does, the scholarship of the larger work. For scholars in our elder classes, and for those preparing for Scripture examinations, no better commentaries can be put into their hands.”

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Literary World. “All that is necessary to be known and learned by pupils in junior and elementary schools is to be found in this series. Indeed, much more is provided than should be required by the examiners. We do not know what more could be done to provide sensible, interesting, and solid Scriptural instruction for boys and girls. The Syndics of the

Cambridge University Press are rendering great services both to teachers and to scholars by the publication of such a valuable series of books, in which slipshod work could not have a place."

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Joshua. School Guardian.-"This little book is a model of what editorial work, intended for the use of young students, should be; and we could scarcely praise it more highly than by saying that it is in every way worthy of the volumes that have gone before it."

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Judges. Educational News (Edinburgh). "The book makes available for teaching purposes the results of ripe scholarship, varied knowledge, and religious insight."

Schoolmaster.-"The work shows first-rate workmanship, and may be adopted without hesitation."

Samuel I. and II. Saturday Review.-"Professor KIRKPATRICK'S two tiny volumes on the First and Second Books of Samuel are quite model school-books; the notes elucidate every possible difficulty with scholarly brevity and clearness and a perfect knowledge of the subject."

Kings I. Wesleyan Methodist Sunday-School Record." Equally useful for teachers of young men's Bible classes and for earnest Bible students themselves. This series supplies a great need. It contains much valuable instruction in small compass.

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St Mark. St Luke. Guardian.-"We have received the volumes of St Mark and St Luke in this series....The two volumes seem, on the whole, well adapted for school use, are well and carefully printed, and have maps and good, though necessarily brief, introductions. There is little doubt that this series will be found as popular and useful as the well-known larger series, of which they are abbreviated editions."

St Luke. Wesleyan Methodist Sunday-School Record.-"We cannot too highly commend this handy little book to all teachers."

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Acts. Literary World.-"The notes are very brief, but exceedingly comprehensive, comprising as much detail in the way of explanation as would be needed by young students of the Scriptures preparing for examination. We again give the opinion that this series furnishes as much real help as would usually satisfy students for the Christian ministry, or even ministers themselves."


with a Revised Text, based on the most recent critical authorities, and English Notes.


Expositor.-" Has achieved an excellence which puts it above criti


Expository Times." We could not point out better handbooks for the student of the Greek."

The Epistle to the Philippians. London Quarterly Review.-"This is a first rate piece of work, furnished with all the Critical notes that a student of the text needs, and enriched by many excellent quotations from divines and commentators....It will well repay every student to get this little volume and master it."

Pastoral Epistles. Educational Times.-"Dr Bernard's introductions and textual notes leave nothing to be desired. They are learned, literary in tone, and very helpful to the young student."

Guardian.-"This new volume of the Cambridge Greek Testament will be welcome to many students, both because it supplies a distinct want and because it supplies it well. Dr Bernard's work is throughout clear, sensible, scholarlike, and orthodox."

London Quarterly Review.-" Dr Bernard's fine book is a welcome addition to the Cambridge Greek Testament. The notes are not only valuable for the student, but often supply new light for the preacher."

Tablet.-"Dr Bernard's edition deserves high praise. Intended primarily for schools and colleges,' it will be found useful by many whose school or college days are long since past."

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St James. Athenæum." This is altogether an admirable textbook. The notes are exactly what is wanted. They shew scholarship, wide reading, clear thinking. They are calculated in a high degree to stimulate pupils to inquiry both into the language and the teaching of the Epistle.'

Revelation. Journal of Education." Absolute candour, a feeling for Church tradition, and the combination of a free and graceful style of historical illustration with minute scholarship characterise this work. We wish we had more work of the same kind in the present day, and venture to think that a mastery of this unpretentious edition would prove to many a means of permanently enlarging the scope of their studies in sacred literature."


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