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" As one who, long in populous city pent, Where houses thick and sewers annoy the air, Forth issuing on a summer's morn, to breathe Among the pleasant villages and farms Adjoined, from each thing met conceives delight — The smell of grain, or tedded grass,... "
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - الصفحة 511
عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

Poetical Miscellanies: Consisting of Original Poems and Translations

1714 - عدد الصفحات: 530
...Air, Forth ifTuing on a Summer's Morn to breathe Among the pleafant Villages and Farms • Adjoin d, from each Thing met conceives Delight ; The Smell of Grain, or tedded Grafs, or Ki»c, Or Dairy, each rural Sight, each rural Sound } . i Tf chance with NymphHike Step fair...

The Lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq, المجلد 4

Sir Richard Steele - 1754 - عدد الصفحات: 358
...thick, and Silvers, annoy the Air, Forth ijjfuing on a Summeri 'i Morn, to breathe Among the plenfant Villages, and Farms Adjoined, from each Thing met conceives Delight ; The Smell of Grata, or tedded Grafs, or Kine, Or Dairy, eath rural Sight, each rural Sound. THOSE who are converfant...

Bell's Edition: The Poets of Great Britain Complete from Chaucer to ...

1776 - عدد الصفحات: 476
...the air, Forth issuing on a summer's morn to breathe Among the pleasant villages and farms Adjoin'd, from each thing met conceives delight, The smell of grain, or tedded grass, orkine, 450 Or dai;y', each rural sight, each rural sound; If chance with nymph-liie step fair virgin...

Paradise Lost: A Poem, in Twelve Books. The Author John Milton. Printed from ...

John Milton - 1795 - عدد الصفحات: 282
...Held dalliance with his fair Egyptian spouse. Much he the place admir'd, the person more. As one who long in populous city pent, Where houses thick and...Forth issuing on a summer's morn to breathe Among thepleasant villages and farms Adjoin'd, from each thing met conceives delight, The smell of grain,...

Paradise Lost: With Notes, Selected from Newton and Others, to ..., المجلدات 1-2

John Milton, Samuel Johnson - 1796 - عدد الصفحات: 608
...admir'd ; the person more. As one who long in pop'lous city pent, 445 Where houses thick and sew'rs annoy the air, Forth issuing on a summer's morn to breathe Among the pleasant villages and farms Adjoin'd, from each thing met conceives delight; The smell of grain, or tedded grass, or kine, 450...

Paradise lost, a poem. With the life of the author [by E. Fenton].

John Milton - 1800 - عدد الصفحات: 300
...to hreathe Among the pleasant villages and farms Adjoin'd, from each thing met conceives del:gli ti The smell of grain, or tedded grass, or kine, Or dairy, each rural sight, each rural sound ; If chance, with nymph-like step, fair virgin pass, What pleasing seem'd, for her now pleases more,...

Paradise lost, a poem. Pr. from the text of Tonson's correct ed. of 1711

John Milton - 1801 - عدد الصفحات: 396
...Egyptian spouse. Much he the place admir'd, the person more. As one who long in populous city pent, 4^5 Where houses thick and sewers annoy the air, Forth...morn to breathe Among the pleasant villages and farms Adjoin'd, from each thing met conceives delight, The smell of grain, or tedded grass, or kine, 450...

The British essayists; with prefaces by A. Chalmers, المجلد 5

British essayists - 1803 - عدد الصفحات: 306
...air, FM ih i.-suing on a summer's morn, to breaths Among the pleasant villages anil farms Ai'iuin'tl, from each thing met conceives delight: The smell of...grain, or tedded grass, or kine, Or dairy, each rural s>ghi, each rural sound. J was thinking of the foregoing beautiful simite in Milton, and applying it...

NL orphan barcodes on file at ReCAP

1804 - عدد الصفحات: 676
...the air, Forth issuing on a *ummer's morn, to breathe Among the pleasant villages and farms Adjoin'd, from each thing met conceives delight : The smell...kine, Or dairy, each rural sight, each rural sound. Those who are conversant in the writings of polite authors receive an additional entertainment From...

The Universal magazine, المجلد 14

عدد الصفحات: 540
...uir, Forth issuing, on a summer's morn, ta breathe, Among the pleasant villages and farms Adjoin'd; from each, thing met conceives delight, The smell of grain, or tedded grass, or X'me, Or dairy, each rural sight, each rural sound^ If chance, with nymph-like step, fair virgin, pass,...

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