صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Sect. XIII. The massacre of the innocents. The re-
turn of Christ to Nazareth.


Sect. XIV. Jesus goes to Jerusalem at twelve years of
age, and is examined by the doctors of the law.

Sect. XV. The preaching of John the Baptist in the wil-

derness. He declares himself to be the forerunner

of the Messiah.

Sect. XVII. The baptism of Christ. The Holy Spirit
visibly descends upon him.

Sect. XXIII. The last testimony of John the Baptist.
He is imprisoned by Herod.

Sect. XXIV. Christ discourses with a woman of Samaria. 79

Sect. XXV. Christ returns into Galilee.

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Sect. XXXV. Christ having spent the night in prayer,
chooses his twelve apostles, and afterwards performs

many miracles.

Sect. XXXVI. Christ's sermon on the mount.

Sect. XXXVII. Continuation of Christ's sermon on the

Sect. XXXVIII. Continuation of Christ's sermon on the


Sect. LV. Christ discourses with his disciples concern-
ing the bread of life. Peter confesses him to be the

Son of God.

Sect. LVIII. Christ cures the daughter of a Canaanitish

woman. Gives hearing to a deaf man; and per-

forms many other miracles.

Sect. LIX. Christ feeds four thousand with seven loaves
and a few fishes. He discourses concerning a sign
from heaven, and the leaven of the Pharisees.

Sect. LX. A blind man cured. Peter professes his
faith. Christ foretells Peter's preaching the Gospel

with firmness.


Sect. LXII. Christ is transfigured before two of his
disciples, James and John. Moses and Elias appear
talking with him.

Sect. LXIII. Christ cures a demoniac.


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ing prayer. He dines at the house of a publican.

He denounces woes against the Scribes and Phari.


covetous rich man. He exhorts his disciples to page
watchfulness. The parable of the slothful servant.

Sect. LXXVII. Of the Galileans whom Pilate slew.

The parable of the fig tree. Christ heals an infirm

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Sect. LXXIX. Christ cures a man of the dropsy at the
house of a Pharisee, and admonishes the Jewish
teachers. The parable of the wedding feast.



Sect LXXX. Christ urges the necessity of considering
the difficulties of religion, before a profession of it.
Sect. LXXXI. The parables of the lost sheep, the piece
of money, and the prodigal son.

Sect. LXXXII. The parable of the unjust steward.

Sect. LXXXIII. The parable of the rich man and La-



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