صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

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Bernoulli, Jean. Opera omnia. 4 vol. Lausannae, 1742.

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Berriman, William. Sermons. 2 vol. Lond. 1733.

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Besant, William H. Conic sections treated geometrically. 9th ed. Lond.


Beskow, Bernhard von. Om själens helsa. 4th ed. Stockh. 1880.

-Wandrings minnen. Vol. 2. Stockh. 1834.

Beskow, G. E. Den Korsfäste. Stockh. 1875.
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-Sabbatsstunder i Blasieholmskyrkan. 2dra årgången. Vol. 2. Stockh.


-Sabbatsstunder i Blasieholmskyrkan.


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-Den Svenska missionen i Ost-Afrika. 2d ed. 2 vol. Stockh. 1888. -Utläggning öfwer Petri Epistlar. Stockh. 1875.

Beskow, Nils. Det Heliga landet. Stockh. 1899.

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Besser, W. F. Christi lidandes och herrlighets historia.

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Bessey, Charles E.

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Beta, Heinrich. Das Nibelungenlied als volkbuch. Berlin, 1840. Betänkande afgifvet den 8 dec. 1902 af den för utredning af vissa frågor rörande de allmänna läroverken den 26 maj 1899 i nåder tillsatta kommitte. Stockh. 1902.

Bethania: Evangelisk Luthersk uppbyggelsetidning. Chic. Vol. 1-2. 1881-82.

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-Bibel Teutsch. Augsburg, 1518.

-Bibelen eller den Heliga Skrift. Helsingfors.

-Bibelen ghennemseet og korrigeret efter en Bibel-udgave af 1744 af Olaus Nielson. Frederikshald, 1858.

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[blocks in formation]

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-Biblia Hebraica. Lond. 1839. .

-Biblia Hebraica imprimis Everardi van der Rooght. Lpz. 1833.
-Biblia på Swenska. 2 vol. Stockh. 1810.

-Biblia på Svensko. Lund, 1843.

-Biblia på Svensko, efter then stora kyrckio-Bibeln af åhr 1703. Stockh. 1729.

-Biblia Sacra. 2d ed. Lemgd, 1756.

-Cassell's illustrated family Bible. Lond. 1860.

-Cross-reference Bible. N. Y. 1910.

-Thet Gamla och thet Nya Testamentet. 3 vol. Stockh. 1711-1728. -Die Heilige Schrift aus der Vulgata übersetst: der ausgabe mit zur seite stehendem Lateinischen urtext der Vulgata. 2 vol. Regensburg, 1865.

-Die Heilige Schrift nach Dr. Martin Luthers uebersetzung. 3 vol. Berlin, 1863.

-Die Heiligen Schriften. Sulzbach, 1867.

-Den Heliga Skrift. Phila. 1889.

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[blocks in formation]
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-Polyglotten-Bibel. 2d ed. 5 vol. Bielefeld, 1854. Cop. 2, 1847. -The pronouncing Bible. Pittsburgh, 1866.

-Pyhä Raamattu. Phila. 1890.

-La Sainte Bible. Bruxelles, 1864.

-Tiberias sive commentarius masorethicus triplex historicus. Rec ognitus a Johanne Buxtorfio. 3 vol. Basil, 1665.

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-Codices Gotici Ambrosiani, sive Epistolarum Pauli, Esrae, Nehemiae, versionis Goticae fragmenta. Upsala, 1864-68.

-The emphatic diaglott, containing the original Greek text of what is commonly styled the New Testament, with an interlineary word for word English translation. N. Y. 1870.

-Epistles of St. Paul written after he became a prisoner. Text by Tischendorf. N. Y. 1893.

-A 14th century English Biblical version consisting of a prologue and parts of the New Testament. Cambridge, 1902.

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-The New Testament in the original Greek. 2 vol. N. Y. 1881.

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-Nouum Testamentum Latine: secundum editionem Sancti Hieronymi. Oxford, 1911.

-Nya Testamentet. Stockh. 1877.

-Nya Testamentet: ny öfversättning med förklarade anmärkningar af P. Waldenström. 2d ed. 2 vol. Stockh. 1892-98.

-Nya Testamentet. öfversättning af J. H. Thomander. Örebro 1835. -Revised New Testament and history of revision. Phila.

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Bible-N. T.-Matthew. Aivaggeljo Pairh Matpaiu, eller Fragmenterna af Matthaei Evangelium på Götiska. Thesis. Upsala, 1850.

-The Gospel according to St. Matthew with notes by A. Carr. Cambridge, 1889.

Bible-O. T. Biblea universa et Hebraica quidem cum Latina interpretatione Xantis, Pagnini Lucensis. Lpz. 1657.

-Biblia Hebraica. Edidit Rud. Kittel. 2 vol. Lpz. 1905.

-Die Heilige Schrift des Alten Testaments. Übersetst von E. Kautzsch. 2d ed. Freiburg, 1896.

-Die Heiligen Schriften des Alten Testaments Hebräisch und Deutsch. Wien, 1870.

-Isaiah of Jerusalem in the Authorized English version, with notes by Matthew Arnold. Lond. 1883.

-New translation of the Hebrew prophets with notes by G. R. Noyes. 4th ed. 2 vol. Bost. 1868.

-Sacred books of the O. T.: a critical edition of the Hebrew text printed in colors, with notes. Vols. 1, 6-8, 10-12, 14-15, 17-18, 20. Lpz. 1893-1901.

Bible-O. T.-Pentateuch. Pentateuchen eller Moses fem böcker. Upsala, 1854.

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