صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Profeten Daniel och Johannes Uppenbarelse. Stockh. 1882. Auberlen, Carl A. & others. Den Christna trons försvar. Stockh. 1863. Aubert, L. C. Beiträge zur Lateinischen grammatik. Christiania, 1856. Aubert, O. G. Echantillon d'une analyse spherique. N. t. p.

Aubigne, J. H. d'. Det 16nde århundradets reformationshistoria. 3 vol. Chic. 1879. 3 cop.

History of the great reformation of the 16th century. 2 vol. Phila. 1848.

History of the reformation of the 16th century. 5 vol. N. Y. 1835.
2 cop.

Reformationen i Europa på Calvins tid. 2 vol. Stockh. 1874.
Scenes from the life of Martin Luther. Phila. 1883.

Trehundra-årig strid för kyrklig frihet; några blad ur Skottska kyr-
kans historia. Stockh. 1868.

Auerbach, Berthold. Brigitta. Bost. 1894.

Auerbach, Joseph S. Bible and modern life.

N. Y. 1914.

Augustana. Tidning för Svenska Evangeliskt Lutherska kyrkan i Amerika. R. I. 1856-1910.

Augustana book concern 1889-1914 samt Augustana-synodens tidigare förlagsverksamhet. R. I. 1914.

Augustana college-Adelphic society. Censor. R. I. 1888-1899.

Augustana college-Class of 1900.

Augustana college-Class of 1905.
Augustana college-Class of 1910.
Augustana college-Class of 1912.
Augustana college-Class of 1913.
Augustana college-Class of 1914.
Augustana college-Class af 1916.
Augustana college-Students union.

Class annual.

"The garnet and silver gray".
The Jubilee.

The Rockety-I nineteen-twelve.
The "Rockety-I" 1913.
The "Rockety-I" 1914.

The "Rockety-I" 1916.
The 1915 Rockety-I.

Augustana college alumni association. Alumnus. R. I. 1892-1895.
-Lutersk kvartalskrift. R. I. Jan. 1887-Jan. 1889.

Augustana college and theol. seminary. Augustana library publications.
Vol. 1-7. R. I. 1898-1910.

Bulletin. Series 3-5, 8-11. R. I. 1906-1909, 1911-1915.

Catalog. R. I. 1874-1879, 1882-1912. Copy 2, 1871-1879, 18821912. Copy 3, 1891-1915.

Augustana college lyceum. Augustana observer. Vol. 1-14. R. I. 1902 -1916.

-Balder. R. I. 1890-1894. 5 vol. in 1. Vol. 3 to 5 called "The
Lyceum annual".

Augustana synod. The Augustana synod: a brief review of its history 1860-1910. R. I. 1910.

-Augustana-synodens referat. R. I. 1885-1916. Copy 2, 1870-1916.
Copy 3, 1860-1904. Copy 4, 1860-1877.

-Barnvännens lyra no. 2, Svensk och Engelsk text. Chic. 1885.
-Biblisk historia. R. I. 1887. 2 copies.
-Concordia Pia. Chic. 1878. 3 copies.
-Minnen från jubelfesten. R. I. 1911.

-Minnesskrift med anledning af Augustana-synodens 50-åriga tillvaro. R. I. 1910.

-Program för Augustana-synodens jubileum den 9 juni 1893 vid Augustana college. R. I. 1893.

-Samling af Augustana-synodens, dess konferensers och inrättningars stadgar och ordningsregler. R. I. 1911. -Söndagsskol-bok. R. I. 1884. Augustana synod-California conference.

R. I. 1894-1906, 1908-1915. Augustana synod-Illinois conference.

I. 1879-1880, 1882-1908.

Referat. Vol. 2-14, 16-23.

Referat. Vol. 10-11, 13-56. R.

Augustana synod--Iowa conference. Referat. Vol. 1-12, 14—40. R. I. 1869-1880, 1882-1908.

Augustana synod-Kansas conference. Referat. Vol. 1-18, 20-38. R. I. 1870-1888, 1890-1908.

Augustana synod-Minnesota conference. Jubelminnen från Lutherska Minnesota-konferensens halfsekelfest i Minneapolis, St. Paul och Center City, 1908. R. I. 1908.

-Minnesskrift 1858-1908 tillegnad Minnesota-konferensen af Ev. Lutherska Augustana-synoden. 50-års jubileum den 7-11 Okt. 1908. -Referat. Vol. 22-57. R. I. 1880-1915.

Augustana synod-Nebraska conference. Referat. Vol. 1-22. R. I.


Augustana synod-New York conference. Referat. Vol. 9-11, 13-18,
20, 22-38. R. I. 1879-1881, 1883-1888, 1890, 1892-1908.
Augustana theological quarterly. Vol. 1-17. R. I. 1899-1915.
Augustana theological seminary. Catalogue 1886-1892. R. I. 2 copies.
Augustana tract society. Luther-kalender. R. I. 1883.
Augustin, F. L. Medicinsk-chirurgisk handbok för fält-läkare.



Münster, 1853. Stockh. 1860.

Stockh. 1880.

Augustine, Saint. Aurelius Augustinus bekenntnisse.
-S. Aurelii Augustini bekännelser om sig själf.
Aurand, Charles M. Rays of light. Phila. 1890.
Auren, J. A. Bidrag till Svenska språkets akcentlära.
Austen, Jane.

Emma: a novel. Lond.

-Northanger abbey. Lond. 1882.

Austin, L. F. Points of view. Lond. 1906.

An Australian colony. Melbourne, 1898.

Autenrieth, A. Engelsk grammatik til skolebrug. 2d ed. Christiania, 1857.

Automatic letter writer. Chic. 1914.

Automobile board of trade. Handbook of gasoline automobiles. Vol. 9 -10. N. Y. 1912-1913.

Avebury, John L. Ants, bees, and wasps. N. Y. 1888. 2 copies.

-Pre-historic times as illustrated by ancient remains and the manners and customs of modern savages. 5th ed. N. Y. 1898. Avery, Elroy M. Elements of chemistry. N. Y. 1882. 2 copies. -Elements of natural philosophy. N. Y. 1878. 2 copies.

-Physical technics and teacher's handbook to accompany the First principles of natural philosophy. N. Y. 1886.

Aydelott, B. P.

Ayer, Joseph C.

Ayres, Alfred.

Ethics for our country and the times.

Cincin. 1866.

Source book for ancient church history. N. Y. 1913. The orthoepist. 12th ed. N. Y. 1888.

Azbill, W. K. Science and faith, the spirtual law in the physical world. Cincin. 1914.

B., R. B. Joys of the road: a little anthology in praise of walking. Chic. 1911.

Bååth, Albert U.

Dikter. Stockh. 1879.

-Egil Skalle-Grimssons saga. Stockh. 1883.

Kärlekssagan på Björkeberga.

-Marit Vallkulla. Stockh. 1887.

-Nya dikter. Stockh. 1881.

-Vid Allfarväg. Stockh. 1884.

Stockh. 1892.

Babbitt, C. S. Remedy for the decadence of the Latin race. El Paso, 1909.

Babbs, Arthur V. Law of the tithe as set forth in the Old Testament. N. Y. 1912.

Babcock, Kendric C. Rise of American nationality. N. Y. 1906. Bachman, John. A defence of Luther and the reformation, against the charges of John Bellinger and others. Charleston, 1853. Backman, E. L. Bidrag till frågan om normala ämnesomsättningsprodukters verkan på hjärta och blodtryck. Thesis. Uppsala, 1912. Bäckman, J. Biblisk historia. 2d ed. Stockh. 1881.

-Lärobok i Bibliska historien. 20th ed. Stockh. 1873.

-Lärobok i geografien. Stockh. 1865.

-Läse- och lärobok i geografien. 5th ed. Stockh. 1883.

Bäckström, Edvard. Samlade skrifter. 3 vol. Stockh. 1889.

Bäckström, P. O. öfversikt af de Europeiska staternas politiska historia under åren 1881-1887. Stockh. 1889.

-öfversigt af de Europeiska staternas politiska historia under de sista 20 åren. Stockh. 1882.

Bacon, Edgar M. Henry Hudson, his time and his voyages. N. Y. 1907. Bacon, Francis. Essays. N. Y. 1841.

-Lord Bacon's essays, with a sketch of his life. N. Y. 1867. Baden, Gustaf L. Konungariket Norges historia. Stockh. 1817. Bader, Josef. Badische landes-geschichte. 2d ed.

Freiburg, 1834.

Badger, George P. Description of Malta and Gozo. Malta, 1838. Baecklund, Per S. Die Lateinischen bildungen auf -fex und ficus. Thesis. Uppsala, 1914.

Baedeker, K. Paris and environs with routes from London to Paris. 9th ed. Lpz. 1888.

Baehrendtz, Fabian. Om Polens första delning. Thesis. Karlskrona, 1878.

Baelter, Sven. Historiska anmärkningar om kyrko-ceremonierna hos de första Christna i Swea Rike. 3d ed. örebro, 1838.

-Nåden i Christo förestäld uti predikningar. Stockh. 1767. -Wårs Herras och Frälsares Jesu Christi historia. 2d ed. Stockh. 1770. 3 copies.

-Wårs Herras och Frälsares Jesu Christi historia. 4 vol. Wexjö, 1755.

Bagehot, Walter. Literary studies. 4th ed. 3 vol.

Lond. 1910.

Bagley, Willam C. Classroom management. N. Y. 1910.

Bagnell, Robert. Economic and moral aspects of the liquor business.

N. Y. 1912.

Bahr, Johan von.

Upsala, 1897.

Kongl. statuter för universiteten i Upsala och Lund.

Baierlein, E. R. Indianmissionären i urskogen. 4th ed. Stockh. 1900. Baikie, James. Sea-kings of Crete. Lond. 1913.

-Story of the Pharaohs. Lond. 1908.

Bail, M. Histoire politique et morale dés révolutions de la France. 2 vol. Paris, 1821.

Bailey, Arthur L. Library bookbinding. White Plains, 1916.

Bailey, Edgar H. Source, chemistry and use of food products. Phila. 1914.

Bailey, L. H. Garden-making. 12th ed. N. Y. 1908.

Bain, Alexander. A higher English grammar. Rev. ed. N. Y. 1879.
-Mental Science. N. Y. 1874.

Baird, Henry M. The Huguenots and Henry of Navarre. 2 vol. N. Y. ' 1886.

Baird, Jean K. The little girl of Miss Eliza's. R. I. 1915.

Baird, R. Historisk tecknink af nykterhets-föreningarna i Nord-Amerikas Förenta Stater. Stockh. 1843.

Baird, Robert. Om religionsfriheten i Förenta Staterna. Jönköping 1847. Baker, Arthur. The American Esperanto book. 2d ed. Chic. 1908. Baker, Arthur L. Elements of solid geometry.

-Elliptic functions. N. Y. 1890.

Bost. 1894.

Baker, George P. Specimens of argumentation. Modern. 2d ed. N. Y. 1897.

Baker, Heinrich.

Zurich, 1756.

Das zum gebrauch leicht gemachte microscopium.

Baker, James H. American university progress and college reform relative to school and society. N. Y. 1916.

Baker, Mrs. L. A. A daughter of the king. Chic. 1894.

Baker, Samuel W.
Bakewell, Charles
Balch, William M.
Balch, Willam R.

In the heart of Africa. N. Y. 1884.

M. Source book in ancient philosophy. N. Y. 1909.
Christianity and the labor movement.

Bost. 1912.

Life and public services of General Grant. Phila.

-Life of James Abram Garfield. Phila. 1881.

Båld, Anders. Mag:r Bålds predikan om den korsfäste Christo. Calmar, 1858. Copy 2, Stockh. 1758.

Baldwin, James. Guide to systematic readings in the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Chic. 1895.

Baldwin, James M., ed. Dictionary of philosophy and psychology. 3 vol. N. Y. 1901.

-The individual and society. Bost. 1911.

N. Y. 1898.

N. Y. 1910.

Bost. 1913.

-Mental development in the child and the race. 2d ed. Baldwin, Joseph. School management and school methods. Baldwin, Ralph L. & Newton, E. W. Standard song classics. Baldwin, Simeon E. American judiciary. N. Y. 1905. Balfour of Burleigh, Alexander. Historical account of the rise and development of Presbyterianism in Scotland. Cambridge, 1911.

Ball, C. J. A Hebrew primer. Lond. 1878.

Ball, R. S. Astronomy. N. Y. 1878.

Ball, Walter W. Mathematical recreations and essays. 5th ed. Lond. 1911.

Ballesca, James ed. Mexico: its social evolution. 3 vol. Mexico, 1900. 2 copies.

Ballou, Adin. Autobiography. Lowell, 1896.

-History of the Hopedale community. Lowell, 1897.

Ballou, G. d'Estin. The seven essentials to life and health. Los Angeles, 1909.

Balslev, R. Christelig handbok for sjuke. 2d ed. Stockh. 1862.

Balzac, Honoré de. Les Chouans. Paris, 1832.

[blocks in formation]

Bancroft, George. History of the U. S. 6 vol. Bost. 1854.

-History of the U. S. 19th ed. 9 vol.

-Literary and historical miscellanies.

Bang, Fredric L. Praxis medica. 2 vol.

Bost. 1862.

N. Y. 1855.

Hafne, 1789.

Bang, Gustav. Europeisk kulturhistoria i korta drag. Stockh. 1897. Bangs, John K. From pillar to post. N. Y. 1916.

-Olympian nights. N. Y. 1902.

Bank advertising methods. Chic. 1914.

Banks, Edgar J. Bismya or The lost city of Adab. N. Y. 1912.

Barbage, Charles. On the economy of machinery and manufactures.

Phila. 1832.

Bard, Andreas. The dawn of to-morrow, and other sermons. Vol. 2. Burlington, 1911.

Barfod, J. C. Märkvärdigheter rörande Skånska adeln. Stockh. 1847. Baring, Charles and others. The atonement. N. Y.

Baring, Maurice. A year in Russia. N. Y. 1907.

Barker, Dalgairns A.

-Theory of money.

Barker, George F.

Cash and credit. Cambridge, 1912.
Cambridge, 1913.

Röntgen rays. N. Y. 1899.

Barna-vännen. Vol. 1. N. t. p.

Barnens bilderbok, eller Fristunder i hemmet. Stockh. 1860.
Barnes, A. S. pub. A primary history of the U. S. N. Y. 1885.

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