Metrical Romances of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Centuries: The process of the seuyn sages. Octouian imperator. Sir Amadas. The huntyng of the hare. Notes. GlossaryHenry William Weber A. Constable and Company, 1810 |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
adoun anon ayèn broght burgeis chere child chyld Clement Crystene dame dede dere deth doun dyght emperice emperour fader fayr feyr Florent Florentyn forht fram fyght Gesta Romanorum gode gonne greet gret grete hast haue hert hire hond king knight kyng lady leue leuedi loke lond lord loue louerd lyonesse maister mede mochel myght neuer noght nowt quath rauens rede romance Rome ryght Sarsyns sayd schal sche schuld segh seide seuen seyd Sir Amadas sire sold sone sothe Soudan speke stede swich swithe tale thai thaire tham Thanne thare Tharfore thè ther thoght Thorgh Thou schalt thre thys toke toun vnto vpon wald wele wende Whan wise withouten wolde wyde wyfe wyll wyst yede yere Yif thou ylke yonge Ywain
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 366 - Dios ya su dama; ha de ser casto en los pensamientos, honesto en las palabras, liberal en las obras, valiente en los hechos, sufrido en los trabajos, caritativo con los menesterosos, y, finalmente, mantenedor de la verdad, aunque le cueste la vida el defenderla.
الصفحة 327 - Dhu'lkarnein said, This is a mercy from my Lord: but when the prediction of my Lord shall come to be fulfilled, he shall reduce the wall to dust; and the prediction of my Lord is true. On that day we will suffer some of them to press tumultuously like waves on others; and the trumpet shall be sounded, and we will gather them in a body together. And we will set hell, on that day, before the unbelievers; whose eyes have been veiled from my remembrance, and who could not hear my words.
الصفحة 326 - Magog waste the land ; shall we therefore pay thec tribute, on condition that thou shalt build a rampart between us and them ? He answered, The power wherewith my Lord hath strengthened me, is better than your tribute : but assist me strenuously, and I will set a strong wall between you and them. Bring me iron in large pieces, until it fill up the space between the two sides of these mountains. And he said to the workmen, Blow with your bellows, until it make the iron red-hot as fire.
الصفحة 323 - We made him powerful in the earth, and we gave him means to accomplish everything he pleased. And he followed his way, until he came to the place where the sun setteth ; and he found it to' set in a spring of black mud ; and he found near the same a certain people.
الصفحة 372 - This boke treateth of the lyfe of Virgilius, and of his deth, and many marvayles that he dyd in his lyfe time by whyeherafte and nygramancye, thorowgh the helpe of the devyls of hell.
الصفحة 326 - Thus it was; and we comprehended with our knowledge the forces which were with him. And he prosecuted his journey from south to north, until he came between the two mountains; beneath which he found certain people, who could scarce understand what was said.
الصفحة 330 - At an opening of this mountain the fortress appears : and travelling forwards, at the distance of two stages, they found another mountain, with a ditch cut through it one hundred and fifty cubits •wide ; and within the aperture an iron gate fifty cubits high, supported by vast buttresses, having an iron bulwark crowned with iron turrets, reaching to the summit of the mountain itself, which is too high to be seen. The valves, lintels, threshold, lock and key, are all represented as of proportion.
الصفحة 211 - And syth to daunce on the walle Of Parys. Whan the Soudan thys tydyng herd, For jre as he wer wod he ferd ; He ran with a drawe swerde To hys Mamentrye, And all hys goddys ther he amerrede, With, greet enuye. Asterot, Jopyn, and Mahoun He all to-hew with hys fachoun, 1310 And Jubiter he drew adoun Of hys autere : He seyde, hy n'er worth a scaloun Alle y-fere.
الصفحة 245 - Butte suche a stinke in the chapelle he hade, "Yf men myghtt wyt.te that me wer woo, Sum wold be feyn that Y wer soo; That myghtt not bete my bale. So curtes a mon was neuer borne, That schuld schape withowt a scorn, Be that yche mon have told is tale." Sir Amadas, as Y yow say, 50 Buskyd hym apon a day, On his way to fovnde. He gaffe ther ryche gyfftes Bothe to sqwyars and to knyghttes, Stedes, hakes, and howndes: And sythyn, apon a day, He buskyd hym on hys jornay. Hastely in that stonde. When...