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النشر الإلكتروني

taken the city the year before, Baruch again read the roll in the house of the Lord, ver. 9, 80. Which coming to the king's ear, and part of the roll being read to him, he, thinking perhaps that Nebuchadnezzar had already executed the Divine threatenings, and nothing more was now to be feared, and that the Prophet was a malicious, troublesome fellow, burnt the roll, and commanded Jeremiah and Baruch to be apprehended. But they could not be found, for the Lord hid them. Note-Jeremiah was now at liberty.


In this year, which was the second of Nebuchadnezzar, according to the Babylonish account, the 4th according to the Jewish, Daniel revealed to Nebuchadnezzar his dream.

JEREMIAH xxii. Ver. 24, to the end.

In this year this prophecy was declared against Jehoiachin, or Coniah who reigned but 3 months, and then, with many others, was carried into captivity. 2 Kings xxiv. 11, &c. His uncle Zedekiah succeeded him. 2 Kings xxiv. 17.


THIS chapter might be delivered at the same time with the foregoing prophecy,

JEREMIAH xiii. Ver. 15, to the end.

By the king and queen mentioned ver. 18, are probably meant Jeboiachin and his mother. See chap. xxii. 26. 2 Kings xxiv. 12. Thus, this prophecy must have been delivered about the fame time with the foregoing,


AFTER Jehoiachin or Jeconiah was carried into captivity by Nebuchadnezzar, this prophecy was delivered.

JEREMIAH xlix. Verse 34, to the end.

In this year also is to be placed the prophecy against Elam, a kingdom upon the river Ulai, eastward beyond the Tigris, in which stood Shushan, afterward the metropolis of the kingdom of Persia.


ABOUT the second year of Zedekiah's reign, Jeremiah's letter, contained in this chapter, was sent to the captive Jews at Babylon; and an impious answer returned by Shemaiah.

JEREMIAH xxx, xxxi.

THESE two chapters, which assure the captive Jews that they should not only return again to Judea, but also be the particular care of the Divine Providence to the end of the world, to shew the certainty of the encouraging contents, are ordered to be written in a book, chap. xxx. 2, about the same time with the foregoing letter, and probably were sent to the captive Jews in Babylon, whom they principally respected.


THIS chapter is to be placed in this year, (fee chap. xxviii. 1.) namely, after the departure of Nebuchadnezzar out of Judea and Syria, when the kings of the Ammonites, Moabites, Edomites, Zidonians, Tyrians, &c. fent an embaffy to Zedekiah, proposing to him a league against the king of Babylon. Note-In the first verse, Jehoiakim is put for Zedekiah, [fee ver. 3.] probably by a mistake of the transcriber, who might then have his eye upon the first verse of the foregoing chapter.

JEREMIAH xxviii.

In this year the affair concerning Hananiah the false Prophet, related in this chapter, was transacted. Note-The first verse, according to the beft commentators, should be read thus, When it had been fo, [i. e. when I had continued prophefying with a yoke upon my shoulders from that year, which was] in the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah, until the fourth year, &c. See Glass. Phil. facra Lib. IV. Tract. I. Obferv. V. Pag. 860. Nold. Concord. Nota 677, and LowTH upon the place.


These two chapters contain a book of prophecies which Jeremiah wrote, and fent to Babylon, by Seraiah, who was fent thither by Zedekiah, in the 4th year of his reign, chap. li. 59, &c. [when he went with, rather, from Zedekiah &c.] See Nold. Concord, under את זאת No. 1.

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EZEKIEL i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii.

In the 5th year of Jehoiachin's captivity, which was also the 5th of Zedekiah's reign, Ezekiel, a captive priest in Chaldea, received his prophetic commiffion in the council of God, and had the revelations and prophecies contained in the seven first chapters of his book. Note Ezekiel dates his prophecies from the year in which himself and king Jehoiachin were carried into captivity.

EZEKIEL viii, ix, x, xi.

THIS year Ezekiel in a vision was carried to Jerufalem, shewn the several forts of idolatry practised there by the Jews in the very temple; and had revealed unto him the punishments which God would inflict upon them for those abominations, and the divine protection of those in captivity, who continued steady and faithful to his service.

EZEKIEL xii, xiii, xiv, xv, xvi, xvii, xviii, xix.

ABOUT this time, Zedekiah having entered into a confederacy with the king of Egypt, and broken the folemn oath of fidelity which he had Iworn to king Nebuchadnezzar, God, both by types and words of revelation, foreshewed to Ezekiel the taking of Jerufalem by the Chaldeans, Zedekiah's flight by night, the putting out of his eves, his imprisonment and death at Babylon, the carrying away of the Jews, and the remains of the Ifraelites, contained in the above-mentioned chapters. NoteDaniel, though then but a young man, was grown to such a pitch of piety and holiness, as to be matched, by God himself, with Noah and Job. Ezek, xiv. 14, 20.

EZEKIEL xx, xxi, xxii, xxiii.

The elders of Ifrael came to Ezekiel to enquire of the Lord; but God refuseth to be enquired of by such wicked hypocrites; and in these four chapters denounces the judgments their abominable impieties deserved.

JEREMIAH xxi, xxxiv. Ver. 1-8.

NEBUCHADNEZZAR having advanced a great army against Judea, 2 Kin. xxv. 1. to punish Zedekiah for his perjury and rebellion, Zedekiah first sent Pashur and Zephaniah to Jeremiah, to defire him to enquire of the Lord; by whom Jeremiah returned the anfwer related in the 21st chapter. chapter. Afterward, Jeremiah was ordered in person to deliver to Zedekiah the prediction contained in chap. xxiv. 1-8.


PHARAOH HOPHRA marching out of Egypt to the relief of his ally Zedekiah against Nebuchadnezzar, who was advancing to besiege Jerufalem, in his way took Gaza, a town of the Philistines. A little before this event, Jeremiah uttered this prophecy against the Philistines.

JEREMIAH xlviii, xlix. Ver. 1-34.

THESE prophecies, relating to the Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, &c. who would be obnoxious to the ravages of the Affyrian armies, might be delivered at the fame time with the former.

ΕΖΕΚΙEL xxiv, xxv.

On the tenth day of the tenth month in the fame year, when Nebuchadnezzar's army had laid fiege to Jerufalem, the fame was revealed, on the very fame day, to Ezekiel in Chaldea; and the deftruction of the city was typified by a boiling caldron; the fame day also his wife died, as recorded in chap. xxiv. But vengeance is denounced against the neighbouring countries, that rejoiced in the preceding calamities, or should rejoice in those that were to come upon Judea. Chap. xxv,

JEREMIAH xxxvii. Ver. 1-11,

Not long after Nebuchadnezzar's army had laid fiege to Jerufalem, Pharaoh-Hophra came with a great force to the relief of Zedekiah. Upon which Nebuchadnezzar raised the siege of Jerufalem, in order to march against him. Upon which Zedekiah fent a message to Jeremiah, before he was put into prifon, chap. xxxvii. 4. the answer to which is contained in chap. xxxvii. I-II.

JEREMIAH xxxiv. Ver. 8. to the end.

UPON the approach of Nebuchadnezzar's army, the terrified Jews entered into a folemn covenant, to observe God's law, and to release the Hebrew servants, which they kept in bondage contrary to his law. But when the Chaldeans were gone to meet Pharaoh, the general opinion being, that they would return no more, the Jews openly violated the covenant of reformation, by obliging all their fervants to return to their former fervitude: for which impious act, the Prophet proclaimed liberty to the fword, &c.

JEREMIAH JEREMIAH xxxvii. Ver. 11-16.

WHEN the Chaldeans were gone to meet Pharaoh, Jeremiah was released out of prison; and intending to retire to Anathoth, from the calamities of the fiege, which he knew would be renewed, was taken up for a deferter as he was paffing through the gate, and clapt in prifon; but principally for perfifting that the city should again be befieged and taken by Nebuchadnezzar.

JEREMIAH xxxii, xxxiii.

WHILE Jeremiah was in prison, the contents of these chapters were tranfacted.


EZEKIEL xxix. Ver. 1-17. xxx.

UPON the approach of the Chaldeans, the Egyptians treacherously deserted Zedekiah, and returned into their own country. Upon this occafion, Ezekiel denounces the displeasure of God against their perfidy, predicts their defolation, and at length (within 40 years, chap. xxix. 13.) their being reduced to one of the basest of nations, infomuch that they should no more have a prince of their own to reign over them. Chap. xxx. 13. Which hath been remarkably fulfilled, even unto this day. See Dr. PRIDEAUX's Con. ad Annum 598. Zedekiah 10.

JEREMIAH xxxvii. Ver. 17, to the end.

On the retreat of the Egyptians, Nebuchadnezzar returned to the siege of Jerufalem; and it was then king Zedekiah, fearing the issue, fent for Jeremiah out of prison to confult him.

JEREMIAH xxxviii. Ver. 1--14.

THE princes, offended at Jeremiah, cast him into a low, loathsome, miry dungeon, where he must have perished, had not Ebed-melech gained leave to draw him out, and to place him in a better situation in the court of the prifon.

JEREMIAH xxxix. Ver. 15, to the end.

WHILE Jeremiah was in the court of the prison, God by him fent a message of mercy and deliverance to Ebed-melech.


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