صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Absence, French lines on, 140-Acid in the stomach, 210. Body and soul, theory of, 192.

Activity and strength-see Gymnasia.

Adams', M', road making, 192.

Advertisement, whimsical (horse lost) 395.

Africa, central, 429.-African oak, 66.

Ague, recipe for, 147.-Album, epigram on, 428.

Alexander in Africa, 412.

Aline Lorraine, poetry by G. 200.- Alluvial soil, 293.

Alphabet, number of changes in, 189.

American funerals, 66-Usurer, by Geoffrey Crayon, 94-
Poetry (Anacreontic) 436.
American's opinion of Liverpool, 360.-Amor Patriæ, 44

Amusements, rural-see Rural and Rush-bearings.
Anatomical improvement, important, 399.

Ancestry, pride of, 403.

Anecdotes, &c. 7, 15, 31, 39, 47, 73, 79, 88, 103, 123, 189,
211, 223, 231, 253, 311, 319, 387, 353, 371, 412, 439-
see Pepys, Samuel, Esq.

Animal appetite, original letter on, 228.-Animalculæ, 421.
Animals extinct, specimens of, with engravings, 369-see
ciso Earth, Geology, and Bones.

Animation suspended, a curious proposal to perform sur-
gular operations during, 428.
Annuity, query respecting, 256.

Answer, whimsical, of a child, 439.

Antiquarians, credulous, quiz on, 361.

ANTIQUITIES, 15, 37, 68, 81, 103, 189, 192, 255, 286,
287, 287, 361, 371, 421.

Apothecaries, important information to, 286.

Apprentices' Library-see Liverpool.
Arctic expedition-see Voyages, Parry, Franklin, and
Richardson, 436.

Argyle, Earl, the cap in which he was beheaded, 189.
Art, ancient and modern, letter of a Connoisseur on, 30.

ARTS, FINE-see Fine Arts.

Ashantee, King of, grandeur of, 91.

Ashton assemblies, 204, 219, 236.

Assize week at York, lines on, 353.

Astronomy, thoughts on, 126, 252.

Bold Dragoon, by Geoffrey Crayon, 110.

Bolton, John, of Durham, verses on, 188.

Bones of hyænas, &c. found in England, 192, 235, 325,

334, 341, 369-see Earth, Geology, Animals Extinct.

Bootle, verses written at, by G. 108.

Bottle, good pun about, 231.
Bowdich, the late Mr. 31-Appeal in favour of the family
of, 33.

Bread, adulterated, 135, 193-How to make, 363.
Bridge, chain, in Russia, 286-see Menai.

Brighton, pleasures of, 132.

Bristol Institution, notice of, 872.

Brother, verses to, 200.

Coach passenger, refractory, how to manage, 371.

Coffee, preparation of, 259, 295, 363.

Coffin, the, a tale in rhyme, 164.

Cold, contraction by, 192.

Colds, precautions against, 219.

Coleridge, Mr. a ghost seer! 416.

Combe, the late William, Esq. 24.

Commerce, foreign, 100, 217-Navigation, &c. Mr. Pope's

paper on, 372.

Connoisseurship, whimsical letter respecting, 254.

Consumptive patients, breakfasts for, 267.

Conundrums-see Vive la Bagatelle.

Conveyance, rapid, for goods, &c. proposed, 315.

Coolness and presence of mind, 102.

Copper sheathing, 192.

Brougham, Mr. speech of, on his installation as Lord Copper vessels, cautions respecting, 259.
Rector of the University of Glasgow, 356.

Brown's pneumatic engine, 64, 250, 263, 288.

Bulls, 79.-Burial-places-see Cemeteries.

Burns, Robert, anniversary of the birth-day of, 304.

Burns and Byron compared, 59.
Burying-places, sequestered and romantic, with an en-
graving, 333, 340, 342, 342, 359, 387-Editorial com-
ments on, 333.

Butler on the Reformation-see Reformation.
Byron, Lord, biographical sketch of, anecdotes, &c. 6,
22, 47, 130, 137, 143, 149, 158, 160, 163, 188, 262,
267,278,403-Denounced from the pulpit, 49-And
Burns compared, 59-Affecting account of the last mo-
ments of, 74-Lines on, 140-Lines by, 200-Prices
given by the booksellers for his poems, 163-And Count
Stendal, 182-Dallas's Recollections of, 187.

[blocks in formation]

Canova, the late Mr. 389.

Astronomical notices, 7, 45, 91, 126, 236, 251, 256, 287- Carriages, caution against jumping out of, when the horses

Signs versified, 236, 256.

Atmosphere, paper on the, 409, 417, 425.

Attorneys, increase of, 189.


Bachelor's story, original, 2, 10.

Backgammon, remarks on, 329.

Baker's tricks, 135.-Ballad, by G. 240.

Balloon mania, in a Liverpool watchman, 196.

Balloons, suggestions for the improvement of, 31, 287-
Mr. Green's ascent in, 97. see also Sadler.

Barber shaving a corpse, 338.-Barber's whimsical sign, 31.
Barometer, musical, 97.

are running away, 315.

Castor oil, injected into the veins, 192.

Catch, musical, editorial comments on, 269, 291.
Caterpillars spin stuff for balloons, 135.

Cave of Guacharo, interesting account of, 89.

Caverns and clefts in the earth, 361.

"Cease, cease, ye bells," by G. 233.-Celery, early, 192.
Cemetery, public, near Liverpool, and editorial comments
on retired burying-places, 155. With engraving, 333
-see Burying-places.

Centipede, phenomenon respecting, 168.

Century of Inventions see Worcester, Marquis of.
Chancery Court, horror of, 253.-Chanson, by G. 148.
Chapel on the shore of the Adriatic, 18, 33.

Bath, Floating, the best swimming school, 892, 396.
Bathing, warm and vapour, remarks on, 305, 314, 321, Charles, death of, from the Clarendon papers, 122.
383 Editorial remarks on, 305.

Bathos, Dutch, 15.

Bean, garden, singular phenomenon respecting, 67.

Beauty, how to preserve, 79.

Bell, enormous, discovered under ground, 286.

Bell and Lancaster systems, 340-see Education.

Bell, Henry, entitled to public reward, 157, 316.

Belzoni, biographical notice of, 3.

Billiards, puzzles at, 220, 228, 232.

BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, 3, 6, 15, 22, 24, 31, 129,
138, 182, 202, 203, 210, 234, 347, 351, 374, 382, 386,
294-see Byron.

Bird's nest in a scare crow, 895.

Birds, singular circumstance respecting, 79, 79, 337.
Birkbeck, Dr. letter from to Mr. Egerton Smith, 438.
Blacquiere's Greece, interesting extracts from, 418.

Blind Tom, curious biography of, 374.

Chess, beauties of (see each week)-Editorial remarks on,
212-Match between London and Edinburgh, 321, 328.
Errata in the tables, 336-Origin of, 379.

Chester, the Earldome of, 99.

Chilblains, cure for, 267.-Child, sonnet to, 284.
Children, bad effects of chastising, 286.

Christian vulgar names, 67.

Cholera morbus, cure for, 420.

Church of St. Matthew, in Manchester, view of, 342.

Church-yards-see Burying-grounds.

Church village, lines on, 180.

Classical literature, 207-see Learned.

Cleanliness, on, 28.-Cleaning silks and woollens, 28.
Clock, magical, 107.

Clock and woman, the difference between, 211.

Clocks illuminated by gas, 242.

Clothing, hints respecting, 166-Female, 353.

Corns, remedy for, 358.

Coronation of the King of France, 422.

Coronation ceremony, Chinese, whimsical, 231.

Corpulency, remarks on, 343.

Correspondent, troublesome hint to, 404.

Correspondents, replies to (see last column of each number)
-Testy expostulations with, 368.

Cotton, curious statement of the progress of a pound of,
286-Manufacture, history of the, 367.

Counsellor, the prudent, 153, 161.
Crayon's, Geoffrey, Tales of a Traveller, 83-Critique on

93, 110.

CRITICISM, LITERATURE, &c. 3, 11, 103, 104, 128,
194, 327-see Grammar.

Cruelty to animals, wanton, editorial remarks on, 354,
360-Letter from Mr. Martin on, 360.

Culloch, Mc-see Political Economy.
Curse, tremendous, in verse, 132.


Dacre, Lord (ballad) 388.-Davy'simproved sheathing, 192.

Dawson, Jemmy, Shenstone's tale of, 107.

Days of the week, explanation of the, 251.

Death, lines on, 115-Reflections on the punishment of,

206, 274.

Death-watch, account of, 242-Verses on, by G. 260.
Deceased friend, lines to a, by G. 96.

Denon, Baron, memoir of, 386.

Dingle, verses supposed to have been written in the, 248.
Diorama, beautiful exhibition so called, 292, 300, 308,

432, 440.

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Eagles carry the children aloft in Ceylon, 66.
Ear, earwig found in, 67-Pin found in, 223.
Early rising, advantages of, 252, 311.

Earthquake in Persia, 259.-Earthquakes, paper on, 221.
EARTH, &c. original translation of a new French work

on, commencing page 184, and concluded page 426.
Earth, formation of the, interesting paper on, from the

North American Review, 173, 178.

Easter, lifting at, 340.

Echo, whimsical burlesque verses to, 60, 60.

Eclipses for 1825, 223.


Edinburgh, description of, 187.

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