THE INTERPRETER OF PROPHECY, OR, A VIEW OF SCRIPTURAL PROPHECIES AND THEIR ACCOMPLISHMENT IN THE Paft and Present OCCURRENCES of the WORLD. WITH CONJECTURES RESPECTING THEIR FUTURE COMPLETION. BY HENRY KETT, B. D. FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, OXFORD, AND ONE OF PRINTED BY BYE AND LAW, ST. JOHN'S SQUARE, FOR THE AUTHOR; MDCCC. The Rise, Progress, Establishment, and Decline of the PAPAL POWER OF ANTICHRIST-or, THE KING OF THE WEST," in the Visions CHAPTER THE SECOND. The Rise, Progress, Establishment, and Decline of the MAHOMETAN POWER OF ANTICHRIST -or, in the Visions of Daniel ; and “ THE LOCUSTS," and 66 THE EUPHRATEAN HORSEMEN," under their “KING APOLLYON," in the Reve- lation of St. John, p. 67-117. |